My seedlings seem to always get stunted around 1-1.5 weeks..

Hey guys. I’m really at a loss for words here. My first grow was done in a space bucket using some subpar genetics. And I went from seed to harvest without a single hitch...I think? It was grown in a 1 gallon pot due to the space bucket size restriction, and grew to be 17” tall and produced a half oz dry Zero nutrient problems, zero pests.

now I’ve started my second run in a proper tent, and already had to scrap two plants (30 days old and 13 days old...) due to severe, unknown damage that is STILL unknown to this day. I’ve gotten totally newbags of soil, new pots to plant in, everything, yet my babies still get stunted come that 8-10 day mark, and seem to just idle there for the next week or longer.

GENETIC TYPE: Autoflowers, most F5 or better by Mephisto Genetics
TEMP: 76-80°F during lights on, 65-69°F lights off
RH%: Between 40-60%, I kick the humidifier on as it gets to 40%. Humidifier is filled with dechlorinated tap water as well, but not pH balanced.
MEDIUM: FFOF, FFHF, Organic Perlite (40/40/20)
WATER: 6.4 dechlorinated tap water (86ppm, 20°C), til slight runoff
POT SIZE: 2-gal fabric grow pots
WATERING SCHEDULE: when I can’t feel any moisture after sticking half my index finger into the container, I water with approximately 1L for all three of my current sprouts (giving the least to the youngest, and working my way to the oldest/most developed).
LIGHTS: Mars Hydro TS1000, 18” from top of soil. 20/4 schedule.

I should note, after reading the newbie section, I did replant these two as they were quite long-legged. That said, this is an ongoing issue with every single plant I’ve tried to grow.

what on earth could I be doing so terribly wrong?

Photo information:
1st photo is Forgotten Cookies x Forum Stomper (Mephisto), Day 9, 3 hours after lights on

2nd photo is Gorilla Glue auto (Grower’s Choice), Day 6, 3 hours after lights on

3rd photo is another Forgotten Cookies x Forum Stomper that is experiencing the same issues that I’ve had with the two aforementioned plants that I had to pluck...yellow/orange “scratch marks”, blackened new growth. I asked for help in the newbie section, but the only answers I got were regarding my airflow, which seems to definitely not be the case..

Each of these seedlings had looooong legs somehow, even with the light only being 18” away and I’ve been warned to not go lower with powerful, after diving into the Newbie section on this forum, I replanted them VERY gently and VERY carefully, just as I’d do if transplanting / potting up...the legs were probably around 2” each.

..I’ve done nothing but water in a sterilized environment, I’m just beyond words and I’m giving up hope. Over $800 total invested and I can’t seem to get a proper plant to even ATTEMPT growth WTF! I’m sadly starting to lose more and more hope every time I open my tent. And what’s worse is, my own failures are making me jealous and sad to even look at the plant anymore. What started as a passion of love has turned into more stress than I can put into words, and the lack of anyone to directly communicate these issues to is just driving me up a wall...

thank you for any help you may be able to offer..



Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I’m really at a loss for words here. My first grow was done in a space bucket using some subpar genetics. And I went from seed to harvest without a single hitch...I think? It was grown in a 1 gallon pot due to the space bucket size restriction, and grew to be 17” tall and produced a half oz dry Zero nutrient problems, zero pests.

now I’ve started my second run in a proper tent, and already had to scrap two plants (30 days old and 13 days old...) due to severe, unknown damage that is STILL unknown to this day. I’ve gotten totally newbags of soil, new pots to plant in, everything, yet my babies still get stunted come that 8-10 day mark, and seem to just idle there for the next week or longer.

GENETIC TYPE: Autoflowers, most F5 or better by Mephisto Genetics
TEMP: 76-80°F during lights on, 65-69°F lights off
RH%: Between 40-60%, I kick the humidifier on as it gets to 40%. Humidifier is filled with dechlorinated tap water as well, but not pH balanced.
MEDIUM: FFOF, FFHF, Organic Perlite (40/40/20)
WATER: 6.4 dechlorinated tap water (86ppm, 20°C), til slight runoff
POT SIZE: 2-gal fabric grow pots
WATERING SCHEDULE: when I can’t feel any moisture after sticking half my index finger into the container, I water with approximately 1L for all three of my current sprouts (giving the least to the youngest, and working my way to the oldest/most developed).
LIGHTS: Mars Hydro TS1000, 18” from top of soil. 20/4 schedule.

I should note, after reading the newbie section, I did replant these two as they were quite long-legged. That said, this is an ongoing issue with every single plant I’ve tried to grow.

what on earth could I be doing so terribly wrong?

Photo information:
1st photo is Forgotten Cookies x Forum Stomper (Mephisto), Day 9, 3 hours after lights on

2nd photo is Gorilla Glue auto (Grower’s Choice), Day 6, 3 hours after lights on

3rd photo is another Forgotten Cookies x Forum Stomper that is experiencing the same issues that I’ve had with the two aforementioned plants that I had to pluck...yellow/orange “scratch marks”, blackened new growth. I asked for help in the newbie section, but the only answers I got were regarding my airflow, which seems to definitely not be the case..

Each of these seedlings had looooong legs somehow, even with the light only being 18” away and I’ve been warned to not go lower with powerful, after diving into the Newbie section on this forum, I replanted them VERY gently and VERY carefully, just as I’d do if transplanting / potting up...the legs were probably around 2” each.

..I’ve done nothing but water in a sterilized environment, I’m just beyond words and I’m giving up hope. Over $800 total invested and I can’t seem to get a proper plant to even ATTEMPT growth WTF! I’m sadly starting to lose more and more hope every time I open my tent. And what’s worse is, my own failures are making me jealous and sad to even look at the plant anymore. What started as a passion of love has turned into more stress than I can put into words, and the lack of anyone to directly communicate these issues to is just driving me up a wall...

thank you for any help you may be able to offer..
They usually stall for about a week at this stage. Building root system.


Well-Known Member
and they prob would benefit with some more dark time they like growing roots during that time my 2c.


Well-Known Member
look at the last pic and he said what he was using...
Oh yeah that one doesnt look so hot. When I do autos, i fill the pot with their final medium and then dig out a "cup size" hole and fill that with all cool dirt so the plant isnt getting raped its first couple weeks of life.


Well-Known Member
yea @JoeBlow5823 he went full send and with a auto so its most likely fucked if I do hot soil I usually mix a good chunk coco into a bit of ewc then have that as the start so my girls don't get destroyed off the bat but coco is what I like running most of the time just because I can control what's going into it.
Happy Frog isn’t typically known as a hot soil, is it? and the soil blend is 40/40 with 20% Perlite. It’s cut with HF as a buffer, upper half HF, lower half OF heavy, with 3 sections of the pot with perlite tossed in.

I’ve seen several people grow these same genetics in straight unbuffered and uncut Ocean Forest and nothing along these lines happens..

As far as the third pic, yes, I have been dealing with this on this seedling as well as two priors. However, the first two photos are simply short, lol. However, my last two plants (the ones I had to pluck), were severely stunted AND looked like the third pic for some reason.

I’ve tried DE and Neem Oil in case of pests, but DE turns to practically concrete once you have to water your I have stopped using it except to sprinkle on leavesin my outsideveggie garden lol.

@Gond00s incorrect. “Full send”? I cut OF with HF, Perlite, dolomite lime, and DE, but anyways...and yet again, I’ve seen several plants of these genetics (Mephisto) so just fine in FFOF UNCUT, so you’re not making any sense.


Well-Known Member
Happy Frog isn’t typically known as a hot soil, is it? and the soil blend is 40/40 with 20% Perlite. It’s cut with HF as a buffer, upper half HF, lower half OF heavy, with 3 sections of the pot with perlite tossed in.

I’ve seen several people grow these same genetics in straight unbuffered and uncut Ocean Forest and nothing along these lines happens..

As far as the third pic, yes, I have been dealing with this on this seedling as well as two priors. However, the first two photos are simply short, lol. However, my last two plants (the ones I had to pluck), were severely stunted AND looked like the third pic for some reason.

I’ve tried DE and Neem Oil in case of pests, but DE turns to practically concrete once you have to water your I have stopped using it except to sprinkle on leavesin my outsideveggie garden lol.
Lets see a picture of your setup?


Well-Known Member
Happy Frog isn’t typically known as a hot soil, is it? and the soil blend is 40/40 with 20% Perlite. It’s cut with HF as a buffer, upper half HF, lower half OF heavy, with 3 sections of the pot with perlite tossed in.

I’ve seen several people grow these same genetics in straight unbuffered and uncut Ocean Forest and nothing along these lines happens..

As far as the third pic, yes, I have been dealing with this on this seedling as well as two priors. However, the first two photos are simply short, lol. However, my last two plants (the ones I had to pluck), were severely stunted AND looked like the third pic for some reason.

I’ve tried DE and Neem Oil in case of pests, but DE turns to practically concrete once you have to water your I have stopped using it except to sprinkle on leavesin my outsideveggie garden lol.

@Gond00s incorrect. “Full send”? I cut OF with HF, Perlite, dolomite lime, and DE, but anyways...and yet again, I’ve seen several plants of these genetics (Mephisto) so just fine in FFOF UNCUT, so you’re not making any sense.

but your growing autos..... autos themselves are picky sons of bitches so your kinda shooting your self in the foot. bongsmilie
Lets see a picture of your setup?
gotcha right here my friend. I’m waiting on my shipment of 1/8” rope ratchets to even out my light lol, I hate how the Mars Hydro TS1000 only included one!

@Gond00s what would you recommend autos be planted in? As a newb I’m veryworried about picking out a potting mix that will fuck me, so stuck to what I’ve been told thus far! Lol



Well-Known Member
Start them in tiny peat pots and then transplant those pots into bigger containers. Big containers and seedlings usually don’t get along from the get go and to compensate you are watering only a little circle around the plant which stall the root development.
Start them in tiny peat pots and then transplant those pots into bigger containers. Big containers and seedlings usually don’t get along from the get go and to compensate you are watering only a little circle around the plant which stall the root development.
As already stated in this thread, no I am not. I am fully watering the container to slight runoff points. I make the roots chase the water. I appreciate your input but please fully read and don’t skim over..:/
Looking a little overwatered. That fan is likely way to strong to be that close to sprouts....
Just now watered today after sticking my entire index finger in the soil, and it being bare. I have it on its lowest setting and it’s not more than a slight breeze over the topsoil.

my othher post on this same forum told me to move it way closer...

here’s what the airflow over top of the seedlings looks like. (The yellow-white stuff is diatomaceous earth that got a little Damp, nothing concerning)

— it is very similar, identical even, for the Vivosun clip on across the tent :)
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Well-Known Member
As already stated in this thread, no I am not. I am fully watering the container to slight runoff points. I make the roots chase the water. I appreciate your input but please fully read and don’t skim over..:/
Ok then you are drowning them because a seedling can’t handle 2 gallons of wet medium


Well-Known Member
u can use the soil but for it just for the beginning make a solo cup hole in the middle where u would pop it in and have a nice light mix of coco/ewc to let the plant get use to the soil but when a plant is that small what I do is I take a shot glass or a solo cup put it on top of the seedling and water on the cup/shotglass to make it water around the stem. when your starting a seedling do not overwater it will do more damage than good. it just needs to be wet around the seed not the whole pot.


Well-Known Member
As already stated in this thread, no I am not. I am fully watering the container to slight runoff points. I make the roots chase the water. I appreciate your input but please fully read and don’t skim over..:/
That is how you water a plant with a root system filling out the entire pot. Sprouts only need a squirt of water every 3 days ish.


Well-Known Member
As already stated in this thread, no I am not. I am fully watering the container to slight runoff points. I make the roots chase the water. I appreciate your input but please fully read and don’t skim over..:/
There is no need to be watering those pots until runoff with seedlings. Just water around the seedling a little.

I also agree with others that you should just run photos. Some auto's don't finish any faster than a photo vegged 4 - 6 weeks and then flipped to flower. Unless you're doing a perpetual grow in one tent or early finishing for outdoors I don't see the point of growing auto's.