My Super Grow Room

heres a update of my progress its been 4 weeks now .. sum the plants still got yellow bottom leafs but it dosent seem to have effected the rest of the plant


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Despite the posetive YouTube videos why is ...
everyone knocking the aerogarden™ it seems very efficient and safe to me given the proper nutrients and genetics.... what could possibly go wrong with it . Its supply might not be adequate but it will smoke .....So Opinions pleasekiss-ass
Hey Snoop, your plants are still lookin uber sick. I think my desk has abit of drool on it.

And talkboxmike, don't jack someone else thread with a question like that.

Dirty Kid
Hey Snoop!

Love your setup man! Looks really sweet! But I'm wondering about a couple of things with your lights. I see that you have bought both HPS, LED and CFLS. CFLs are great considering the PAR is almost 100%, but the photon strenght is not as good as your HPS lights. You can of course compensate for this by placing the lamps closer to the plants, also because the cfls don't produce the kind of heat that your hps does. But this of course will get tricky without shading the hps light. Moving the cfls higher will ruin their light intesity. My question is why aren't you using Metal Halide instead of Cfls and LED? Together with HPS this creates a very good/optimal balance, and is especially important/effective during the growth stage. This is atleast my experience. I've been doing both CFLs and HPS and MH, and got way bether results with the last option.

The second thing is with the kind of money you have put into this project it somewhat amazes me too see that you haven’t invested in any light mover.
With your air cooling it should be possible with small straight lined light mover. With this you could move the lights closer to the plants, as the light is moving and doesn't shine on the same spot all the time, the plants dont get overheated. This will also make your plants thicker, as all of the plant will get some kind of light at some point and at a higher intensity. Instead of having leaves or other plants shading for them.

What are your thoughts about light movers?

My dream design though would be 2 four armed circular movers à 3 x 600W HPS and 1 x 600W MH, This combined with a liquid cooling system for the lamps, means you can move the lamps almost to the touching point of your plants. The design is very difficult and expensive. But it will by preserving the intensity of the light and giving them the “sun circle” from the mover, give the plants the ultimate conditions for yield and quality.

yeah, he has too many lights for a light mover....where would he move the lights to? and sure his cfl's might not be as intense as a hps or mh, but he does have expanded spectrum bulbs in the 600w hps and he is really only concerned with side lighting for the cfls....i dont know shit about leds, those are beyond me and i have no experience with them. dude i would wear sunglasses in that room8)8)...haha, those plants are lovin them lumens
Yeah, missed the part earlier where he wrote he used Dual Bulbs. I used Grolux HPS (these also have enchance levels of blue), but i actually got a bether result when i replaced one of these bulbs with a MH during the growing phase, and only the grolux during the flowering phase.

But i think that your CFLs as a side lighting will do the trick.
Never used Leds either, but i'm really looking forward to seeing the progress with it.

With the light mover, i see the problem about space in the room for them. But i'm disagreeing a little bit about the effects on them snoop. With a small mover you can still have constant light on all your plants, but a bether overall coverage on them.

Though I agree that with your setup it probably will be a waste of money, as the effects will be close to minimum, because of all the other lights in the room.

By the way, i'm really loving your room, I don't mean to be rude or anything, and thank you for a great tip about the nutes you use, i'm gonna order them for my next round.
thanks for all the comments ... and its always good to see other peoples views on my setup.. i just got sum c02 tablets that are combined with helpful bacteria that helps my plants eat fungi .. they seem to be more healthy looking after addin one tablet to my reservoir... glad u agree a light mover wouldent be suited for my room as i cant cram anymore in it lol
thanks for all the comments ... and its always good to see other peoples views on my setup.. i just got sum c02 tablets that are combined with helpful bacteria that helps my plants eat fungi .. they seem to be more healthy looking after addin one tablet to my reservoir... glad u agree a light mover wouldent be suited for my room as i cant cram anymore in it lol
OK------I"m interested know!!!-----post the link to the tabs and give us more info----please...
heres the link

CO2-tabs ( 50 TABLETS ) on eBay, also Hydroponics, Plants Seeds Bulbs, Garden Plants, Home Garden (end time 22-Jul-08 18:39:52 BST)

- For a quick and rich bloom of your FAVOURITE plants -​
With this package of CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] Tabs you will possess a revolutionary new and very powerful product aimed at FAVOURITE on any growth medium. These simple - and cheap! - Tablets are specially developed to replace the complicated and expensive CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] fertilizing systems used until today. Growth stagnation of plants is often caused by a shortage of carbondioxide; in badly aired spaces this shortage can be dramatic. With CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] Tabs you can offer the carbon dioxide directly to the roots of your plants and significantly increase the speed of growth.

Only healthy plants will be able to effectively use this extra input. During extensive testing we perceived as the possible side affect a shortage of magnesium due to the high speed of growth. To effectively prevent this we have added 1.2% magnesium sulfate. The tabs release the CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] in the water and thus stimulate the growth. Healthy PLANTS can absorb many times more of this important nutrient CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] as is available in the air.

Attention: Adding CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] short before the dark period doesn't give any results! During the dark period the plant doesn't absorb any CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE]. The tabs bond the CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] about 4 to 6 hours to the offered water.
Application: When your plants (or cuttings) are healthy you can use 1 tablet per 250 liters of water. In hydro systems you can also simply add the tablet to the barrel. Overdosing is neither harmful nor useful. If you want to add the CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE]Tab instantly, first solve it in a cup of water (gently crush the tablet with your finger in the water) and mix it the with the water that is intended for the plants. Apply twice weekly for optimal results, and preferably during the whole growing cycle of your plants. The use of CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE]-Tabs is environmentally friendly and poses no harm for plants, pets, birds, insects or microorganisms. Adding CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] Tabs to the drinking water can temporarily lower the pH. It is advisable to regularly measure the pH (of water and soil). High or low extremes interfere with the plants ability takes up nutrients. Use Bacterial to recycle the extra waste (a result of the increased growth) into nutrients. CO[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE] Tabs and Bacterial are an ideal combination for your plants!
co2 tablets, ive heard of them, they actually work, and help out alot. but the grows lookin good man, likin them ladies u got, they are gettin big. gj snoop
has anyone thought of using low voltage led's for battery backup lighting in case of a power outage? I have a strip of 20 led's I made that lights up my living room pretty well and lasts for many hours. I've never run the battery dead yet. led's aren't good for main grow lights, maybe ok for supplemental light, but what about as a backup in case of light failure?
heres a update
its been 4 weeks and 4 days into veg
water ph 5.7
ec readin 1.8
check out the improvement in colour since ive added the c02 tablets
also sum more of my toys arrived the led pannels ... just 2 things to go now ....a ro machine and ozone and thats my dream finished


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Snoopdog, hang on. The dreams not over until your stood at the end of it with a white havanna, claiming in true hannibal smith fashion "you love it when a plan comes together," lol.

Im saying turn them beauties on too, we wanna see them glow. Looking sweet mate, how much longer you thinking of veggin? till they go a certain time or until they reach a certain height?

respect and peace:peace::joint:
Snoop those ladies are lookin' awesome! Can't wait to see whether or not the LED panels help. Good to see you posting, haven't seen you on chat in a while. Keep the updates coming dawg!

lol at dr jones that sounds like a scene out of scarface... i will light up the leds on sunday just to show u all .....since everyones waitin :P i wana get my ladys to about 3 to 4ft but because there 90% indicas there taking ages to veg
heres the leds before they go in the room u can see the diff between the high denisty and the normal ones .... im holdin a bit of carboard nearly 1 meter away and u can still see the red lumens hittin the cupboard


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Super stuff snoop, just tunning in mann hope it alll goes smooth this time 4 you , i think it will thou

thats the 1st ive seen those led pannels.... where did you get them man ? and how much ? are they used for side lighting or uplighing

Keep it up snoop + repp