My simple set up.


Active Member
Man I gotta go with get some CFLs they are hella cheap at walmart....23watt 6500K (it says this on the base) like $5 and youll be set. They have little clip hood all you gotta do is get one and a Y splitter and growing growing gone!!!!!


erm, i live in england, so i'll check out ASDA some time, but yeah, cheers :)

in the shops are they called CFL's? or are they just the funny shaped 'low energy' bulbs?


Active Member
erm, i live in england, so i'll check out ASDA some time, but yeah, cheers :)

in the shops are they called CFL's? or are they just the funny shaped 'low energy' bulbs?
They will be labeled as CFL or Compact fluorescent lamp.

Also, I know you are doing this for as little money as possible, but have you actually done any research at all? If you are planning to grow you should understand different lights, light cycles, nutrients ect.

I would advise you get the book called:

"Buds for less" - SeeMoreBuds

It is all about growing with CFLs and will really help you.


Well-Known Member
I agree, direct light from a couple of CFLs will give you better results than windowsill. Plus you can put the lights on a timer and all you have to do is water.
ASDA and morrisons carry CFLs


Well-Known Member
if you go buy a growbook their is one thing to remember-the authors are not always right. Alot of the books ive seen contradict each other quite a bit and not everybody can be right, lol so take it all with a grain of salt.


Thanks everyone, i have done alot of research, but mainly how to keep it stealthily, and i've not researched specifically, for example, i knew i needed a cfl light, and nutrients, but not what ones specifically, but it seems to be going okay so far, so thanks! :)