My small CFL Paradise White Berry grow!


Well-Known Member

she doesnt look good today, i think its heat so i turned off one of the big 42 watters cause they seemed a little intense for her.

what do you guys think? heat? what? this doesnt look good


Well-Known Member
Well DAY 9

its not looking good guys, i feel like a bad parent or something. i over watered her and shes getting spots and stuff.
ive never had a plant die on me before and i hope this isnt the first. i cut off the water and turned the fan on higher.



Well-Known Member
i only have one of those crappy ph testers that u stick in the dir and it says its fine but i think the thing is wrong.


Active Member
I wouldn't play with her, just give her water when she is real dry and she will pull through :)


Well-Known Member
yea im giving her just a little bit of water now, i turned off the one bulb so its not so intense with lumens and heat for a little. o yea and i started germing 2 femmed yumbolt 47 seeds ro plant in 2 liter bottles.


Well-Known Member
well in plans that the yumbolt 47 germ and are healthy i reorganized the grow cab. i added a bunch more emergency blanket and i put up the 2 42 watters on the wall. i like when they are nailed to the wall with a power strip it works best for me.



Well-Known Member
do you guys think my plant could be doing bad because of its 24/7 lighting? maybe i should go to 18/6. i was reading and it made since when someone said everything needs rest.


Well-Known Member
DAY 11

shes looking worse, got some yellow coloring now. to be honest i think its the MG soil with 2 months of food.



Well-Known Member
DAY 12

not looking good, but in better news both the femmed yumbolt 47 germed and are planted now. shes just too yellow but i think she is turning more green from yesterday. i hate using MG soil. is there any better options at home depot or walmart?



Subscribed. I'm a big newb so I'm just going to take some notes in this situation for my own grows :)


Well-Known Member
be my guest, from this grow i will warn you not to get any soil with nutes already in it. spend the extra money and get fox farm soil.

j h

Well-Known Member
since you already got the soil with nutes in it already i would water 2-3 times a week and move the light so its more like 5-8 inches away with just one bulb because the seedling does not need that much light. and as it get bigger kick on the other light and then move closer as needed and when its all said and done in flowering you can move the cfls like 2-3 inches on a mature plant. hope it helps