My Tattoo


Active Member
I love weed and music, I tend to doodle alot at work...while sheepishly high, and always end up throwing away my "how i feel right now" drawings.....anyways here is something i drew maybe umm 3 weeks ago, i actually drew 3 variations of it loved this one and threw away the others.....caution and word to the wise: If i see anyone with this tat, I will know were you got it and I will hunt you down until i remove it, steal it i will hunt ya down lol JP....i plan on getting it 3 weeks from today.


Well-Known Member
if this is your first tat then u will regret it cus no one will hire u if they get a glimpse of it.if ur an old guy then get it with lime colors and shit,it wouldnt b smart if ur young.


Active Member
yeah, especialy dotn get it anywhere that is always visible, (neck, hands, wrists, face) or arms if you dont liek sleaves, thats mor of a thigh or lower back tatoo, assumed you dont wear really short skirts or shorts,


Active Member
Naw not my first one, it was acually gonna go on my rib cage, 20 with rockstar i really dont care what people think, and as far as the job market goes F them I plan on opening up my own shops.....about 20 independent ones lol......thigh and back really? its actually a pretty big piece it would be kinda hard to stick it on my thigh or lower back....places i would not stick a tat anyways.


Active Member
ribs would be cool i think, but it is true that most employers frown upon people with visible tattoos, especialy of that sort, but if your looking to start you own buisness, do what ever the hell you want, and good luck to ya,

might i ask what kind of buisness/ shops you were wantin to start?


Active Member
yo HazyVille, can u do me a have the next time your high can u draw me something i am looking forward to getting another tat but i am not shore i want to see what u come up with and i have another friend doing the same. i cant find anything that i like. i use to draw alot but i stopped cause i didn't like any of my work and i got ocd about everything that i did. well thinks


Well-Known Member
i like it. it'd suit best on ur back i think.

i have visible tattoo's on my forarms. flames coming up my wrists. employeers dont like it too much. ive never had complaints but u can tell the way they look at them.

however a long sleeve shirt covers them in the office and weekends i can wear what i want. i have only worn short sleeve shirts a few times in the summer. as long as im not out at meetings and im in the office its ok.

i also have one that covers the whole of my upper arm and down to my elbow so they can see part of that 1 as well when i wear short sleeve.

plannin on filling out my forearms and the other arm at some point.


Well-Known Member
It looks like a great record label for artists that support legalization.

I do not suggest to get tattoos related to anything considered slightly or just plain damn illegal because it can be used as implication or worse.....evidence.


Active Member
Dont wanna do a back thing becuase im dedicating my entire back to my lovely city and my 95 caprice (damn i love that old arse car), as far as implication and evidence go, ive seen plenty of people with worse drug related tattoos, plus the only person I fear is mommy dearest. I will try and post more at work is starting to slow down so now i can really sit around doing pretty much nothing.......AND as far as my stores/shops go, my motto is if it generates money I wanna own it from convinience stores to race horses lol, im just an ambitious entrepenuer (i think i spelld it right) lol anyways thanks for all the feed back, back to work now.


Well-Known Member
What else do you have far as recreational chill time artwork?

Yes I have seen "worse" too. LOL. I personally would not do it but opinions are like rain. Sometimes they fall and sometimes they grow ideas like plants.


Well-Known Member
Dont wanna do a back thing becuase im dedicating my entire back to my lovely city and my 95 caprice (damn i love that old arse car), as far as implication and evidence go, ive seen plenty of people with worse drug related tattoos, plus the only person I fear is mommy dearest. I will try and post more at work is starting to slow down so now i can really sit around doing pretty much nothing.......AND as far as my stores/shops go, my motto is if it generates money I wanna own it from convinience stores to race horses lol, im just an ambitious entrepenuer (i think i spelld it right) lol anyways thanks for all the feed back, back to work now.
people have tat's to show how many they have killed. A marijuana leaf isnt going to hurt anyone nor is it evidence of anything.


Well-Known Member
people have tat's to show how many they have killed. A marijuana leaf isnt going to hurt anyone nor is it evidence of anything.
I agree marijuana leaves do not hurt anyone but getting arrested hurts me.

Again it is a personal statement and entirely up to you.

"You never know just how you look through other people's eyes"
- Butthole Surfers.


Active Member
No the music notes arent a song, but I arranged them that way....they seem to flow right, in all honesty im really not that great of an artist.....i mainly just like to draw out tattoo ideas for myself and see how good they look on paper, im mad i lost my "how I feel right now" drawing it was the best one ive done while high, a bunch of scribles that made sense 10 min later, neeways ill post some stuff today as soon as i can find my at work sketchpad.


Well-Known Member
hm well i like it. lol i love music, and pot ofcourse. I'd get it.. i think that tattoos mark a phase in your life that you obviously went through... and was significant enough to remember for the rest of you life! =)


Well-Known Member
I love weed and music, I tend to doodle alot at work...while sheepishly high, and always end up throwing away my "how i feel right now" drawings.....anyways here is something i drew maybe umm 3 weeks ago, i actually drew 3 variations of it loved this one and threw away the others.....caution and word to the wise: If i see anyone with this tat, I will know were you got it and I will hunt you down until i remove it, steal it i will hunt ya down lol JP....i plan on getting it 3 weeks from today.
its 3 weeks 1 day... hows it look??