My seeds wont sprout :/


Well-Known Member
Yes, yes it DOES include EVERYONE who uses the Stupid paper towel method.

The paper Towel method is used by grade schoolers to plant beans in Grade 4..... i did it, my children did it and my parrents did it.... its the way they teach CHILDREN to plant seeds (It shows how they absorb water, then expant, and release a root... creating life).... Plain and simple, it presents MANY more risks to the plant then whats actualy needed... everything from Airborne bacteria and fungi, viruses and squishing the plants when trying to transplant....

on the average i plant 300-400 Seeds a year depending on the year.... i have never squiched, smashed, broken, diseased or dried out a seedling.... i have LITERALY sprouted THOUSANDS of seeds....

Jiffy pellets are like 5 cents a peice.... stop being so damn cheap.
If you'd care to READ the thread properly you would have seen that I use Jiffys for cloning. So, who's being cheap??


Well-Known Member
Bad news guys, it turns out my white widow has decided it wanted to kick the bucket :( I have a lesser strain (I assume so anyway since it was a freebie) that I'm starting back up. I found a place to get some cheaper white widow and I think I'll try again at some point. But for now I guess it couldn't hurt to play with a something along my experience level. I'm going with the "stupid paper towel" method just until I see the seed is viable. Then she will go into the peat puck, on that note wish me luck!
i gota say for the record, when buying seeds NEVER buy from single seed sites. period. they are the biggest rip off on the face of the planet..... Often i can find seeds in 5-10 packs at a MUCH lower price per seed than single seed banks (SOMA Lavender $20/seed ($200 for a 10 pack) SENSI seeds Whitewidow $12/seed ). and i ALWAYS Germinate 2+ Seeds, even if your only growing 1 plant.

Instead of using paper towel just put it Directly into water untill it sinks, then put it in the peat pellet. there is MUCH less risk to the plants. MUCH less of a chance this exact same thing will happen again....

If you'd care to READ the thread properly you would have seen that I use Jiffys for cloning. So, who's being cheap??
Anyone who is refusing to pay 5 cents to keep there seeds safe.... so, LOTS of people. were not talking about clones are we? if we WERE talking about clones, then i would tell you to show me how you CLONE with paper towel... good luck.
i gota say for the record, when buying seeds NEVER buy from single seed sites. period. they are the biggest rip off on the face of the planet..... Often i can find seeds in 5-10 packs at a MUCH lower price per seed than single seed banks (SOMA Lavender $20/seed ($200 for a 10 pack) SENSI seeds Whitewidow $12/seed ). and i ALWAYS Germinate 2+ Seeds, even if your only growing 1 plant.

Instead of using paper towel just put it Directly into water untill it sinks, then put it in the peat pellet. there is MUCH less risk to the plants. MUCH less of a chance this exact same thing will happen again....

I'll go with that one again, the paper towel has not shown any progress and this is day two. Where do you get your seeds?? I tried herbies and they had good prices. I just worry that good prices means knock offs. At this rate I'm going to have to buy again soon.


Well-Known Member
Where do you get your seeds?? I tried herbies and they had good prices. I just worry that good prices means knock offs.
Honestly think about this for a minute.... your paying HUGE amounts of $$ for a couple plant seeds.... the "Knock off's" are the seeds that cost $20 a peice....

truth be told i pay (on the average..) $3.00 a seed... 100 seed orders for $300... my outdoor cost me $500 for seeds... check out the list: over 150 seeds for less than $500.... <-- Breeder. cheapest seeds, best genetics i have found for the price. <- Seedbank INSIDE the USA. <-- Another one inside the USA.
Thanks! I'll check these out. I definately don't want to spend that kind of money, and that's why I went with herbies - they have supposed dutch passion white widow for about $6 I think.