My Super Grow Room


Well-Known Member
how long does it take to grow from seed?
lmao.... 9 months from seed to flower....:clap:

since you decided that you wanted an easy answer, without even attempting to look for it...i gave you a simple "WRONG" answer... how about you go to google and type in "how long does it take to grow from seed"


Well-Known Member
Why r u such an asshole?
Listen my are logged on to a gold mine of knowledge. Instead of taking your time and "STUDYING" something, you post on page 96 of a dead thread about 'how long from seed'...come on man, there is a search button right up top.........use it. You also had enough gall to ask the question if someone hadn't answered fast enough for you, lol. Have some etiquette man and at least try to research it yourself first. You sir, need to understand the concept of "other people"......this world doesn't revolve around your ass. Someone answers your question about "how long from seed" then you'll be asking a million other simple questions that you can find the answer to yourself. I was just like you about 4 months ago, but I kept READING, and SEARCHING and rather than have someone give me all of my answers, I have learned the little bit of knowledge that I do have. Which is a shit load compared to where I was 4 months all stemmed from me sitting down and researching something that I was interested in......So if i'm an asshole for feeling that no one should have their hand held in be it. P.S. MY FRIENDS CALL ME ASSHOLE, so maybe thats why I am SUCH AN ASSHOLE, LOL. Be easy man......try it for yourself sometimes, you might like it. RESEARCH that is.....:joint:

I just went back and looked at your original posted on 3-06 and then came back on 3-09 to ask the same question.......thats 3 FUCKING DAYS MAN THAT YOU JUST SAT ON YOUR ASS AND WAITED FOR SOMEONE TO HAND AN ANSWER TO YOU. Come on man, I really the asshole?

Am I Norml

Active Member
Listen my are logged on to a gold mine of knowledge. Instead of taking your time and "STUDYING" something, you post on page 96 of a dead thread about 'how long from seed'...come on man, there is a search button right up top.........use it. You also had enough gall to ask the question if someone hadn't answered fast enough for you, lol. Have some etiquette man and at least try to research it yourself first. You sir, need to understand the concept of "other people"......this world doesn't revolve around your ass. Someone answers your question about "how long from seed" then you'll be asking a million other simple questions that you can find the answer to yourself. I was just like you about 4 months ago, but I kept READING, and SEARCHING and rather than have someone give me all of my answers, I have learned the little bit of knowledge that I do have. Which is a shit load compared to where I was 4 months all stemmed from me sitting down and researching something that I was interested in......So if i'm an asshole for feeling that no one should have their hand held in be it. P.S. MY FRIENDS CALL ME ASSHOLE, so maybe thats why I am SUCH AN ASSHOLE, LOL. Be easy man......try it for yourself sometimes, you might like it. RESEARCH that is.....:joint:

I just went back and looked at your original posted on 3-06 and then came back on 3-09 to ask the same question.......thats 3 FUCKING DAYS MAN THAT YOU JUST SAT ON YOUR ASS AND WAITED FOR SOMEONE TO HAND AN ANSWER TO YOU. Come on man, I really the asshole?
and i have been chilling in this thread and you don't see me answering him do ya lol

see that is why your not a newb and he is..:bigjoint:

Cpl. CornB33F

Active Member
Thx ru8fru for being cool about this. Hey is this legal shut the Fuck up. i did search and it didn't come up and if this is a dead thread why did you respond?


sorry for the double post got ADD when i saw that quote from that ass making fun of him, anyways just wanted to say props dude im still in soil and not afriad of co2 ruining my lumens, i got 1 silver sun and 3 verticles, going to read some more stuff on this site though looks like a chill place to learn


Well-Known Member
Listen my are logged on to a gold mine of knowledge. Instead of taking your time and "STUDYING" something, you post on page 96 of a dead thread about 'how long from seed'...come on man, there is a search button right up top.........use it. You also had enough gall to ask the question if someone hadn't answered fast enough for you, lol. Have some etiquette man and at least try to research it yourself first. You sir, need to understand the concept of "other people"......this world doesn't revolve around your ass. Someone answers your question about "how long from seed" then you'll be asking a million other simple questions that you can find the answer to yourself. I was just like you about 4 months ago, but I kept READING, and SEARCHING and rather than have someone give me all of my answers, I have learned the little bit of knowledge that I do have. Which is a shit load compared to where I was 4 months all stemmed from me sitting down and researching something that I was interested in......So if i'm an asshole for feeling that no one should have their hand held in be it. P.S. MY FRIENDS CALL ME ASSHOLE, so maybe thats why I am SUCH AN ASSHOLE, LOL. Be easy man......try it for yourself sometimes, you might like it. RESEARCH that is.....:joint:

I just went back and looked at your original posted on 3-06 and then came back on 3-09 to ask the same question.......thats 3 FUCKING DAYS MAN THAT YOU JUST SAT ON YOUR ASS AND WAITED FOR SOMEONE TO HAND AN ANSWER TO YOU. Come on man, I really the asshole?
Right on. Jesus do a bit of research.