My Steralite CFL Grow

Yea, I actualy ended up taking the fuzzy side of some velcro tape and affixing it to one side of the door, it ended up being enough to block the light coming through the crack. If I remember I'll try and snap a pic of it later tonight.

You ever fix that light leak in the middle of the doors?

If not, get something (wood, plastic?) about 2 inches wide, the high of a door, and 1/4" thick. Then glue it in the back left side of the right door's edge so that there is 1 inch of reveal. That way the right door must be shut first, then the left door will sit one inch on top of the panel as well - blocking light. Sort of like the little fake cross beam on kitchen cabinets under the sink... :P
Good luck man. I have been contemplating trying to top my bigger plant in an attempt to get a couple of clones started, but I am still reading and trying to get my head around it all so I don't end up screwing everything up.

i have a scrawny plant as well,one on the right,real slow growth,not much foliage,but that pic was after i just topped it,and new growth seems to coming in faster so hopefully have 2 decent plants :}
Not sure exactly what they are called to tell you the truth, but there just little light bulb socket adapters, and I have found them at lowes, home depot, and walmart. They are with all the other light bulb sockets etc. Walmart is the cheapest btw. It was a couple dollars more for them at lowes and home depot.

curious where did you get the plugs for the light. what are they called or where to get.


Well-Known Member
Not sure exactly what they are called to tell you the truth, but there just little light bulb socket adapters, and I have found them at lowes, home depot, and walmart. They are with all the other light bulb sockets etc. Walmart is the cheapest btw. It was a couple dollars more for them at lowes and home depot.
how much estimate
Day 27

It looks like the small plant is pretty much fully recovered. Nothing else much to report except a lot of growth :)

Also included a picture of the fix with the velcro tape to stop the light leaking out from between the doors.



Active Member
Hey somewhere,

What kind of soil are you using? I'm almost 2 weeks from sprout in a plastic cab like yours in Miracle Grow Moisture Control. Looking good! Both my plants have grown equally, one a bit smaller than the other, but nothing like yours. Glad to see the lil guy is catching up tho! I'm hoping to get pics up soon but anyways mine are short bushes lol. i'll be watching your grow, gl!
Hey somewhere,

What kind of soil are you using? I'm almost 2 weeks from sprout in a plastic cab like yours in Miracle Grow Moisture Control. Looking good! Both my plants have grown equally, one a bit smaller than the other, but nothing like yours. Glad to see the lil guy is catching up tho! I'm hoping to get pics up soon but anyways mine are short bushes lol. i'll be watching your grow, gl!
I am using Jungle Growth WaterWise potting mix which I found at Lowes. Since this is my first real grow I can't really make any judgements on the quality of the soil. Out of the three germinated seeds I started one failed to sprout (which could very easily have been my fault, or dumb luck). Both of my plants did end up stunted due to lack of nutrients, but that just means I should have fertilized earlier :) The bag claims like 4 months worth of nutrients, but both of my plants were needing nutrients in way less than a month.

attached a pic of the nutrient panel on the back of the bag if anyone is interested.



Active Member
In a couple nights is gonna be week three for mine since sprout. I'm gonna FIM both of them that night, i'll take pics of before and after. Plan to flower a week after a FIM, what about you?
In a couple nights is gonna be week three for mine since sprout. I'm gonna FIM both of them that night, i'll take pics of before and after. Plan to flower a week after a FIM, what about you?
I am thinking about starting flowering here at the end of the week which would make it 6 weeks of veg. Which would make it 1 week after topping the bigger plant. Might extend it out to 7 weeks though if I am still having nutrient issues.
Day 38

It looks like I had been overfeeding the two plants for a while. I have stopped fertilizing them for now.

The topping so far seems to have been successful, and the clone I took looks ok, or at least it isn't fallen over dead. Will probably start flowering the two main plants as soon as the clone starts showing roots so I can swipe the 6500k bulbs :)


Day 42 Overall
Day 0 Flowering

Today the plants start 12/12. Just swapped out the 6500k bulbs for 2700k and transplanted the plants into bigger pots.

Here's hoping that at least one of them is a female :)



Active Member
Congrats man, i'm pulling the switch tom night for my babies. They've grown tremendously over the last week, i've had to move them down from the lights several times (1 textbook at a time lol). I can't really tell if the FIM has helped, they looked back to normal within a day and after a couple days just the growing bushy monster still.

They've grown so much i'm going to have to LST them, if 2-3x is the norm then there's no way they'll fit in my cabinet after flower. Thank god for research!
Day 46 Overall
Day 4 Flowering

Four days into flowering. Both plants seem to be doing well and putting a lot more height on lately.

The clone I took from the topping of one of the plants seems to have rooted successfully. Have one little root poking through. Not bad for a teacup on a windowsill :)



Active Member
What kind of soil are you using and what nutes. Your babies might need another fan for more fresh air. Since they still seem to curling and slightly drooping. Other than that keep up the good work.
What kind of soil are you using and what nutes. Your babies might need another fan for more fresh air. Since they still seem to curling and slightly drooping. Other than that keep up the good work.
Using Jungle Growth WaterWise potting mix. As for nutes the soil says .22-.12-.12 and I was using Vigoro All Purpose Plant Food 10-10-10 during veg, although I think I burned it a bit about a week and a half back, havent used any nutes since. I was planning on using Shultz 8-14-9 during flowering, but I havent decided when to start up.... still not even sure if the plant has recovered from being over fertilized. Still quite new to this :)

I actually have to reposition the fan I was using to fan the plants. Its pointing too low now that I transplanted the plants into bigger pots. Other than the exhaust fan they probably havent been getting much circulation for the past 4 days.