my secret garden


Well-Known Member
I just got all of my seeds mescal beans, deadly nightshade and dream herb are soaking in the fridge.

I'm planting the black night shade and poppys once my light runs in in a couple hours
i got my own lil garden too. 2 canabis indica and 2 salvia divinorum plants :)

As for the guy scared about salvia, my advice to u is try x5 first and then when u are comfortable move on to the stronger extracts. Plain leaf has even worked for me on occasion. when done correctly u can achieve that unique experience only salvia can give u even with plain leaf.

if u don't know already heres how u smoke it:

1. pack a bowl or bubbler or bong and make sure to roast that bastard for the whole time u are taking the hit.
2. Take a big hit and hold in for as long as u can(30 secs is good)
3. By the time u get to 30 u should already be feeling the effects and just go with it.
4. Make sure u are in a healthy state of mind before trying any hollucinagenic substance!(i don't advise that one try salvia under the influence of anything except Maybe pot, but than again I know ppl are gonna do what they damn well please.)

be safe, happy tripin!


Well-Known Member
Having a herbal garden must bring that inner joy...that joy in self preservation of maintaining your psychoactive high in your own backyard ;)


Well-Known Member
Yes I'm very excited on this line up, anyone kno how long the nightshades take to sprout?


Well-Known Member
u can grow a mescaline cactus in there. even buy it legally in the usa. not peyote but mescaline cactus none the less


Well-Known Member
so i also love to eat shrooms and when i was a kid i like acid. also ive tried foxy and i love it all. i have 20x salvia that i bought 6 months ago but for some reason im scared shitless of this stuff. any suggestions? can i take a small hit and see if i like it? i guess im assuming the original poster has experience with this.

Lol, you don't feel it comming. You might take a few small hits and feel nothing, then do it again, and by the time you notice you are in oz its too late. But its not like alcohol or pot where you can get a little stoned or drunk... it either fucks your mind or misses until your tollerance drops. You go from sober to the equivalent of an LSD thumbrint in a few seconds without noticeing the transition.


Well-Known Member
Hey thizz im about to start up a garden of my own.

What would someone reccomend i grow?

Im getting a san pedro as a gift. I have alot of space to grow.

Your lineup seems good but a little rough, lol.



Well-Known Member
Ive heard real good stuff about dream herb. I know an old hippie who puts this stuff in his spliffs.

I havent had any in years man. Its nothing spectacular its nice with other things like a spliff though. place i get from is out of stock :/


Well-Known Member
Hey thizz im about to start up a garden of my own.

What would someone reccomend i grow?

Im getting a san pedro as a gift. I have alot of space to grow.

Your lineup seems good but a little rough, lol.

My dream herb and poppys are looking good, I don't have any experirence with cacti