My Super Grow Room


Well-Known Member
thanks for the comments .... i hope i dont run out of space lol because at the moment with the way there growin it looks like i will lol


Well-Known Member
Hey snoop. I saw in your pics that you ave various LED setups that you are not using? is there any reason for that. Did you not like they way that they turned out. I have heard mixed things on the LED's due to the fact that the technology isnt up to par yet and that they produce loose and scraggly flowers. Everything looks amazing by the way and you are doing a fucking awsome job. Keep up the good work!!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the comments .... i aint had a chance to use the leds yet .... i just bought to much stuff ive started pile it up in the corner .... im going to use the leds as side lights for my aeroponic cloner ..... that way my plants will get 360 degree light coverege


Well-Known Member
damn hell yeah man i got a small grow box 2 foot in height and 5 foot in length with 4, 40 watt fluorescents its extremely bright in the box, do you think this would be good to grow some small plants?


Active Member
This is my Grow room

im runnin x5 600watt super novas with there own air intake..ive got a c02 annalyzer that monitors the air with a infared sensor
( the blueball in the pics) that adds co2 to the air when levels drop below 1500ppms.... also i got two temp controls one is connected to the co2 ... so that while dosin all air outlets get turned off ... so the plants can get optium c02 uptake ....the other tempt control is connected to the air intake so it can keep the temp to my desired level also connected to this is a lil fan heater so if the levels drop to low it can heat up the room .... this comes in handy in winter so i never have to worry ... ive got 2 carbon filters with fans .... one big air intake ..... my growin system is a ebb 50 pot hydroponic setup ... with a growin medium of clay pebals connected to a 300 litre water butt ....inside the water butt i have got a air pump and nutriant tank heater to keep my nutraints to my desired temp ... i have even seperated a corner for my veg and clone room ... in this i have got a 120 site aeroponic propegator with a mini heated propegator for germinatin .... the nutraints i use are cannadian xpress professonal ... there the only 6part nutriants on the market a lil bit of hardwork but worth it .... i also use a ec meter and ph stick so i never add to many salts to my water .... also i have got 3 fan controlers so it keeps the fans runnin as quite as possible...

this set up cost me 6500 pound thats 13 000 usa dollars ... ive always wanted to grow my own vegstables so when i got the money i bought the farrari of all set ups hope u like it
Hey SD that is a sweet setup you got goin on there. Was wondering if you could tell me what kind of temp controllers you are using.


Well-Known Member
hey i saw the pic updates from a few days ago...plants are looking good...and getting big. no wonder your power company is stopping by with cfls, i dont even want to count how many total watts your running hid, flouro, led, pumps, controllers, a/c, fans, and who knows what other knick knacks...they are like c'mon snoop, we know you pay the bill but replace those old incandescents w/ some new cfls...they are even on your part. hahah, j/k keep it up, im gonna stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
haha ur doin the damn thing, man the workload for all those plants would be crazy. Hey you peep games new album? shits bangin.


Well-Known Member
thanks man ..the workload aint bad the system takes care of itself as everything is fully automaticed
.. nah i aint had time to go buy games new shizzle yet:( .... but i will get it at sum point :D... im worried that my plants might get to big for the room ........anybody got any suggestions ?.. as this is only the 5th day of flower