My seedlings are dying


New Member
Hello friends . I had 4 different seedlings and 3 of them died, i think the last one is gonna die too. I can't figure out whats happening to her. I am using two 30 watt cfl and temperature is 25 - 23 C, humidity 55 - 60 They all died like that, here is the pic please help :((


Well-Known Member
you need to provide more details and images.

Im guessing that you have been watering them frequently trying to make sure they grow awesome but youre killing them. They need their stems to dry out in between waterings especially when young


Well-Known Member
-Less waterings (you want the roots to search the pot for water, builds strong root system)

- soil can be too hot, seedlings don't need water or nutes for the first week or so.

- seedlings love high humidity


Well-Known Member
Did the stems die right at the soil line and they flopped over? If so, it's called damping off, a fungal disease. Gotta use clean soil, sterilized if possible. Your soil looks like just some mud you dug up, though maybe it's bought. Even bought soil can have stuff in it. I suggest starting plants in vermiculite or perlite with hydro nutes. Once they have good woody stems you can put them in soil without worrying about damping off. Just too risky to start costly seeds in soil.
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Well-Known Member

see those baby leaves gone white or creme colored..?

that soil is way too hot

mix in 50/50 sand or perlite to that soil

more details can save this grow

good luck