My Struggling Little Northern Lights Number 5

This plant has been through hell! When I got the plant it was about 5 inches tall and had been put though flowering for about 3 weeks. It had a bad white powdery mold problem. I cut all the fan leaves off and the plant had been growing for about two months with almost no growth at all. I was getting worried and went out to cut it down when I noticed the new growth. New leaves are coming out and have a beautiful green. Tell me how you think It will do. I also just got a 4 foot tall purple elephant that I'm pretty excited about.



hell yeah man id like to see it. im not sure about my plants i had some seeds id been savin from some good smoke i had, an i germinated one and just planted the seed for one and they both doin great.


Well-Known Member
The plant looks like it's recovering, should have at least a month of veg time before the days get short enough to induce flowering, And MJ goes nuts with growth when that happens, so you should be good
The plant looks like it's recovering, should have at least a month of veg time before the days get short enough to induce flowering, And MJ goes nuts with growth when that happens, so you should be good
alright yeah i hope that it starts going crazy when flowering starts.