My third time around with 600 watt hps


Well-Known Member
Pics of my seedling that has been in 12/12. Is it Male or female... kinda think i see 2 hairs with a flower on the side.. but not sure yet any ideas?
my camera sux thats the best closeup i can get

Pics DAY 19 of flowering



Well-Known Member
I had 6 of the small cheap tube fluorescents so i added 3 of them to the 150 watt hps veg area. from what i have read this isnt overkill though it seems like it heh. my new seedlings look good this is technically day 5 for them they seem a little stretched which is why i added the extra lights. Is there any ballpark average height for seedlings b4 they start additional growth? mine are all around 2 inches 5 days in

I have a question about nutrients for the plants: If your plant looks healthy and green do you still need to be adding nutes? does the addition of nutes make the plant bigger than without?

Also i've been giving nutes every other watering (flower i use 1tsp/g of micro 2tsp/g of gro, and 3tsp/g of bloom) could i just give my plants nutes EVERY watering if i just cut the amount in half? In other words half stregth every watering instead of full every other watering.

my neighbor said he had a friend that new "just when to add the extra shot of bloom" Any ideas about this?

Any help ideas comments and replys much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Day 7 for my 4 newest seedlings, day 22 for my plants in flower everything seems to be going smoothly

Water ph 6.9
Temps between 75-85 degrees
I've been trying 1/2 strengh nutes every watering for my flowering plants



Well-Known Member
So after some boozing i went to check my babies this morning and realized that i left the door to the 12/12 open so they were exposed to light all night
(not bright light but light none the less) so there may be a slow down in growth my 'ol clones are finally starting to look like they might actually grow the stubborn whoooores. My seedlings from feb 12th look like they will do ok.
one of em is a freak so my guess is it will become a man.

the last seedlings i planted 8 days ago look healthy the leaves are growing bigger, slow but steady

I'll post pics a lil later when my flower room is on. Also some more details


Well-Known Member
coming along very nice!

I like using the 600s too.

Dont know what it is they just seem to be the perfect light.


Well-Known Member
Some more updated pics
Day 23 of my plants in flower

Temps in my flower room are 25 c

IF you are new here i'm using a 600 watt hps for flowering and a 150 watt hps for vegging (also 4 smaller tube fluorescents for vegging

My clone/herb area i'm using one t8 2 bulb 4' fixture (2850 lumens per bulb)

I'm going to get myself some new seeds from a local shop
Vancouver Seed Bank Just wondering what you all would recommend, i'm looking for a fast flower high potency (i'd rather have quality as opposed to quantity as it is for personal use



Well-Known Member
thanx for the interest ... gets lonely up in here :)
not actually sure what size the pots are but i took some pics. They look like 2 gallon pots (kinda small for the size of my plants i've learned)

but my neighbor who has pretty much given me everything he had for grow ing since he cant grow anymore (location) gave me some huge pots which i may use (they might actually be to big, they're 15 liter pots (1 liter shy of 4 gallons i'm thinking i might just keeps the plants a little smaller next time around

also still wondering what seeds i should get ..any recommendations Vancouver Seed Bank <--- going here

Day 24 for plants in flower
day 9 for my 4 latest seedlings
day 26-30 for my older seedlings <-- wasnt happy with these originally but they are still growing will takes some pics in a little bit here



Well-Known Member
woooooo loook at the frost comin on those babies loookin good bro, nice pit in ur avatar that nigga looks thick as fuck haha, but shit man those plants are loookin sexyyy.

later bro


Well-Known Member
ya i no what u mean all my "master kush" is no one near the same haha, i got my seeds from a friend whos has a brother at a dispensery and told him all my seeds are master kush and now that im about to cut not one is even relativly the same haha but shit i gueess i will get 7 diff highs from 7 diff plants. welll i cant wait to see what those buds willl develop to haha.

well later bro:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
do you use the noshock everytime you move your plants between pots? When do you determine is the right time to be moven them?

ur grows looken awesome, sorry to fill your thread with questions, im curious though you're way farther then me :)


Well-Known Member
hey amsterdam goodies somehow your post slipped right past me.. the no shock was actually given to me a week ago.. and i've JUST added it to a spray bottle for my clones/seedlings (i really have no real idea (other that what the bottle says) how to use it supposed to be good for seedlings and cuttings.. i guess the extra nitrogen content helps rooting? i'm still a nube great question though i should have asked that myself already

Oh and the right time to move them may be a lil difficult to determine in soil but IDEALLY you want to transplant when the roots have reached the bottom of the pot, and since using clear pots is a nono it kinda just comes with experience... maybe i'll try to make some estimates as i do some replanting.. i'll have to do so pretty soon