My Second Grow-SOG-Barneys LSD,Dutch Passion Blueberry,White Widow...


Well-Known Member
so i chose to grow POWER KUSH freebie,

im pretty excited for these ladies to germinate so i can put them in their rockwool cubes,

so i will be growing
Barneys Farm LSD
Dutch Passion Blueberry
White Widow Dinafem
Power Kush Dinafem

pretty solid lineup, it feels awsome having variety


Well-Known Member
all my seeds cracked and i put them in their little rockwool cubes,

at the moment i have 3 White widow plants vegging, they are each about 3 weeks old, they look really healthy and green,

and today i put 3 Dutch passion Blueberry feminized seeds in their rockwool cubes,

also 3 Barneys Farm LSD femiinized seeds,


things shud get interesting from here.


Well-Known Member
i am really considering buying those blueberry seeds... how much did you spend on your seed purchase all together?


Well-Known Member
i am really considering buying those blueberry seeds... how much did you spend on your seed purchase all together?
The blueberry was from Dutch passion (5 feminized) 60$
and barneys farm LSD (5 feminized) 30$
then I got a bunch of freebies from DNA genetics,
all together including shipping was like 110$


Well-Known Member
How are the girls Freddie?
The ladys are looking really nice,
The 3 white widows are about 3 weeks old,

and the 8 other seeds were just put in soil,
foxfarm ocean forest,
so I have 3 blueberry 3 LSD, 1 DNA genetics white widow and 1 powerkush,

I can't wait to clone my white widow ladys ,


Well-Known Member
We are going to be growing some of the same strains. Here is my next grow. I need to get the seeds started.

Barney’s Farm LSD (2 ea)
DP Blueberry (2 ea)
DNA Sharksbreath (2 ea)
Barney’s Farm Red Dragon (1 ea)
DNA Kushberry (1 ea)

Cool, I got a couple WW going to. Check ou the link in my sig for some FROSTY pics!

Big bud on the right, WW in the front and back.




Well-Known Member
We are going to be growing some of the same strains. Here is my next grow. I need to get the seeds started.

Barney’s Farm LSD (2 ea)
DP Blueberry (2 ea)
DNA Sharksbreath (2 ea)
Barney’s Farm Red Dragon (1 ea)
DNA Kushberry (1 ea)

Cool, I got a couple WW going to. Check ou the link in my sig for some FROSTY pics!

Big bud on the right, WW in the front and back.

wow man they look amazing!!

my ladys are looking great, my 3 white widows are about 1 month old, they are looking nice and healty, very green,

ill post pics or a video up soon,


Well-Known Member
hey wats up everyone?
im here to update my journal,

at the moment my 3 White Widows are looking very very nice, they are all green and healthy,
i just burnt 1 or 2 leafs on them with the CFLS. nothing major,

and also my 3 LSD's are looking nice, they look kind of short and bushy,

the 3 Blueberrys are VERY TALL! they outgrew the 3 white widows that i have, and they are 2 weeks younger,

then my DNA genetics powerkush is looking very healthy as well, she is a bit shorter then the LSD's,
then my DNA genetics white widow is also looking very healthy,

so at the moment my vegging area has 4 white widows, 3 lsd, 3 blueberry, 1 powerkush,

they all are looking healthy and things are going how they shud,

ill be posting up a video soon of my grow area and plants,


Well-Known Member
wats up everyone??
today i am going to clone my 3 white widow ladys,
they sprouted the 22nd of NOVEMBER so they are about 1 month and 20 days old...
they are all just a little under 2 feet tall,

they are very healthy and all 3 look like they will be females,
i am going to cut 16 clones from these 3 plants,

the clones on these plants are about 5 inches long,
they look healthy.

i will be posting pics of the 3 WW in a little bit,


Anyone got a quick smoke report on Barney's LSD? I've got 2 that I just put into 12/12 yesterday and I'm curious as to what some recent growers have to say about it. We've probably got seeds from the same batch...I bought mine in Sep/Oct. Is it all it's described to be?


Well-Known Member
ive never smoked it before man,
but i heard its a very good quality high,

i still want a smoke report as well but if not then ill have to wait for myself,

i have 3 lsd feminized and i will be cloning them in 2 weeks,

as soon as the clones show roots then i will begin to flower them under 1000 watt hps


Well-Known Member
i have good news,
i have a full size bedroom to work with now,

i decided that it was better if i did my grow in that bedroom instead, shud be easier to monitor and maintain then my garage...

ill have updates and pics of everything,

i cloned my 3 White Widows.

i got 16 clones in total,
i used rooting gel, it has been about 6 days since i cloned them and they still havent rooted...

hopefully they root, this is my very first time trying to clone....


Well-Known Member
Hey Freddy

Hows everything going? Any pics??? I just took some clones too.