My Song of the Day

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I saw Tab a couple three years ago at the Moon in Tally. Great show. His work in wetland preservation would make him a rockstar in green circles, no matter what he did for a living.

Yeah, I think my friend, who was some what of a promoter, told me he piloted planes to and from oil rigs, before going into music. He also said he has a music festival on his property in the bayou every year. Sounds like a nice guy.
But these guys were cool also :)

One of the greatest drummers that ever picked up the sticks, Carl Palmer, shines in this vid.
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My final Song of the Day for 7.5.2020
I'm tired & going to bed.
Good Night all, see ya later
Peace out & stay safe :)

Ok, I lied as usual.
I'm back, but now I really am going to bed listening to Tchaikovsky
Just had to share this one, it makes me smile & I'm pretty sure it will also give you a grin :)

Good morning everyone, how ya'll doing?
I just got off my knees after saying my daily Rosary & this song came too mind :)

Have a simply marvelous day, sweethearts!!!!
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