My Super Grow Room

its day 40 in them pics .... i will flush on day 49...... the yellowness is still a proberlm i reckon ..., i think if i dident have ec and ph proberlms i would of had a larger yield
nice looking updat snoop, I wouldnt worry too uch bout th eyellow leaves it means the plant is using up all the nite in them to make the buds swell, its autumn for ur gals they will gradualy get worse as the it goes on. All quite normmal dude, thats what you want to happen lol.
how comes u had to chop yours so early ?

thanks stoney i reckon the c02 made a big difference .... im orderin alot more c02 next time so i got enough to last a whole 8 weeks of flower
i chopped them cause someone i knwo got rolled for a bunch of shit he had like sixty E and were im at eacth one is felony man slaughter charges so he had over sizty felony counts above his head and he snitched on someone cause all he got was a paraphenelia ticket and it freaked me out cause he knew i was growing so i chopped them and ya i dont have them anymore got a bunch of seeds though from before and the little bit i had i was told was fucking realy good chronic i wanted to try it but i had bills to pay so i sold it all
i chopped them cause someone i knwo got rolled for a bunch of shit he had like sixty E and were im at eacth one is felony man slaughter charges so he had over sizty felony counts above his head and he snitched on someone cause all he got was a paraphenelia ticket and it freaked me out cause he knew i was growing so i chopped them and ya i dont have them anymore got a bunch of seeds though from before and the little bit i had i was told was fucking realy good chronic i wanted to try it but i had bills to pay so i sold it all

thats bad shit to hear but i understand why u did it man, ive come close on several occasions
daaaamn wussup snoop them ladies lookin fine n frosty n since u bought a kilo why dont u send me some n i smoke wit chu HAHAHA shiiiit share the fun n e ways how long u plan on flowering them for???
thats bad shit to hear but i understand why u did it man, ive come close on several occasions

ya man im pissed more about the fact that i failed on my first grow so im not mad i didnt get alot or anything but

plus i dont smoke pot i just have ahuge fascination with it i love the plant i thinks its beautiful and when i had them i would just look at them for hours and not get bored hahah kinda wierd but whatever u know it just sucks how illegal where i am:cuss:
lol of course man i will share sum bud ... pass that shit around and light it up ...... im plannin on flowerin 49 to 50 days with nutes and a 7day flush

yeah i understand why u chopped them ive been paranoid lately .... and not shore wot i should do .... but im just going to souja it out
yeah paranoia is a bitch, but it is a healthy thing to watch ur own back. Do u have ppl helping you or u doing it all alone i cant remember lol?
IM doin it on my own lol so alot of trimmin will have to be done ..... i bought a bubblelator and a honey be oil maker for all my trimmin so hopefully that will make good use of it
Great job snoop! looks amazing. You said you had a couple of ppm(EC) and PH problems. I was curious if you could explain what when wrong and if it had anything to do with your medium. The only reason i ask is because i was wondering if it was because of the expanded clay and the sediment that comes off it constantly? Thanks for you time and props on everything!

ps: what strain was the chronic you bought
your a smart man hydro ..... the sediment was buildin up in the base of the pots and as i never flushed the system through .....on 2 water changes it built up ..... then all of a suddan my ppms shot upto 2.2 witch is over 1500 ppms .... i never new u was sposed to flush the system through every nutriant change .... to get rid of the excess nutriant build up ... but its all a learnin process
yea. Im having the same issues in a waterfarm system. Because of the recirculating of the res and the fact that the res never gets "rinsed out". I tried to wash the expaned clay so that it would stop making the sediment and it doesnt work. I dont know what to do other then flush and keep flushing.
only thing u can do is flush ... when u gotta do a water change .... that seems to work ... my ph proberlms is because my meter packed up ..... next grow should be alot easier .... as i will have a ro machine aswell