my seedlins


Well-Known Member
Ok, im sure this information is on the site but theres soooo many threads and posts that search is just about useless..

How long does it usually take my planted germinated seed to break soil?

Also, i read somewhere to never touch your seeds with your hands after they germinated.. is that true, and if it is.. is it harmful, like will my plants survive?

Last, i also read it is necessary you put your seed in root down after germinated? I dont think any of my plants got potted like that.


Active Member
Ok, im sure this information is on the site but theres soooo many threads and posts that search is just about useless..

How long does it usually take my planted germinated seed to break soil?

Also, i read somewhere to never touch your seeds with your hands after they germinated.. is that true, and if it is.. is it harmful, like will my plants survive?

Last, i also read it is necessary you put your seed in root down after germinated? I dont think any of my plants got potted like that.
Firstly , ur seed should take 2to3to4 days to might take longer ..say upto a just kinda depends...

Secondly ...u wont kill ur plants by touching the germinat'd seeds...BUT u gotta be extremely extremely careful with those seeds...they r f****n deicate...especially the root hairs..

Thirdly...though it is the legend to put the root downwards..u can plant ur seeds almost any way ..they will find their course in time...Im not sure on this one..but thats hw iv been doin this all this 2 inch hole ..i just put the germinated seed the most carefully i can..then sprinkle some soil over that...thats how i do it..and it worked mostly..Bets of luck !!:-P


Well-Known Member
Firstly , ur seed should take 2to3to4 days to might take longer ..say upto a just kinda depends...

Secondly ...u wont kill ur plants by touching the germinat'd seeds...BUT u gotta be extremely extremely careful with those seeds...they r f****n deicate...especially the root hairs..

Thirdly...though it is the legend to put the root downwards..u can plant ur seeds almost any way ..they will find their course in time...Im not sure on this one..but thats hw iv been doin this all this 2 inch hole ..i just put the germinated seed the most carefully i can..then sprinkle some soil over that...thats how i do it..and it worked mostly..Bets of luck !!:-P
besides reading through those typos that post answered all my questions lol, thanks man +rep.
now i feel alot more confident in my babys growing up strong


Active Member
Well, just to add to the thread.
I agree with everything on top. But just for fun's sake:

1. 2-7 days, usually. If it takes longer, just dig it up, making sure you don't break the tap root, and plant it closer to the surface.

2. It's fine to touch it with your fingers, but it'susually preferably with tweezers, since then, you can manipulate it a little more delicately, and it's easier to plant then. Also, just keep in mind that clean hands are better hands.

3. It doesn't really matter if the main root is upwards, downwards or spinning in a sumersault type of manner, just as long as it's in a good enviroment, it'll find its way out.
But if you plant it downwards, it could maybe spare you a few hours of waiting to see the bugger's head.


Well-Known Member
awesome, its only been a full day since i planted them.. so i guess im a little impatient, i just hate seeing 6 pots in my box with no little plants in them >.<, soon to be 9 since 3 more seeds germinated, thanks for the info guys


New Member
you can touch it just make sure ur hands are clean..wash em.. ive been having shitty luck with having my seeds sprout.. dont know why but its pissing me ive put the taproot up with my bagseed n it grew just fine.. but other beaners have not..its up 2 u ..


Well-Known Member
i just washed mty hands and carefully sifted soil out of a couple of my pots to make sure my plants werent retarded or if have the touch of death and killed them already. they seem to be doing fine tho, some nice sized roots are growing and im sure in a day or 2 they will break surface, and im also about to put my last 3 that germd into their own pots and out of my warm damp paper towel, so i have a little something to keep me occupied for now until the first 6 break surface