My second KUSH grow


Well-Known Member
This is my second marijuana grow. We had some outdoor plants growing all summer and we just chopped them down today (9/18) and they are hanging above the light and other seedlings. We have a T5 somethin rather light and we will be getting some other cfls in the room aswell.

Any questions, comments, or advice dont hesitate to post on it! but keep it kushpositive and no reggieneggy.. :hump: :joint: 180.jpg181.jpg179.jpg186.jpg185.jpg166.jpg182.jpg184.jpg163.jpg172.jpg176.jpg173.jpg183.jpg178.jpg180.jpg181.jpg179.jpg186.jpg185.jpg166.jpg182.jpg184.jpg163.jpg172.jpg176.jpg173.jpg183.jpg178.jpg


Active Member
hey man i wouldnt be drying your buds in a room with the lights on like that.... stick em in a dark room with a fan for air circulation.


Active Member
what strains do you got there how long have they been in flower seems a little early to be harvesting a outdoor grow?


Well-Known Member
we live in wisconsin so its starting to get pretty cold at night. and the plants were in shade for mor than 80% of the day so they wernt going to get much better. plus all the hairs are orange


Well-Known Member
i have no idea... they sprout outside my window evey year. You can see the window in one pic. On the one that says image 176, thats what they should all look like, but the ones hanging didnt get enough light, so this is what became of them. Also im about to plant some pinapple kush though.


Well-Known Member
in the hydro ponics we have one seed broke open with a root coming out.. and 3 of the soil plants the seeds are just popping out of the soil! should beable to see some good growth with in the next few days!


Well-Known Member
Pretty sweet man how many plants did u have and did u weigh it?

I've only heard bad things about miracle grow i wouldn't use it.


Well-Known Member
thats what ive been hearing too.. but the bag was already open so were using it for the seedlings but we gotta big bag of fox farm soil ready to be opened!! and all the seelings in the hydro ponics are atleast an inch or so talll!! mmmmmm i love my some hydro (:


Well-Known Member
nice man ya i live in WI too it is getting kida chilly like in the low 40's now. my buddy harvested his plant like a week after yours because of the cold. im using MG soil and its not that bad you just have to know how to grow with it and know how it works. but even better that you got some fox farm i do agree it works better than mg


Well-Known Member
Lookin good mang. How far along are those?
Stop by my closet kush grow. Links in the sig. Gonna post new pics tonight when lights come on


Well-Known Member
hey guys!! sorry for the drought!! but my phone broke and gotta crazy video update!!! my phone broke tho so im workin on getting the video transferred.