Well-Known Member
heres a update of my progress its been 4 weeks now .. sum the plants still got yellow bottom leafs but it dosent seem to have effected the rest of the plant
Hey Snoop!
Love your setup man! Looks really sweet! But I'm wondering about a couple of things with your lights. I see that you have bought both HPS, LED and CFLS. CFLs are great considering the PAR is almost 100%, but the photon strenght is not as good as your HPS lights. You can of course compensate for this by placing the lamps closer to the plants, also because the cfls don't produce the kind of heat that your hps does. But this of course will get tricky without shading the hps light. Moving the cfls higher will ruin their light intesity. My question is why aren't you using Metal Halide instead of Cfls and LED? Together with HPS this creates a very good/optimal balance, and is especially important/effective during the growth stage. This is atleast my experience. I've been doing both CFLs and HPS and MH, and got way bether results with the last option.
The second thing is with the kind of money you have put into this project it somewhat amazes me too see that you havent invested in any light mover.
With your air cooling it should be possible with small straight lined light mover. With this you could move the lights closer to the plants, as the light is moving and doesn't shine on the same spot all the time, the plants dont get overheated. This will also make your plants thicker, as all of the plant will get some kind of light at some point and at a higher intensity. Instead of having leaves or other plants shading for them.
What are your thoughts about light movers?
My dream design though would be 2 four armed circular movers à 3 x 600W HPS and 1 x 600W MH, This combined with a liquid cooling system for the lamps, means you can move the lamps almost to the touching point of your plants. The design is very difficult and expensive. But it will by preserving the intensity of the light and giving them the sun circle from the mover, give the plants the ultimate conditions for yield and quality.
OK------I"m interested know!!!-----post the link to the tabs and give us more info----please...thanks for all the comments ... and its always good to see other peoples views on my setup.. i just got sum c02 tablets that are combined with helpful bacteria that helps my plants eat fungi .. they seem to be more healthy looking after addin one tablet to my reservoir... glad u agree a light mover wouldent be suited for my room as i cant cram anymore in it lol