my seeds are not germinating!!!

Alright so right now I only am trying to germinate 2 seeds, I am most likely getting 10 today. Anyway, 60 hours ago I started the paper towel method, I'm positive I am doing it correctly. My seeds were green when I started but are now more of a black color. They have not cracked yet. What should I expect to happen??



Well-Known Member
Dude I am a noob but I think green seeds are imature and not viable. Again I am a noob but I think I'm right on this one. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Yeah if they are green seeds they are imature seeds. Don't be suprised if they don't work out for you. It's worth a shot, but again don't be suprised if they don't. You wants seeds that are brown and hard. Some have black tiger strips, some don't. But you want them to be brown, not green.


Well-Known Member
hopefully they will split soon, I've waited as long as 5 days.My last batch did nothing, 20 seeds in the garbage after 2weeks. good luck:joint::blsmoke:


Active Member
Im only a novice grower, but try putting the seeds into a paper cup. Use normal cold water and drop your seeds (carefully) into the cup of water. Make sure that the seeds are always above the water, so that there not drowning. If they do sink when you put them in, just get some paperor tissue roll and stick it in the cup of water and then place the seeds on top making sure that that they are resting right at the top of the tissue roll at the same level of the water getting slightly wet. Once you've put them in leave them for 24 hours (no lid) in a dark/warmish place and then after the 24 hours geminate them for a day or so, then your have a cracked seeds with a nice tail, well it worked for me anywho. good luck.


Well-Known Member
If the seeds are black, toss them. It's sounds like they are moldy. You want seeds that are brown with a hard shell.