My Top 10 Dumb Questions (That I need Answering)


Well-Known Member
In hopes of keeping my questions to a minimum...I thought I'd try to put them all in this one thread...

1. After harvesting your it possible to grow another or any more crops from that same plant?

2. Why are there seeds in "street bud" but none in quality herb?

3. How are cross breeds made? I think I have an idea but I just want to be sure.

4. If starting your crop from there a way to increase the potency (sp?)? Or is it up the genetics of the seed you start with?

5. If you do have a quality seed...and begin your growing...Why not grow a plant that you intentionally want to produce seeds (to have for the future or sell)? Just wondering why this is not a good idea.

6. Honey Oil...Ive seen a few ways to make it...But Im totally in the dark as to what its used for. Is it to be used as a cooking oil? Please fill me in on this one.

7. Hydro vs. Soil Growing....Im sure soil is easier to learn with...But growing hydro...what's the upside to that. More yield? Better quality? Yeah Im green (un-informed).

8. At what plant age can you beign to try to determine the sex of the plant?

9. After planting your seed...How many days should you wait before seeing a sprout emerge from the soil?

10. Growing without using any nutrients....Will that greatly diminish yield or quality?

Im done...and sorry for posing all these questions...But the only way to to ask questions about the things you dont know. Thanks in advance!!

**Keep Your Chin Down & Your Hands Up**


Well-Known Member
In hopes of keeping my questions to a minimum...I thought I'd try to put them all in this one thread...

1. After harvesting your it possible to grow another or any more crops from that same plant?

Yes but not recomended it will take a while to turn your plant around and your soil will be very salted

2. Why are there seeds in "street bud" but none in quality herb?

grown outdoors males and hermies can pollinate thousands of plants

good bud you pick out all the males leaving all the ladies as virgins SENSI :)

3. How are cross breeds made? I think I have an idea but I just want to be sure.

breeding is done by pollinating buds pollen from a male to a female

4. If starting your crop from there a way to increase the potency (sp?)? Or is it up the genetics of the seed you start with?

No your pretty much set with what you smoked given it was fully mature. now seedless will be a bit stronger

5. If you do have a quality seed...and begin your growing...Why not grow a plant that you intentionally want to produce seeds (to have for the future or sell)? Just wondering why this is not a good idea.

i seed a few buds out of my first batches for new mommys

6. Honey Oil...Ive seen a few ways to make it...But Im totally in the dark as to what its used for. Is it to be used as a cooking oil? Please fill me in on this one.


7. Hydro vs. Soil Growing....Im sure soil is easier to learn with...But growing hydro...what's the upside to that. More yield? Better quality? Yeah Im green (un-informed).

hydro fast but unforgiving
soil easy more of a buffer

hydro no buildup
soil lots of buildup

8. At what plant age can you beign to try to determine the sex of the plant?

after about 6 weeks of veg it will start telling you on most of the hybrids

9. After planting your seed...How many days should you wait before seeing a sprout emerge from the soil?

if you germinate 2-3

10. Growing without using any nutrients....Will that greatly diminish yield or quality?

You get out what you put in

Im done...and sorry for posing all these questions...But the only way to to ask questions about the things you dont know. Thanks in advance!!

**Keep Your Chin Down & Your Hands Up**
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
1) Yes you can grow a second crop from the same plant, it's a common technique for growers producing their first crop. You harvest the majority of buds from the plant but leave some leafy growth at the bottom of the plant and simply switch the lighting to 18/6 from 12/12 and re-veg the plant to the point that it produces more leafy growth and then switch it back to 12/12 again.

2) There can be seeds in any bud, you just have to be careful about removing any males and or hermaphrodite plants (plants with both female and male flowers on them) from the area where you're growing out your females so they don't pollinate them. Commercial growers are less careful about spotting Hermies than personal home growers which is why there tends to be more seeded bud in commercially grown Cannabis than home grown. It's a question of 'care' really, no more.

3) Creating a third strain from from two strains that are say female and male is a simple process of taking the pollen from the male strain and pollinating the female strain in a controlled environment ie you control the pollination process yourself. That's pretty much it for the process and it sounds simple and it is, but actually selecting the qualities you want from both the male and female plants is somewhat more complex and involves a fair amount of selective breeding to get the qualities you're looking for and this is where the real skill of breeding comes in. After all any old idiot can simply cross one variety with another to get a third - getting the qualities you want eg a homogenous phenotype, a variety with plenty of hybrid vigour, that produces plenty of resin in the right potency etc is another matter altogether.

4) There are a variety of answers to this question - some way more complex than others. The straight forward answer is - it depends on the genetics of the original plant. If the THC content of a particular strain is measured at say for example 20% THC nothing you can do will ever increase that potency level, however there are plenty of things you can do to lower it and that's totally dependant on your skill as a grower, as a harvester and as a curer of those buds.

That's the reason or at least one of them that 'bagseed' tends to be looked upon as being substandard quality seed, because the bud you bought that contained those seeds may not have been the primo quality you were looking for, but that may well be down to the less than careful way the buds were dried, stored, cured and packaged. By growing the bagseed out yourself you're giving that plant variety the best possible (at least we like to hope so!) opportunity to 'express it's maximum genetic potential' which means you're giving it the best chance to achieve it's maximum THC or potency level that may not have existed in the carelessly produced buds of the bagseed. I hope this makes sense.

The other ways involve applications of UVB light to the maturing buds which in some varieties (usually ones originating from landrace varieties) helps to 'fully realise the THC Cannabinoid pathway'. In other words in some varieties you can increase the 'pyschedelic' properties of the 'high' by applications of UVB light. This is a very complex and fairly advanced topic though.

5) It is a good idea and people do indeed produce their own seeds for their own consumption and for giving away to friends, but and it's a big but as I mentioned earlier in point 3) whilst any old fool can produce F1 or F2 seeds from F1 genetics, creating a line of stabilised F1 hybrids (stabilised in the sense that they produce homogenous and stable offspring without any growth abnormalities) from two different strains is very much about selecting the most desirable growth characteristics from a very large variety of potential plant stock. This takes time and a lot of experimentation to find the right plant characteristics.


Well-Known Member
6) Honey Oil is the result of ground up plant material extraction through butane gas. Please be aware that this kind of extraction using Butane is EXTREMELY dangerous and should never be done indoors as butane gas is heavier than air and will pool in low areas, if left to collect butane gas becomes flammable when it reaches 1.8% to 8.5% concentration in air.

The resultant oil can be bong or pipe smoked or simply added to buds for an extra kick or simply used to wet a cigarette paper. It's not used for cooking as far as I'm aware.

7) Hydro is simply soil growing without the soil :) There are pluses and minuses to both, Hydro tends to produce faster growth but needs more care and attention and you can control the amounts of nutrient uptake with hydro very precisely, but because of the rapid plant growth rate things can go pear shaped very quickly if something goes wrong which is why I never recommend growing in hydro to complete beginners - they have enough to deal with without the complexities and speed of hydro growing. Soil growing is slower than Hydro and nutrient uptake is more difficult to control and predict but organic soil growing has the advantage that you can use organic compost and nutrients which makes for a much sweeter and smoother smoke than the chemical/mineral fertilised hydro. Each to their own, there are proponents of both systems, personally I prefer organic soil growing.

8 This varies between varieties. Some show sex from the 4th week onwards in Vegetative growth, some take till the 14th day or longer in flowering to show sex - it's entirely strain dependant.

9) On average 3-4 days, some older seeds can take upwards of 2 weeks to show, again it depends on variety, but most should show within about 3 or 4 days.

10) I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Plants need nutrients to grow, you can't grow them without giving them the building blocks for healthy growth. This is a bit like saying, I'm only going to feed my baby boy water till he's 6 months old will this affect his health? It's highly unlikely the baby would make it to 6 months old if you only fed it water - its the same with plants, they need whole variety of nutrients to fuel their growth processes, photosynthesis the conversion of light, water and co2 into sugars all need nutrients.


Well-Known Member
BabyGro....You're the shizzle!! Much appreciated. BusSmoker...Your addition was needed as well. Im sure this answers some of the more simple questions posted here....Lots will learn. Good work!


Well-Known Member
I'd be cautious before you jump on the "re-vegging" bandwagon. I think you'll find it takes 2-3 times longer than if you simply started from seed. Also yeild will suffer alot, this is usually only done as a last ditch effort to get some clones.


Active Member
The other ways involve applications of UVB light to the maturing buds which in some varieties (usually ones originating from landrace varieties) helps to 'fully realise the THC Cannabinoid pathway'. In other words in some varieties you can increase the 'pyschedelic' properties of the 'high' by applications of UVB light. This is a very complex and fairly advanced topic though.
Hit me up when you got the time. I would really love to get in on this topic. I've been trying to tell my study group that UVB light is essential when taking an outdoor plant and growing it in an indoor environment. Otherwise the plant will not be able to grow to its full potential cuz its not getting the right rays.

However, I do not personally know anything more about it than that. I dont know how to actually apply the B rays, timing, age needed etc.... But genius is always able to build on itself.... Teach Me....Please


Active Member
I've been putting nutes in with my babies since they were no longer considered seeds. I don't know how everyone else does it, but I haven't had any problems with mine as long as I follow the suggested PPM's for age and pot size.