my stealth cfl cab (closet ) for cheap!


Active Member
Hey guys,

Thanks koolhand77 for inspiration....and lots of help.

Hope i'm posting this in the right place.. It's not a grow journal so I think so..

I designed this closet to be stealthy and cheap. It didn't have to look great. I wanted more a utilitarian look, functional and inspectable if possible with a super low budget. basically just 2x4's, strapping, and light oak paneling. It opens into a storage locker where I keep old clothes, hiking equip, tools etc. When I remove that stuff that wall in the back opens into the grow cab. there are 3 computer fans, 1 intake, 1 exhaust and another for circulation. I put reflective mylar foam insulation board around most of the inside which reduces noise from the water and fans, just haven't gotten it all up yet. A small temporary water res with air pump and bubbler and 6 lights. 4 cfls and 2 tubed flouros. I'm not sure the wattage and lumens, but i think it's plenty for these 2 girls, for now anyway.

I got a 10 gallon tub today and started cutting the holes for more seedlings... I have 6 bagseeds germing. OUt of the 2 babys in the closet the one on the left is feminized snow white and she's THRIVING now after a long difficult start! The other is from a bag of mids and was transplanted from seed starter and also seems healthy. I'm psyched that so far it's working. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated! Before posting this I saw wolfman zens thread and wanted to turn my closet into a

RIU rocks.

Heres my setup...



Active Member
Oops I meant fullmetaljacket in regards to the link above!! Sorry guys!

Here the girls
on the left is snow white, right is bagseed

2 more of SW

last pic is bagseed, i'm calling her greenie for lack of an original name



Active Member
Also forgot to add that the first pic above is from 4 days ago, the second is 2 days ago and the last 2 pics are from tonight.


Active Member
I'll get more pics of my progress soon, since there's so much It's funny cause I love this thing and thought everyone else would too.:oops: I don't even tell my best friends about my growing efforts. One of the first things I read online about successful growers was their secrecy. Online is where we get an outlet to talk about and share our hobby with others who are interested. So anyway that's why I wanted to share my cab with everyone, and why i thought you guys would like it. lol
Here's a pic of SW today. She's my girl, damn I'm so glad she's doing so well..


Well-Known Member
Yea man looking good!

So how many CFL´s you have there ?Or could i not read it since so high at hte moment lo....

Post up some more update photos mate!

Thanks for stopping by at my thread, dont be a stranger :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Active Member
Thanks for stopping in Cheeta-- been preoccupied with maintaining the ph and stopping the brown root growth.:wall: Added hydrogyn peroxide, the water res is the perfect temp, i backed off the nutes... any other suggestions are appreciated. can't get pics up til later. but it looks like the roots are turning brown from the cup out.


Active Member
hey very good system looks like u got everything going perfectly, that one plant might be amazing ;] what did u use for ur res?


Active Member
Hey guys thanx so much for checking in! Snow white didn't grow much today bet shes getting over root rot or whatever it was. I gave them their new home, a ten gallon tank. I've been on top of the ph hourly, and got a submerged heater thats set to 68. Also changed the water and added 8oz of hydroperoxide per each gallon h20. Her roots look fantastic, in terms of color I mean. They haven't grown today tho.. anyone know what to expect?



Active Member
hey very good system looks like u got everything going perfectly, that one plant might be amazing ;] what did u use for ur res?

Hey thanks run, the new res is a ten gallon storage with lid I got at walmart. I cut out 6 holes. I have 6 more seeds germing but they r real slow, so I'm not that hopeful... the most important one tho is snow white:mrgreen: shes gotta grow healthy so I can clone and breed her into my lifetime smoke.

Thanks again kid


Active Member
the lights aren't messed up like this in the pic, I was just changing things round when I snapped this. Heres the bucket inside the cab. it's working and is undetectable. I have the fans blowing at only 6volts each when 12 is too loud, or when regulating the temps....

Comments well received...and if anyone's up,, puff puff givebongsmiliebongsmilie

Man I love growing :weed:



Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanx so much for checking in! Snow white didn't grow much today bet shes getting over root rot or whatever it was. I gave them their new home, a ten gallon tank. I've been on top of the ph hourly, and got a submerged heater thats set to 68. Also changed the water and added 8oz of hydroperoxide per each gallon h20. Her roots look fantastic, in terms of color I mean. They haven't grown today tho.. anyone know what to expect?

Once you start messing with PH it never ends. If your adjusting or checking hourly then you are overdoing it big time, you should not be correcting the PH because you over corrected it the time before. Give your res time to level off after an adjustment, try a small circulation pump for fish tanks at the bottom of the res.


Well-Known Member
Once you start messing with PH it never ends. If your adjusting or checking hourly then you are overdoing it big time, you should not be correcting the PH because you over corrected it the time before. Give your res time to level off after an adjustment, try a small circulation pump for fish tanks at the bottom of the res.

Ya what he :mrgreen:


Active Member
I think I want to eat a brownie and hit my bong for the first day back to getting high on febuary 15th. yheayheabongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliethen pass out lmao

brownies,smoke and shrooms for your first weekend baby

kampai koolhand!! lol can't wait til u can smoke so you stop drinking so gd much. lol