my stelth grow box need help


i am putting together my first box i have gone off a few of other peoples grow boxes and was wondering if any of yall had some ideas im going to only be growing one plant at a time i am new to all this any help would be greatly appreciated i will be posting a pic of it soon thanks


Well-Known Member
how much space do you have? and are you going to start over from seed every cycle or take two or three clones to keep it going?


Well-Known Member
right on. that looks like id fit a slightly smaller version of my white dwarf :D. totally possible. just make sure you have fresh in and filtered out ventilation and adjustable lights and water proof interior for all the electrical. i suggest you look up some small grow room construction.
if stealth isnt really a problem for you i suggest you just grow it on a table with a light over it, and outside whenever you can. i've managed a 26 inch white dwarf about 11 days into flowering now. good luck, and if you have any more questions id be happy to help.



im going to be runing 2 fans 1 in and 1 out and the plants im getting are supposed to get no taller than 40cm what type of lights should i run i have no idea and yea stealth is kinda a problem


come on guys i know yall can help my seeds are coming soon and i need some help any would be greatly appreciated


Active Member
what your light situation? what are the dimensions of your file cab? Is that tinfoil? Did you read the sticky's in the newbie section yet? Great info there.


Well-Known Member
id highly reccomend either 120 or 200 watt cold (cool, blue, whatever.. but make sure its blue spectrum) cfl (compact flourescent). 1 should pretty much do a plant until its 6 or 8 inches tall, then i like to add another one. in addition to intake and out fans id suggest a circulation fan blowing gently on your plant to increase stem and brach strength.
other things you'll need are a thermometer and possibly a dehumidifier. iunno where you live so its up to you whether or not temp and humidity are a problem for you. proper soil and nutrients are a must. id go with a good organic soil mix of compost and worm casings in cocoa peat with perlite, but just make sure its good potting soil. im not going to reccommend ferts because there are so many and it has to do more with what you have available- i personally make organic tea out of worm casings, hen manure, rock phospate, molasses etc. these are less important if you can get a good rich organic soil base. other than that a timer is a good thing to have. i have successfully grown plants without a timer - ie going to bed at 2 in the morning and waking up at 8 to wake the plants up. it can be a hassle if you have anything else to do but grow.
my hand hurts from typing and im going to smoke a fat j so let me know if theres anything else i can help you with.. but yea man. a lot of non specific growing information is out there already! i suggest you go crazy researching if you seriously plan to grow. it can't hurt! :D


ive been having trouble locating one of these bulbs any ideas on were to pick them up for cheap. for the circulating fan can it just be a computer fan mounted in the box to blow on the plant or do i need something else? i keep the temp in my room at 69 so i dont think ill have a problem with my box being to hot with my intake and exhaust fans on. but im am going to get a thermometer any way. for soil would fox farm ocean forest potting soil or something along those line be good? as far as ferts go i found some yield booster in my garage could i use that? yea i plan on using a timer i am not rally sure of the light schedule im gonna have my plant on i was thinking 20/4 18/6 or somehwere in the middle. you have been a lot of help thank you so much. i have done some more work to my box i will be posting it up later


Well-Known Member
does any one know where to get 150 w blue spectrum cfls cheap please help i cant find them
150w Envirolite CFL's are kinda hard to find at the mo... use a 125w version, despite being smaller bulbs they appear to be alot brighter.. You could easily get away with a 250 CFL in there though :) If ya want some idea's/help .. Making stealth cabs is kinda what I do I can post a few LINKs to my cabs etc if your interested :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Ok cool... can you tell me the dimensions of the cabinet, also do you want to grow in Soil or Hydro? .. Soil is more forgiving, However Hydro will make your plants grow almost twice as fast.. all my cabs have been Hydro orientated, but I can design around either.. One thing I'd recommend doing is removing the Tinfoil, its no good for reflecting and it holds heat in, use either Matt White Paint or Mylar.. But before you do that we'll work out what you need in there... as we'll prob need to cut/drill some holes etc..

I'll add a LINK to my latest thread below, it shows an old Wardrobe/Closet being converted.. its alot bigger but dont focus on that, its whats in it that matters and there's alot..

Do you have air IN and air OUT-takes? already? and if so where are they positioned... I'll post a pic of a small LED/CFL cab I made out of my leftover grow stuff its for one plant and is prob what your after, or something very similar.... the lighting can easily be changed to CFL but let me know what you think! :)

I made the above Cab out of someones old Kitchen cupboard they were throwing away.. I was happy with it, and sold it to a mate for £125.00 :) Killing two birds with one stone - I got rid of my old crap and made a profit, it was also fun to build :)

I am pretty confident I could help you turn your cab into summink special..

What are your thoughts? - STELTHY :leaf:


my cab is 25inT 18in W 14in D. i would really like to do hydro but i cant find any small hydro designs i cut out two holes lasstnght in the back of it and planed on using 80mm fans for my exhaust and intake will that be enough? how much is mylar i am kinda on a tight budget. your cabs are crazy if only i could afford half of that stuff


Well-Known Member
my cab is 25inT 18in W 14in D. i would really like to do hydro but i cant find any small hydro designs i cut out two holes lasstnght in the back of it and planed on using 80mm fans for my exhaust and intake will that be enough? how much is mylar i am kinda on a tight budget. your cabs are crazy if only i could afford half of that stuff
If you could take some pictures and post em' up here of where you have cut the holes, use a lighter for size comparison etc.. dont cut any more holes....yet! :) I'll draw up a couple of designs :) .. What is your maximum budget excluding nuits ?? Good news :) I can get a DIY hydro setup in there no probs :) !!! and it will be cheap as chips to make :) where do you plan to keep the 'Mini-Cab' ? - STELTHY :leaf: