My second try DWC SAGExSour, Purp Diesal


Well-Known Member
So this is my second try at growing clones but i got some amazing ones that im sure will do alot better (mainly from reading alot of this forum).
the four clones are Purple sour diesal(front right), S.A.G.E.x SOUR(back right), Black Domina(front left), Grape Ape(back left)
It's four pots in a DWC with four bubble wands beneath
i have the clones under a 125W daylight CFL
i will move them to a 400w MH once they are old enough
PH is between 5.5 and 6
Jump start at 7mL
i have two bottles next to it to making C02

Any advice would be awesome,



Well-Known Member
I am using Jumpstart as a foliar spray as well then i will put them on a 1/4 regiment of pure blend pro 3-2-4


Well-Known Member
Day 3 here and had some questions there is some yellowing on the edges of the leaves and a few spots on some of the Grape Ape leaves just wondering if its due to rooting process or something else.
PH 5.5 - 5.8
the clones have only been in the DWC for 3 days

Any advice would be awesome



Well-Known Member
Day 5 and im getting some roots dropping down into the rez, as of right now its just the black domina, and the s.a.g.e x sour diesal that are doing this. Does anyone now why the purple sour diesel and grape ape are giong slower? i was thinking just because of strain types etc, but if anyone could shed some light on the situation that would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
if i used a mh for flowering, and then some warm flourescents would this be enough red spectrum light? i was thinking 2 4' T5 warm flourscents, if any one could help that would rock.


Well-Known Member
its been a week and they are looking strong, along with some root growth
I just added Pure Blend Pro(Grow) at 1/3 strength

What do you think? got any ideas how to make things better?



Well-Known Member
if i were you i would just get a HPS for flowering. You could still use t5s but i wouldn't use that MH for Flowering.


Well-Known Member
Day 11 and some exciting new growth about a half inch in a night:mrgreen:
there is some leaf tip curling on some f the plants and im thinking its because my rez water is getting to high so im gonna try to cool that down. I finally went out and got a meter for my PH and im glad i did i put it in there and i was off by a bunch it read 5.3 so then i got it back to 5.8



Well-Known Member
week2 day 5 and they are growing like crazy almost a inch and a half in two days, im gonna get some liquid Karma today and try that out as a foliar spray. PH is at 5.8 and they are up to 25mL of PBP and 5mL of Calmag. I tried lowering the light and got some leaf curl so i raised it back up i guess ill wait a little till i try it again maybe next week.( the light is at 32'')



Well-Known Member
i have one on the way so i think ill just put them both in there, hoping to get about a ounce off of each but who knows anything worth blazing is worth-it in my eyes. Im doing this for my own smoking so im hoping with 800w in the 4th week they will really fatten up and make some awesome stuff ill put some pics up tomorrow. The black domina is sooo frosty and the grape ape smells delicous


Well-Known Member
i think its about day 30 or 35 idk i lost track but i got a magnifying glass so i can see the trichs change. They are really starting to put on some weight which is awesome and im putting another 400w hps that i got a hold of in there so i hope with 800w ill get some really bomb stuff by the end.

