My super silver haze


Well-Known Member
Well I haven't grown a Super Silver Haze...nor have a grown any strain that doesn't I don't know...sorry I can't help, but seems mighty interesting...


Well-Known Member
ok.. leading up to uyoure due date did they smell. then the smell peaked..then its like the smell as decreased. if so they might be going past there date. as ive seen this myself when ive been testing things for my own exp. have u checked youre trichs
but if thee as been no smell through flowering then i baffled


Thats the thing there has been no smell during the growth,my bro thinks they could go 12 weeks the buds are good but could be better. But super silver haze only go 8-9 wks dont they?

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Ok you got the (OG) old guy interested. Could you take some photo's of your grow. Like of your buds. So we can help.

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
I have SSH from a cut, she does not really stink, but once cut and hung she starts to and once cured (if done right) she will have a smell that will make people drool, and a taste and high to match!!!


New Member
I also have a super silver haze with no smell yet grown from seed the buds are getting big but with no smell if you rub the stems it has a smell though its been flowering for about 10 weeks is this normal

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
There's no such thing as 'normal', every plant behaves differently so it's 'normal' for your plant to do such a thing otherwise it wouldn't be doing it :)


Well-Known Member
A friend had some Super Silver haze about a year ago that was some of the blandest weed I've ever smoked. Almost no trichs on it, certainly no smell or taste. Possibly a dodgy pheno? Is this the GHS SSH? Their selection policy isn't as thorough as some companies in my experience. Good plants amongst their strains, but some real crappy ones too.