My Self Challenge ; List 100 ways to use Garlic for healing and health .


Well-Known Member
use number 1 of 100

Take 4 ounces of water and dump 1 or 2 teaspoons into the 4 ounces of water .
Stir it up good and let it sit for about an hour .

This is something i massage into my feet when they hurt a lot .
Excellent for killing pain on feet , legs , hands , arms , perhaps spine , can massaage scalp for skin healing .
If you use this for pain relieve of feet or other places like legs or hands or arms or elbows , etc , then the pain relief using garlic paste only lasts for 4 to 6 hours and you will get conplaints from other people that the smell of garlic disturbs then and they will think your horid . These are ignorant people that use triple antibiotics and antibiotic pills and pick lines for Staph infection .

next use of garlic .

use number 2 of 100

Oral health and tooth aches .
Usually just drinking my daily concoction of garlic powder and louisiana hot sauce and a little apple cider vinegar ( optional garlic of tonic ) , keeps my gums and roots of teeth healthy and free of pain . For a tooth ache , make a thick paster of a little water and 3 times the amount of water add garlic powder and make thick paste . Hold some of the paste onto where the toothache . The worse the tooth ache is , the more time you will have to spend holding the water garlic paste against the toothache or swoolen gum infection .

use number 3 of 100

If you are diabetic or poor circulation and you get infected toes , especially on the tips of the toe where the toe nails are , make some paste and put a moderate amount on the toes . Take bandaides and wrap each infected toe and or toe nails area . Use several bandaides so that you make a modern day poltice . You can check your toes each day if you like and clean the toes and if not healed yet , then re-apply a new garlic water and bandaide poltice . I use to check each day , but I have done it so many times , that I usually leave it on a few days and then take the poltice off , and my toes are always healed . Works good also if you loose a toe nail and just make a poltice as described for toe infections .

Use number 4 and 5 of 100

People have used galic to cure Staph infections and Tuberculosis ( consuming large amounts of garlic )
Documents of the internet describe that garlic use to be used to these purposes back in the 1920's , by scientists .
Doctors today used invasive pick lines and intreveinous delivery of antibotic pharmaceutical source , which rarely work and causes drug resistant strains of Staph bacteria and drug resistant tuberculosis bacteria which is not logical to mess with the immune system , which is not very wise or logical ,

I will continue this thread until I come up with 100 uses of garlic for health and to heal infections and of course pain relieve as mentioned earlier is this post .

More to come tomorrow .

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Garlic Powder use number 6 of 100

Life saving medicine to kill Candida Yeast Systemic sickness .

If you are overweight and eat a lot of sugar or if you are diabetic and eat a lot of sugar , then that is a perfect medium to grow Candida fungi and can be a deadly condition . The Candida starts out infecting your toes and from their it can spread through out your organs and for sure it will travel through the skin and cause rough patches on knees and elbows and likes to hide in you armpits .

This is a serious invasive condition and I used Garlic to kill the Candida Yeast from my organs . I got it by laying in bed all day and eating a lot of sweets and I was 80 pounds obese . Since then I lost 80 pounds . I drink a concoction now everyday with Garlic Powder ( or pulverized raw garlic ) and Louisiana Hot Sauce and recently I have added Apple Cider Vinegar . Apple Cider Vinegar reduces cravings for sweets , but the vinegar also decreases cravings for food in general . Preventing new infections of Cadida requires loosing weight , getting more excersize and reducing sweets consumption and the apple cider vinegar is very helpful to reduce appetite and helps lose weight . I have a severe case of Candida invasion throughout my feet and elbows and knees and all of the organs in the abdomen . I think it can invade the brain , but I am not sure . I do know that consuming garlic probably saved my life , and you can search the internet and find pages talking about how serious this systemic condition can be as many people die from Candida every year . If I had not used garlic , if would have ended up in the hospital and they would have given my intravenious anti fungals and probably several bags of various wide spectrum antibiotics . One day when I was still contaminated with Candita Yeast I knew my lyphatic system was infected , so I put raw chopped garlic under my armpits and held the chopped garlic there for a while , What happened after that is the palms of my hands turned dark grey . I am guessing the Candida got killed under my armpits and ended up in my hands .

The whole garlic thing evolved with my when I watched videos on youtube and this one guy had tumors under his arm pits . Someone told this guy to consume garlic . So one day he started eatling a lot of raw garlic as if he was eating apples . Over time the video showed the tumors under his arms shrank and eventually disappeared . I have no idea if the video was true or if the videos were for real , but at any rate that is how I started using garlic to heal my body . By this time in my life I decided to avoid hospitals because of my previous experience were so traumatic .

Use 7 of 100

I have used garlic and hot sauce diluted with water or sugar free soda pop , to treat bacterial and viral flu-s . The sicker the flu made my the higher the dose I consumed . Usually the flu was gone in anywhere from a few days to a week or so , depending on how nasty the flu bug was .

Eating Raw Garlic is very hard on the digestive system and I only eat raw garlic when I am very ill . Garlic Powder is not quite as powerful as raw garlic , but has almost zero side affects ( effects ? )
More to come ; My goal is to list 100 different uses of garlic to create health and to heal sicknesses

Garlic Powder use number 6 of 100

Life saving medicine to kill Candida Yeast Systemic sickness .

If you are overweight and eat a lot of sugar or if you are diabetic and eat a lot of sugar , then that is a perfect medium to grow Candida fungi and can be a deadly condition . The Candida starts out infecting your toes and from their it can spread through out your organs and for sure it will travel through the skin and cause rough patches on knees and elbows and likes to hide in you armpits .

This is a serious invasive condition and I used Garlic to kill the Candida Yeast from my organs . I got it by laying in bed all day and eating a lot of sweets and I was 80 pounds obese . Since then I lost 80 pounds . I drink a concoction now everyday with Garlic Powder ( or pulverized raw garlic ) and Louisiana Hot Sauce and recently I have added Apple Cider Vinegar . Apple Cider Vinegar reduces cravings for sweets , but the vinegar also decreases cravings for food in general . Preventing new infections of Cadida requires loosing weight , getting more excersize and reducing sweets consumption and the apple cider vinegar is very helpful to reduce appetite and helps lose weight . I have a severe case of Candida invasion throughout my feet and elbows and knees and all of the organs in the abdomen . I think it can invade the brain , but I am not sure . I do know that consuming garlic probably saved my life , and you can search the internet and find pages talking about how serious this systemic condition can be as many people die from Candida every year . If I had not used garlic , if would have ended up in the hospital and they would have given my intravenious anti fungals and probably several bags of various wide spectrum antibiotics . One day when I was still contaminated with Candita Yeast I knew my lyphatic system was infected , so I put raw chopped garlic under my armpits and held the chopped garlic there for a while , What happened after that is the palms of my hands turned dark grey . I am guessing the Candida got killed under my armpits and ended up in my hands .

The whole garlic thing evolved with my when I watched videos on youtube and this one guy had tumors under his arm pits . Someone told this guy to consume garlic . So one day he started eatling a lot of raw garlic as if he was eating apples . Over time the video showed the tumors under his arms shrank and eventually disappeared . I have no idea if the video was true or if the videos were for real , but at any rate that is how I started using garlic to heal my body . By this time in my life I decided to avoid hospitals because of my previous experience were so traumatic .

Use 7 of 100

I have used garlic and hot sauce diluted with water or sugar free soda pop , to treat bacterial and viral flu-s . The sicker the flu made my the higher the dose I consumed . Usually the flu was gone in anywhere from a few days to a week or so , depending on how nasty the flu bug was .

Eating Raw Garlic is very hard on the digestive system and I only eat raw garlic when I am very ill . Garlic Powder is not quite as powerful as raw garlic , but has almost zero side affects ( effects ? )
More to come ; My goal is to list 100 different uses of garlic to create health and to heal sicknesses

I believe there is a book covering this thread. It does fail to mention the treatment of parasitic worms in humans and dogs. I forget the chemical responsible. Raw garlic when eaten in fair amounts at once paralyze the worms. Which then release from the intestinal walls and are passed in the next bowel movement. Requires multi day treatments. Sad but true. Old farm cure in these parts for puppies.
I believe there is a book covering this thread. It does fail to mention the treatment of parasitic worms in humans and dogs. I forget the chemical responsible. Raw garlic when eaten in fair amounts at once paralyze the worms. Which then release from the intestinal walls and are passed in the next bowel movement. Requires multi day treatments. Sad but true. Old farm cure in these parts for puppies.
Eating a lot of raw garlic may repel worms but my social life will go down the toilet. Then like weed, which breeder, strain and how to calculate dose and estimate potency. It is simpler for me to take lab tested enzymes and probiotics supplements for a balanced gut. Prescribed enzymes from a MD is covered by some health care plans.
Eating a lot of raw garlic may repel worms but my social life will go down the toilet. Then like weed, which breeder, strain and how to calculate dose and estimate potency. It is simpler for me to take lab tested enzymes and probiotics supplements for a balanced gut. Prescribed enzymes from a MD is covered by some health care plans.
I know it was half a peeled and minced clove in peanut butter once per day for 4 days for the dogs. People I have no idea. And as much as we eat? It is less than harmful i would bet.
Update : I have changed the formula for treating feet pain , or any place like ankles or knees etc . Not for eyes haha .
It turns out that the same recipe I use for daily tonic that i drink , is now that same mixture i use to massage into my feet to treat severe foot pain .

Here is my new recipe for sipping on during the day , and since I use that same recipe for massaging into my feet and ankles , then the following recipe is for both sipping daily tonic + the same recipe to massage into my feet and ankles ( treates severe pain ) .

Two Tablespoons Louisianna Hot Sauce .
Two Tablespoons Organic Raw Unfilitered Apple Cider Vinegar
One Teaspoon Garlic Powder
8 ounces of water or Lemon Lime Soda or Beverage of your choice

I sip in this recipe during a one day period
I use this recipe to massage small amount at a time and massage a small amount into feet or ankles or kness , etc ... I massage a small amount until the feet are dry and the skin has absorbed the tonic . The longer you take to massage several applications for about 5 minutes per application . The more thorough you are , the better it works . If done right , works very well . If you double the amount of garlic powder into the tonic to 2 teaspoons , it will work better , but people will smell the stench of garlic . What I do is massage something that has a strong sweet smell , like Coconut Oil , or a diluted essential oil ,
Best way to use essential oils to cover up garlic powder , is to mix the essential oil with several teaspoons of an oil , such as Coconut Oil , or whatever oil massage therapists use to dilute the essential oils they use during when they massage you .

The addition I made for this update is that I added Louisianna Hot Sauce and I added Apple Cider Vinegar to the Tonic .
Initially I just used Garlic Powder mixed with water as a massage tonic and also for my daily tonic I sipped on .

The new recipe listed above , works better for foot pain , and Daily Tonic to sip on .
Both uses , for foot pain , and as a daily tonic to sip on should contain the 8 ounces of water or other dilution liquid you might like ( perhaps lemon lime soda pop tastes good )

The above information should work very well if done right . Experience plus the advice I put above , should be very effective .

After massaging tonic into feet or ankles or knees , etc . , make sure to wash hands very good , because if residue is still on your fingers , if you touch or rub your eyes , you will feel a burning sensation in your eyes or other sensitive skin sights on your body .

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I forgot this .
The Recipe above

Two Tablespoons Louisianna Hot Sauce .
Two Tablespoons Organic Raw Unfilitered Apple Cider Vinegar
One Teaspoon Garlic Powder
8 ounces of water or Lemon Lime Soda or Beverage of your choice

The recipe above is for tonic I sip during that day . I only drink one of the above recipes during one day ,

The Recipe for foot massage for foot pain , is the same but is more concentrated and instead of 8 ounces of water mixed into it to dilute it, for massage to treat foot pain instead of 8 ounces of water , I only add two ounces .

Two Tablespoons Louisianna Hot Sauce .
Two Tablespoons Organic Raw Unfilitered Apple Cider Vinegar
One Teaspoon Garlic Powder
2 ounces of water or Lemon Lime Soda or Beverage of your choice

I have an update .

Two Tablespoons Louisianna Hot Sauce .
Two Tablespoons Organic Raw Unfilitered Apple Cider Vinegar
One Teaspoon Garlic Powder
20 ounces of water or Lemon Lime Soda or Beverage of your choice

The recipe above is for tonic I sip during that day . I only drink one of the above recipes during one day ,

The Recipe listed beloe for foot massage for foot pain or ankles or knees or muscles , etc , is the same but is more concentrated and instead of 8 ounces of water mixed into it to dilute it, for massage to treat foot pain instead of 8 ounces of water , I only add 8 ounces .

Two Tablespoons Louisianna Hot Sauce .
Two Tablespoons Organic Raw Unfilitered Apple Cider Vinegar
One Teaspoon Garlic Powder
8 ounces of water or Lemon Lime Soda or Beverage of your choice

I have an update .

Two Tablespoons Louisianna Hot Sauce .
Two Tablespoons Organic Raw Unfilitered Apple Cider Vinegar
One Teaspoon Garlic Powder
20 ounces of water or Lemon Lime Soda or Beverage of your choice

The recipe above is for tonic I sip during that day . I only drink one of the above recipes during one day ,

The Recipe listed beloe for foot massage for foot pain or ankles or knees or muscles , etc , is the same but is more concentrated and instead of 8 ounces of water mixed into it to dilute it, for massage to treat foot pain instead of 8 ounces of water , I only add 8 ounces .

Two Tablespoons Louisianna Hot Sauce .
Two Tablespoons Organic Raw Unfilitered Apple Cider Vinegar
One Teaspoon Garlic Powder
8 ounces of water or Lemon Lime Soda or Beverage of your choice

I feel as though you may have issues that these tonics will “heal” at most a placebo effect but not real benefits.
Garlic Foot Pain + Tonic sip update

Turns out for pain in feet or ankles wrist elbows etc , etc , etc , it works best if you drink the tonic during the day .

For external pain relief ( like foot pain ) you have to do both things .
First drink or sip on the following recipe . If it is to hot to drink , just dilute it to taste . Sometimes it burns my mouth and throat when I sip on it , and so sometimes I dulute it more than 20 ounces of water or lemon lime soda pop ,

Two Tablespoons Louisianna Hot Sauce .
Two Tablespoons Organic Raw Unfilitered Apple Cider Vinegar
One Teaspoon Garlic Powder
20 ounces of water or Lemon Lime Soda or Beverage of your choice

At the same time you have to also rub your feet .

Two Tablespoons Louisianna Hot Sauce .
Two Tablespoons Organic Raw Unfilitered Apple Cider Vinegar
One Teaspoon Garlic Powder
8 ounces of water or Lemon Lime Soda or Beverage of your choice

If you do not have for example foot pain , then just drink the tonic every day to stay healthy . It not only treated colds and flu's
, it also works as a preventitive medicine to ward off colds and flu's .

It also makes my mental state stimulate and ward off depression or sadness or lethargy and fights off foggy brain and wards off loss of reality feelings .

You could probably mix this stuff with Coconut Oil and get a massage with it . Just don't rub genitaila area or eye area . Should work for back ache and pulled mucles . Just make sure if someone gives you a body massage to have them wash hands two or three times in order to get hot sauce off of your skin .

The main point however of this post it that in order to get maximum benefit of my recipe for foot pain , you need to massage feet with 2nd recipe above , but also at the same time sip on recipe 1 above .

I guess when you treat the body from the outside my massage , and also at the same time sip on the recipe 1 , and treating the problem from the outside and the inside , the effect on the feet pain works much better doing both things .

I have an update on Garlic Powder Hot Sauce Feet Massage .

The full strength recipe can slightly burn the skin and encourage the person to cut short the massage .

I just used a very dilluted mixture of the Garlic Powder Louisianna Hot Sauceand water and I massaged my feet a long time ( 15 minutes per foot ) and it is excellent for removing the top thin layer of dead skin , The toes in particular and between the toes and the tip of the toes and you can use a safe object to remove dead skin and dirt from under the nails , and safely along the sides of the toes where the nail meets the toe skin and creates a crevice with dirt and dead skin in it ,

Also , because I am not sick right now , I can get away with drinking a very dilluted mixture of garlic powder and Louisianna Hot Sauce and water ,

Mongo eats baked beans around a fire and farts in Blazing Saddles .
I will read your Mango link later ,

I've got a 4x8 foot bed just packed (over packed) with Nootka Rose garlic, looks like all of them sprouted. I looked around for the longest storing variety and found this one (supposedly stores for 9-12 months), hoping to braid them this year and start selecting the best to replant each year. Garlic is awesome, really great for lowering high BP.
We live in the woods and without a daily shot of some form of garlic, the damn ticks would eat us alive. I cook with minced garlic nearly every day.
To the point, As long as we eat a fair amount the insects leave us alone. Darn good thing we like garlic!
I have an update on Garlic Powder Hot Sauce Feet Massage .

The full strength recipe can slightly burn the skin and encourage the person to cut short the massage .

I just used a very dilluted mixture of the Garlic Powder Louisianna Hot Sauceand water and I massaged my feet a long time ( 15 minutes per foot ) and it is excellent for removing the top thin layer of dead skin , The toes in particular and between the toes and the tip of the toes and you can use a safe object to remove dead skin and dirt from under the nails , and safely along the sides of the toes where the nail meets the toe skin and creates a crevice with dirt and dead skin in it ,

Also , because I am not sick right now , I can get away with drinking a very dilluted mixture of garlic powder and Louisianna Hot Sauce and water ,

Mongo eats baked beans around a fire and farts in Blazing Saddles .
I will read your Mango link later ,

How about you test how many cloves one must peel to irritate the nail quick to prevent excessive device interaction? Sounds more modern. Oh boy.
Two Tablespoons Louisianna Hot Sauce .
Two Tablespoons Organic Raw Unfilitered Apple Cider Vinegar
One Teaspoon Garlic Powder
8 ounces of water or Lemon Lime Soda or Beverage of your choice

I think this is a great recipe, but I doubled the hot sauce, added a couple other ingredients, and left out the vinegar. Here it is, finished and tested:

Four Tablespoons Louisiana Hot Sauce.
One Teaspoon of Garlic Powder
One Teaspoon of Worcestershire Sauce
One pound of split chicken wings - tips removed
Ample beverage of your choice

Mix hot sauce, garlic powder, and Worcestershire sauce in a closeable bowl. Mix in wings and allow to marinate 6 hours or overnight in fridge. At the same time, put beverage of choice in fridge.

After marination is completed, preheat oven or air fryer set at 350 degrees. Shake off excess marinade from wings and place on wire rack above a foil-lined tray for easy cleanup. Cook until wings are lightly browned. Hint: Turn them at least once if using the oven.

Remove wings from oven and retrieve beverage from fridge. My beverage of choice for this recipe is a good local craft beer. Eat wings and wash down with beverage.

You can also smoke a joint or bong full of hash one hour before consuming wings, however I'd advise folks to double or even triple the recipe.
DailySipThisTonic.Version.%$@##.GodDnaBigBangGodDnaCreatesOrgansofGodAndTheBrainisaOrgan.ThereforeTheUniverseIsDnaofGod.54209 .

I have learned that it is good not to mix Garlic with HabaneroHotSaucewithwater because the mixture will not sink to the bottom , because what I am after is the clear liquid that rises to the top and I am not after the stuff that sinks to the bottom of the glass .

Improved method

Tonic A
Mix Garlic Powder with water and wait for the solids to sink to the bottom and drink the almost clear liquid that rises to the top .

Tonic B
Mix in a seperate glass , Habanero Hot Sauce with Water and wait for the solids to sink to the bottom and drink the almost clear liquid that rises to the top .

The point of this post is that I claim I am after the water soluble part of Garlic plus Water and I am also after the Water Soluble part of Habanero Hot Sauce plus Water .

I use to mix Garlic Powder plus Habanero Sauce plus Water in one glass . Unfortunately the Hot Sauce Binds with the Garlic Powder and Water , all in one glass and the binding action prevents the solids from sinking to the bottom ; however if you separate the the Garlic Powder from the Habanero Hot Sauce , we can access the water soluble good stuff of each spice .

Therefore we need two separate glasses to access the water soluble part of each of the two spices . Drink the almost clear liquid that is above the solid setiments that sink to the bottom . I would call the liquid above the setiments the refined clean medicine , but must be prepared in two seperate glasses .

The two separate medicines if prepared properly in two seperate glasses , has dramatically improved my overall health and helps heal my many problems with some of my many organs .

If humans are really produced with the DNA code which is a computer prorogram , then that explains why I believe God has DNA and is grown using God's own DNA ; which makes me wonder if God is the Universe whiich implies the Universe has it's own DNA.

Another way of explaning the method is that the only way to make the solids to fall to the bottom of the glass is to use two glasses and mix each one with water and the solids will sink to the bottom in two separate glasses . I drink the clear liquid that rises to the top in the Garlic Powder and Water glass ( this is the good stuff derived from Garlic Powder ) . Separetaly I drink the clear liquid above the setiments derived from mixing Habanero Hot Sauce with water , and then the solids will fall to the bottom , and the good amost clear liquid that rises above the setiment that falls to the bottom of glass B . But if you mix the Garlic Powder with the Hot Sauce into only one glass , the setiments that I don't want won't fall to the bottom and I think it is much better to seperate the two seperate tonics , which is much better and makes it so there are no side effects . It is the solids that sink to the bottom that give me side effects . The keep them seperated song explains it .


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DailySipThisTonic.Version.%$@##.GodDnaBigBangGodDnaCreatesOrgansofGodAndTheBrainisaOrgan.ThereforeTheUniverseIsDnaofGod.54209 .

I have learned that it is good not to mix Garlic with HabaneroHotSaucewithwater because the mixture will not sink to the bottom , because what I am after is the clear liquid that rises to the top and I am not after the stuff that sinks to the bottom of the glass .

Improved method

Tonic A
Mix Garlic Powder with water and wait for the solids to sink to the bottom and drink the almost clear liquid that rises to the top .

Tonic B
Mix in a seperate glass , Habanero Hot Sauce with Water and wait for the solids to sink to the bottom and drink the almost clear liquid that rises to the top .

The point of this post is that I claim I am after the water soluble part of Garlic plus Water and I am also after the Water Soluble part of Habanero Hot Sauce plus Water .

I use to mix Garlic Powder plus Habanero Sauce plus Water in one glass . Unfortunately the Hot Sauce Binds with the Garlic Powder and Water , all in one glass and the binding action prevents the solids from sinking to the bottom ; however if you separate the the Garlic Powder from the Habanero Hot Sauce , we can access the water soluble good stuff of each spice .

Therefore we need two separate glasses to access the water soluble part of each of the two spices . Drink the almost clear liquid that is above the solid setiments that sink to the bottom . I would call the liquid above the setiments the refined clean medicine , but must be prepared in two seperate glasses .

The two separate medicines if prepared properly in two seperate glasses , has dramatically improved my overall health and helps heal my many problems with some of my many organs .

If humans are really produced with the DNA code which is a computer prorogram , then that explains why I believe God has DNA and is grown using God's own DNA ; which makes me wonder if God is the Universe whiich implies the Universe has it's own DNA.

Another way of explaning the method is that the only way to make the solids to fall to the bottom of the glass is to use two glasses and mix each one with water and the solids will sink to the bottom in two separate glasses . I drink the clear liquid that rises to the top in the Garlic Powder and Water glass ( this is the good stuff derived from Garlic Powder ) . Separetaly I drink the clear liquid above the setiments derived from mixing Habanero Hot Sauce with water , and then the solids will fall to the bottom , and the good amost clear liquid that rises above the setiment that falls to the bottom of glass B . But if you mix the Garlic Powder with the Hot Sauce into only one glass , the setiments that I don't want won't fall to the bottom and I think it is much better to seperate the two seperate tonics , which is much better and makes it so there are no side effects . It is the solids that sink to the bottom that give me side effects . The keep them seperated song explains it .


Update Reply April 30 ,
Pictures showing Tonic A and Tonic B after they have been stirred and then allowed to settle for all day , The Garlic plus water tonic A settles and separates fairly quickly . The Hot Sauce plus water takes longer to seperate after being thouroly stirred . The Tonic A with Garlic is the one on the left and Tonic 2 with Hot Sauce plus water is the one on the right . The one on the right could be left over night if you want it more clear ,

Tonic A on left side of photo
Tonic B on right side of photo
Guessing both tonics can somehow be used as Biostimulants on plants in a dilute refined clear form.
Have already have much success using Tonic A top clear layer on plants as a mutiple capacity substance .
Now is the time to try Tonic B as a Biostimulant on hard to germinate seeds .

We don't do these things because they are easy ; We does these things because they are hard .

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New BioStimulant

Water plus almost clear top liquid of Tonic A + Top fluid in glass of seperated Tonic B .
Add both tonic plus water on seeds that I have not succeeded in germinating ( 1/40th of an inch diameter seeds ; such as Catnip , Peppermint , Lemon Mint ( Balm ) . Why not experiment dual BioStimulant applicant onto ungerminated seeds that I have not been able to germinated previously .

First Attempt of refined Garlic Water plus Habanero Hot Sauce refined clear liquid in a Dual Biostimulant .
Goal = Achieve Germination of tiny seeds that are the size of Poppy Seeds on a Bagel . Previous attempts of germinating these small seeds using Garlic Biotsimulant have failed . Switching to Dual Biostimulant Garlic Water plus Hot Sauce Water refined substance .

Will communicate success or failure to Universe is God's DNA ; sector 5473 .

Song transmissionMissionPossibleJohnWick6dash4

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Eating a lot of raw garlic may repel worms but my social life will go down the toilet. Then like weed, which breeder, strain and how to calculate dose and estimate potency. It is simpler for me to take lab tested enzymes and probiotics supplements for a balanced gut. Prescribed enzymes from a MD is covered by some health care plans.

you can mix yellow mustard with garlic powder or just mustard alone . good for what ails ya and you can heal an open wound real quick and heals burns on the skin too !
