i'm sticky-ing this thread temporarily just so folks get a chance to read it:
hello there, my name is mellokitty and i've just been added to the moderator team of the "grow journal" section. some of you already know me, the majority of you, probably not.
i just wanted to introduce myself, and explain my views on my role in this forum.
while i would love to read and follow every single journal in this section, i simply don't have the time to do that. likely, i couldn't do that even if i didn't have any realworld responsibilities and could be on riu 24/7. i can barely keep track of all my conversations from my various subbed threads as it is.
so, please don't expect that i'm going to "somehow know" whenever abuse is going on; if there's something that needs to be addressed, please PM me with the details and a link.
if a member finds something offensive, said offensive post needs to be looked at by a mod, imo. BUT, as the only junior mod of the journal section so far, the only way i'm going to know is if that member
reports it to me. i have a few extra drop-down menus on my screen now; i still can't read minds.
i will only edit posts as requested to me by the OP of the post; if someone reports a post to me that isn't their own, i will look at it with these options in mind: delete, move to a more appropriate subforum, or leave as is. IF i receive a report that i don't feel is within the scope of moderation (ie. i don't think it's abusive or a violation), i'll defer the ultimate decision to the global mods.
on that note, if you have a problem with me specifically, or my way of doing things, while i hope i can resolve the issue myself, please feel free at any time to bring it to the attention of the global mods.
i cannot ban or hand out infractions.
this includes spam. if you see spam, don't bother to respond to it; all it does is bump the spam to the top of the page, and no spammer is going to be offended by being called out for being a spammer. if it IS indeed human at all. please help me out by reporting it when you see it, it will be dealt with summarily the next time i log in.
by and large i'll only be intervening as i'm asked to -- imo, the only way to maintain a community is to create and foster a
feeling of community and i want to do my best to facilitate that.

happy growing all.