My Thoughts on Trump and the Future of 'Merica

let's see...

he refuses to recognize same sex marriages. he supported a constitutional ban on marriage equality. so he is a fucking bigot.

he thinks it should be legal to deny you a loan or service of any sort if you are gay.

he also thinks it should be OK to fire someone for being gay.

he said women "left their kitchens" to vote for him.

he tried to cut medicaid coverage for pregnant women and women with cancer who made a mere $16,000.

he thinks women who were raped should be forced to carry their baby to term, even if it threatens their life.

i could go on and on.

And he cut me off in traffic. No turn signal either. A-hole.
let's see...

he refuses to recognize same sex marriages. he supported a constitutional ban on marriage equality. so he is a fucking bigot.

he thinks it should be legal to deny you a loan or service of any sort if you are gay.

he also thinks it should be OK to fire someone for being gay.

he said women "left their kitchens" to vote for him.

he tried to cut medicaid coverage for pregnant women and women with cancer who made a mere $16,000.

he thinks women who were raped should be forced to carry their baby to term, even if it threatens their life.

i could go on and on.

Sooooo, you like Cruz then?
This, THIS is what I am talking about







'Murica. Fuck Yeah!
In common law if you are owed money and the guy can't or don't pay

as the owed one, you can claim his property either until the debt is paid or in lew of that debt

China is owed shitloads(???) so they claim the west coast?

Korea gets Hawaii and them islands

UK gets Manhattan island

best is France gets Louisiana ...again
You think the French would really want Louisiana back now that it's full of rednecks only worse because rednecks can't even understand what the fuck they are saying? :bigjoint:
You think the French would really want Louisiana back now that it's full of rednecks only worse because rednecks can't even understand what the fuck they are saying? :bigjoint:
The Acadians were kicked out of France then booted out of Canada, many perished, they made it to the south to settle in the Spanish state of Luisiana
for the last few centuries France has had a serious issue modernizing its own language but not these Acadians, they still speak fluent 16th century style French which most usa peeps call Cajun,
red neck is a term to assert dominance over another 'red neck' implying manual laborer, or poorly educated, an assertion not a class of society, and sure France would jump to export yet more undesirables...all those Islamics for a start!
This is NOT a rebel song, nor is it a political thread so please keep it here.

I just want to go on the record with my thoughts on this election.

I think the second GOP debate where everyone brought up Trump's record of bankruptcies was foreshadowing. He was allowed to talk about how it is just a good business tool. Other corps do it all the time. AA filed bankruptcy with $4B in cash! He was allowed to make his case and the media let it slide, even acting like, gee, he's right.

I think the puppetmasters are running him because they intend to soften people up to the idea so we can declare bankruptcy as a nation on our world debt, AND more importantly restructure our future liabilites (SS, pensions, etc. that total over $100T)

I think we will have a new world order within the next decade. We went into the ME with this intention and have made sure every country that needed ruffling was taken care of. Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, even Saudi Arabia to an extent. SInce the Bush family has been running shit on a world stage for decades, I think the oil raping was done for the Saudi's to make trillions so they would go along with what is to come.

They are letting us smoke weed now so we will be more complacent when it happens. They are slowly working us into gun control. Look at the BIG picture.

You heard it first.
Stop it. You're scaring me.
Just a small part of the problem........if you stare at this picture log enough, there could be no possible way that anyone could cast a vote for one that looks like this:
The Soviet Union turned into Russia. Still the same size, really. Sure, Ukraine broke off but look at them now.

What will happen in the US is that the 50 states will become about 5 states. The PNW states will likely become one of them, the SW states, Mid- America, the Southern, then the Northern states. It would be so much easier to manage than 50 individual states; meaning less government. They will pool their resources. There will still be a national government that oversees all and provides defense. How you interpreted my post to say that the US will somehow become a larger country is beyond me.

Except Idaho and Utah will form their own axis, the Idaho/Utah Deocracy. I find significant irony in the acronym.
In the debate the other night, while arguing with Cruz, he said he knows politicians better than Cruz. I'm pretty sure he meant that he knows how their votes are for sale. His popularity, while mostly with the mouth breathing, idiot box watching, drama loving nincompoops, scares me to death because of the sheer volume of them. Idiocracy is here. I think a small percent of his support is from Democrats trying make sure he is the alternative to the Dem party's nominee, but the vast majority is from people with zero social grace or understanding of how shit works. Sure, the system is broken and politicians are the douchebags he says they are, but that doesn't make him any less a threat. I agree that political correctness is out of control; I've been saying it for two decades, but I don;t want a classless blowhard to run the show (and by show, I mean the world).

I have voted Democrat since I could vote, but even those two scare me with business as usual. The idea of them taking my guns to protect myself from the idiots this nation has shown itself to be full of is not acceptable. I like Kasich best of all but their is none that will keep the US from failing. Greed killed us. I am kind of looking forward to the wheels falling off the wagon because I think we will be more like the Purge: Anarchy on a daily basis. I hope all the anger is directed toward those who got us here.

Gotta go, a strange van just pulled up
Plus rep. Missed you amigo.