My Thoughts on Trump and the Future of 'Merica


Fuck that cartoon is kinda hot actually. I'm already weird enough I can't start getting a chub chub to hentai now. Kick the redhead out and that's not too far from my dreams.
Last night I came to the conclusion that this piece of crap is going to be our next president.

Hillary can't motivate people to vote for her beyond the rank and file Democratic faithful. Voter turnout among young people and black people is going to be low and most Hispanics are concentrated in states that Hillary is going to win anyway. There is just nothing inside her that is going to get people excited. She is a weak candidate with ideas as revolutionary and vital as John Kasich's. She can't even get women under thirty to vote for her.

All hail President Drumpf. This is going to suck so bad. But maybe it will be the last election of my life to be decided by poorly educated reality tv junkies. It takes so much to get their very fat asses out to a polling place, but Trump will do it.

Please, after the election, if I am wrong, mock me for this post. I will not mind. I will be so happy to be wrong.

But I am right.

Just watch.
I think the GOP will cheat (as usual) and deny him at the contested convention. He will then run as an independent, splitting the GOP vote and giving HRC the win.

Either way.....
I think the GOP will cheat (as usual) and deny him at the contested convention. He will then run as an independent, splitting the GOP vote and giving HRC the win.

Either way.....
Nope. Sorry to disagree but the GOP is deciding to ride this tiger. Trump still gets to decide who will play Fritz von Pappen. (I think "Sleepy Time" Ben Carson will get this) There will be no Cleveland upset. There will not be a third party candidate. The Republican Party is not dead just yet, just trying on a new disguise. I worry about the future of the Dems tho. Hillary was a colossally poor choice. Both parties are more out of touch with the country than I can ever recall.

nom nom nom

not your grandfather's Republican party.

I think I am trying to act all know-it-all-ish about this because I very, very want to be wrong. But shit is in the wind, yo. I am scared.
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. People really don't want the same old same old.

I think it's this alone that is driving Trump to the nomination. I think it's hysterical. This is the one time the will of the people has to count for something much to the Repubs dismay. They want you to elect them and then they forget you even exist. Those old dust-fartin politicos want to shit themselves. Theres a bull loose in their little clubhouse and they can't stop it, and and theres really nothing they can do about it.
But this is great theater, thats why record numbers will come out to vote. I can't wait to see which one of the dwarfs, Chubby or Sleepy Trump picks to be the VP that he will never give a turd of power to anyway and will probably try to fire.
Meanwhile HRC has the Dems locked up.The Clinton machine was just too big. You'll soon see Bernie Sanders being appraised on Antique Roadshow. Shame in a way though. He was saying he would vote for Marijuana being taken off the national list of controlled substances. But, that and a lot of other things he said he really didn't back up with exactly how he would go about getting things done. It just all sounded good.
Now that he's out Marco Rubio finally said something that was spot on when he said " The discontent of the people is a tsunami we should have seen coming" or something like that.
While its expected by many that Hillary will win the big house, maybe this same discontent with the establishment might just be strong enough to take Trump all the way
Wonder how this will look hanging over the entrance to the White House ?

Will a Kanye West run for the Democratic nod in 2020 look as ridiculous in the future? Has entertainment news and politics reached a singularity?

God damn you internet. Damn you all to hell!

Of course that won't happen (^). Trump will paint the goddamn thing gold and slap his name on it.

What will this great cannabis experiment be like under Trump? I can't see the man stopping it and fucking up a good opportunity to make some money. But he wouldn't be able to let just anybody grow it. They could be giving the money to terrorists or worse, Mexicans. He will have to control it - Federally. There will be none of this loosie-goosie shit like in CA and CO - the public needs to be kept safe. So only corporations and "people we know" will get to grow. In fact "people we know" will become the unofficial motto of the Trump cleptocracy.
Nope. Sorry to disagree but the GOP is deciding to ride this tiger. Trump still gets to decide who will play Fritz von Pappen. (I think "Sleepy Time" Ben Carson will get this) There will be no Cleveland upset. There will not be a third party candidate. The Republican Party is not dead just yet, just trying on a new disguise. I worry about the future of the Dems tho. Hillary was a colossally poor choice. Both parties are more out of touch with the country than I can ever recall.

nom nom nom

not your grandfather's Republican party.

I think I am trying to act all know-it-all-ish about this because I very, very want to be wrong. But shit is in the wind, yo. I am scared.

Franz Von Papen LOL

I have always voted but this time, I'm torn, torn like an old sweater. If it's HRC and Gump, I may just go Gump to see the implosion. Either way it's the destination, but with Gump it will be a faster and more entertaining ride.

Did I mention Costco now sells prepping supplies?|CategoryTopProducts

Will a Kanye West run for the Democratic nod in 2020 look as ridiculous in the future? Has entertainment news and politics reached a singularity?

God damn you internet. Damn you all to hell!

Of course that won't happen (^). Trump will paint the goddamn thing gold and slap his name on it.

What will this great cannabis experiment be like under Trump? I can't see the man stopping it and fucking up a good opportunity to make some money. But he wouldn't be able to let just anybody grow it. They could be giving the money to terrorists or worse, Mexicans. He will have to control it - Federally. There will be none of this loosie-goosie shit like in CA and CO - the public needs to be kept safe. So only corporations and "people we know" will get to grow. In fact "people we know" will become the unofficial motto of the Trump cleptocracy.

How cynical. You just have to trust him. He even says so
Franz Von Papen LOL

I have always voted but this time, I'm torn, torn like an old sweater. If it's HRC and Gump, I may just go Gump to see the implosion. Either way it's the destination, but with Gump it will be a faster and more entertaining ride.

Did I mention Costco now sells prepping supplies?|CategoryTopProducts

I am going to keep a close eye on my local Costco and follow a few people home that get a lot of those. Then, if the shit comes down, I will pry one of them out of their hidey hole and will have saved even more than if I got it at Costco.

Can we get busted if we start a citizenship con? Like "I am a prince from Cameroon for one thousand bitcoins, my father will issue you official citizenship to Cameroon - The New Jersey of the Ivory Coast"
Will a Kanye West run for the Democratic nod in 2020 look as ridiculous in the future? Has entertainment news and politics reached a singularity?

God damn you internet. Damn you all to hell!

Of course that won't happen (^). Trump will paint the goddamn thing gold and slap his name on it.

What will this great cannabis experiment be like under Trump? I can't see the man stopping it and fucking up a good opportunity to make some money. But he wouldn't be able to let just anybody grow it. They could be giving the money to terrorists or worse, Mexicans. He will have to control it - Federally. There will be none of this loosie-goosie shit like in CA and CO - the public needs to be kept safe. So only corporations and "people we know" will get to grow. In fact "people we know" will become the unofficial motto of the Trump cleptocracy.

Idk, I think some of Trumps appeal is that he's so into social media and somewhat listens to the voice of the people. He says it should be left to the states, that means he would reschedule it and let them decide.

He has too big of ego to piss off his "fans".
Franz Von Papen LOL
Yeah, I think his close friends called him "Fritzie". At least I got the context right.

If I were in my old state I would probably choose not to vote for the office of POTUS. But now I am in a battleground state. Though something tells me this place is going to not be so close. Hillary told a lot of coal miners that they would be losing their jobs here last week. It was so very sadly funny to watch.
