MY seedlings Tips are going yellow, I have pictures


Well-Known Member
Hey, my 2 half week old seedlings tips are going yellow, The plant food I'm using is Part1,, 1-2-5 and Part2,, 2-0-0 Ill take a pic of the ingredients, my ph levels are always at 6.4 to 6.6. Light cycle is 22/2, I'm using 4 fluorescent bulbs 2 cool 2 warm, My soil mix is just a store brand Pro Mix. OK and I'm growing them In my basement and the temp was 66 F so I placed a heater near by and brought the temp to 73 F but I worry this might be to much direct dry heat is this possible.. Take a look at the pics and tell me what ya think. Thanks :blsmoke:


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i think your feeding plants that dont quite need food yet....just give em water for the next week....peace az
Yah, you shouldnt be giving them nutrients yet. Just the good soil and water will do. The nutes are to overwelming for the small plants. Just make sure they get plenty of light and water. My method i use seems to work well. i just feed mine water a little at a time, at varying times duing the day, basically whenever they look dry, or there drying, and that tempature should be good. Does ur grow room have good humidity. They could just be drying out
I Dont know this for sure. but mabye for moisture to push out the dry air you could take wet towles. and put them all around the plants.?? You might wanna get a second oponion.
Yah, you shouldnt be giving them nutrients yet. Just the good soil and water will do. The nutes are to overwelming for the small plants. Just make sure they get plenty of light and water. My method i use seems to work well. i just feed mine water a little at a time, at varying times duing the day, basically whenever they look dry, or there drying, and that tempature should be good. Does ur grow room have good humidity. They could just be drying out

yea my humidity is really low like 20 40%
Im not sure if thats good or not, i just make sure my plants have quite a bit of it, this is my first grow ever so im not. gettin real scientific wth it and stuff. But, i have been doing ALOT of studying on here.
Yeah just stop those could give them a flush just in case. Move the heater so its not blowing directly on the plants. They should bounce back soon....stay off the food for a bit though.
that humidity is pretty low.. u need to bring it up a bit.. u can place a bowl of water in the room to raise it
Ok so heres what I did, I turned of the heater and fan, with doing that now Im able to fully close in the lights and plants, witch keeps the temp at 70 F with the heating pad, I also have a humidifier now outside of the box connected to 6 inch hose blowing inside the box. So im sure there getting fresh air because the box is not totaly closed of and the humidifier blows pretty hard, my only worry now is there not getting Isolating fan blowing on them to make them strong, but once I raise the lights in a couple of weeks I probley could fit my small fan in there.. Ill post a pic of the grow dont laugh lol...
Oh yea and I did just water my plants yesterday with food but today I flushed half of them kinda as a test. And my humidity is 60 now
yea my humidity is really low like 20 40%

Per the Jorge Cervantes Ultimate Grow DVD and his book The Marijuana Horticulture Indoor /Outdoor Medical Growers Guide, your humidity needs to 60% - 65% during vegging and around 50% during the flowering stage. If your humidity is too low, you invite fungus and pest to come. (You might want to pick up some Neem Oil and some SMC) If it is too high, the plant's growth slows.

It would be best if you would put a pail/bucket of water in your grow area to get it to go up to the proper level. This can also serve as a water reservoir and every couple of days you will have usable water for you plants. You can also go to one of the big chain stores and pick up a small humidifier, they are super cheap like maybe $10 - $15 bucks.

Funny thing is that after plants get bigger, we are usually fighting high humidity and have to invest in de-humidifiers, which are expense - about $200.00+ for one that will hold 40-50 gallons of water. Good thing about that is - you can use that water to feed your plants.

Does anyone know any way that i can find out if the humidity in my grow room is right, i have no more money left and i cant get something that tests it? anyone got any ideas. i would appreciate it.
Does anyone know any way that i can find out if the humidity in my grow room is right, i have no more money left and i cant get something that tests it? anyone got any ideas. i would appreciate it.

Dude, a hygrometer is less than $5.00 at Home Depot or Walmart. Don't let being broke ruin your crop, bum the money from somebody or cash in some bottles and cans... lol

Well, i got a bowl of water in with them right now, along with 4 23 watt cfl's soon 2 be five, there nice and warm and and im hoping the water will put it to a good humidity. its just the water ive been watering them with
I change everything again, raised the lights, put a hot humidifier inside and a fan. I think this is good now temps like 71 F humidity 50% :) now hopefully the yellow tips dont get any worse... ill post new pic