My semi-stealth bag seed grow. input wanted


well its been a while since i've grown due to lack of seeds and whatnot but i am starting a mini grow. so i hollowed out a computer case(pic1/2) and lined it with a heat blanket. i will be using it for my mother so i am using a low wattage bulb so i'm not worried about "light lasers" burning the foliage or anything from the reflection. from the outside it looks like a normal case. The third picture is of the tote i will flower my clones in. i have another one to go on top for more room , but i am looking for other suggestions to give me a bit more space(i'm not 100% set on using said tote). the 4th picture is my flood and drain table where i am starting all of my outdoor veggies. i just thought it would be cool to throw that in ha. i am trying to keep this semi stealthy but it is not much of an issue. any suggestions are more than welcome, and i will be updating this randomly throughout the grow.

plants: bagseed
soil: MG potting for the mother(will probably end up doing some type of hempy design for the clones though)
nutes: fox farm trio, cal-mag when needed, and maybe a time release fert for when the soil is depleted for my mother.
lights: 2 20ish watt clfs for the mother, 2 40 watt and 1 50 watt clfs for clones(or more based on space)


i was thinking of cutting pieces of plastic and forming a grid in the bottom of the green flowering tote and drilling holes in the sides of the grid. this is so water can flow freely between each of the chambers, but roots will stay in their designated part of the grid. then drill one hole in the side of the tote for drainage(hempy style). i would be able to fit a grid that would allow for 6 plants at a time and i would be constantly adding and removing them as they are ready (perpetual). i am very open for suggestion on this part of the grow, but as of now, i think this is the plan. thanks for looking, and like i said, input is appreciated.bongsmilie