My shizzi!


Well-Known Member
Lastly, my THe Black....she shocked initially in flower and came back but her buds are small and real smell yet...

I double irrigated all my girls except the bubblegum shes off....they are loving my nute soup and bone meal addition. used it sparingly and waterd it in well for the next couple days lighter each time...that helped crystals and smell big time!



Well-Known Member
What I'm smokin on now...Purple Power my friend grew from my seed stash hydro...its a total cerebral fuck, pressure behind ur nose, sinus, clear thoughts, no paranoia....doesnt hit the eyes really at all....great plant i have a mother of this...will clone when she's ready...seems she molted growth is still young.


Well-Known Member
My cloner, full of NYCD that are rooting beautifully..can tell their stalks are excited! Good batch of NYCD in a few months...the NYCD are bigger lusher, on the top, if u will. The other is carmelicious doing good as well.



Well-Known Member
'Harvested my Lasqueti Haze today, look at her main cola!

Dry it and try it, hope it gets me high....was sticky as hell when i was done trimmin,


Well-Known Member
Well I havent updated because I havent been getting much feedback...but things are going nicely...I cleaned up the veg room, flowering the mother NYCD she's 4 feet and gonna have about 5 main cola' other NYCD has about 24 more days to go....what I have read says 70 days flower...also had to junk the purple power mom she stunted, rotted on top...was pretty sad...he pot was too all i have for a mother is carmelicious, have a clone from her flowering now, 20 days the veg room i have 4 random from seed going, 4 NYCD clones from momma, super skunk clone, 7 Lemon Ice from seed, 8 Cheese from seed and 3 from "my guy's" midgrade i pulled outta the buds i was smoking....

Flower room is nice, will be harvesting the sweet dreams within the week, NYCD next month....carm, another nycd are just starting out....also have a the black....thats was a lost cause but recovered....see everything was trashing because watering from a water can and the organic fish emulsions just werent doing it.

I now have an irrigation system for both rooms that deliver water and nutes. This has been the "AH Hah" moment. My plants are fucking absolutely amazing. The NYCD's and Carm are all a product of my irrigation system and are budding beautifully, green lush, crystally and stinky (NYCD right now).....

I also switched to Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow and Bloom...I am liking the results so far...

When I take another set of pics I will upload....not that anyone gives a shit anyway...