My second outdoor grow:

Well, that was a bloody fail on the whole keeping this updated.... But the end result was (shockingly enough!) the too low ceiling (9ft) left far too many popcorn buds and tortured the plants, by the time I said fuck it and cut away the ceiling it was too late for the effected plants... Ended up getting jacked for a bit but the damage was done. Ended up with two unmolested plants (3 by the assholes, 1 by an early windstorm that didn't seem to get that this plant was shielded!) that yielded 33 ounces (sannie's jack) and 17 ounces (my creation, now named blue hulk). Sannies jack was not remotely restrained as she opted to bipass the whole enclosure thing and just grew around it, my creation which was in the middle opted to spread. She ended up growing out both sides... This time around I'm doing half an enclosure, planting the plants closer to the house so they'll grow around said enclosure eventually, adding hardwire cloth against the fences, adding motion sensing lights, and now have video surveilance. I'm also thinking about planting 10 plants instead of my usual 6...

Either way, I can't bitch about having a 4 lbs (including all the popcorn) yield from a single grow, so I'm happy, and have now learned my lesson on security. Mind you, it was a rather interesting experience making a police report on a jacked outdoor grow...
Unfortunately this is not an accurate answer given that sugar and cotton were started MUCH later (inside) than everything else and the whole theft thing but for my grow, the jack finished first (in fairness it had been vegging for more than a year.), The theft forced me to harvest a bit earlier than I'd wanted to, and the cotton candy was easily the most stolen. I'd say my creation and the cotton candy were pretty closely tied for second place followed by the sugar punch, but harvesting most everything by halloween left me pretty happy with the final results (I started to harvest jack by the 2nd week of october), I don't think I'd have pushed much further than the end of the first week of nov if I were left to my own devices IMHO...
Everything has now gotten a nice cure and if anyone cares my opinions are as follows:
Sanny's Jack (Herer) is still far and away my all time favorite smoke (bloody strong sativa thank you very much.) I would grow it again in a heartbeat if I were out.
Sanny's Sugar punch is good for a one hit wonder but at least for me (I'm weird) I seem to get quasi immune to it too quickly (much like anesthesia, suspect it's the same lineage.) I likely won't grow it again
Cotton Candy benefits from a cure more than most types, the sugar sweetness is still there, but it mellows enough to no longer attempt to choke you with cotton candy. Very nice flavor, nice effects, I'd likely grow it again if I needed more sweetness in my stash..

and not that it matters to anyone who doesn't know me, but the blue hulk turned out really well. The sugar sweetness that I tried to breed back into a more traditional chemdaw/diesel flavor did so nicely, and it kicks well even if it's a level of magnitude away from Jack. Which is a good thing since I have a hundred seeds or so of that, but I will definitely grow it again as it's a monster ;)
Thanks for the reviews, its always interesting to hear.

My last trip to a dispensary to get clones I had Jack Herer on my list (among others), and after talking to the employee there and seeing a dozen different strains, ended out leaving with something else. I fully regret it now, but I'll be sure to get it next time I'm setting up a grow and I see it available. From Sativa lovers, I've heard several people say its their favorite. I hope I can find some in April when its time to get ready for my next outdoor.
HR: Be warned, there are more JH style named plants out there than you can shake a stick at (especially since his passing) and they're not always, or sadly frequently, good. So It's possible the employee led you the right direction that day. If you're not opposed to beans and you want the best example of a JH that I've found go with sannie's jack (fem unless you want to breed it out) from sannies shop in amsterdam. It takes a bit for delivery, and you have to start from seed, BUT the end results will be top notch (and since the 18 immature plants don't count against us, you could always start earlier ;) ) if you want to know the parentage, but there (or at least have been) are a lot of growers of his jack on here, I think to a person we all say the same thing ;) Just be warned, she's a monster grower if you let her grow (oh noes!)
Thanks for that info! My last (indoor) grow had major issues and I took a month off before starting another one. Twice I went out to get one thing, and came back with something else. I've got five going now, should be a solid grow.

In the end its all good. :)
These are from about a month before harvest all are of Sannie's jack (which remains my all time favorite plant by leaps and bounds unless I'm wired ;) )


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    jack herer bud massive zoom loop IMG_5642.JPG
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