My review of Synergy Health Sevices

So he's just getting the system to pay for his services instead of the patient and doing so more regularly. Maybe there's more money going that way. Leaf, do you think if the CMA was a little more supportive that drs would willingly sign without a fee or at least a more reasonable fee? I gotta pay the doc every 4 years to write a letter to get an insulin pump for my kid. Mind you it's only $25 or something like that.

I would imagine Price is getting something more than the OHIP billings, if it's not from the patients it's from the LPs.
I'm all for everyone getting a medical document, but I have an issue if we (taxpayers) have to pay out $200+ per year per patient for this to happen. Time will tell...

I think the real influence with doctors is the different provincial Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and not the CMA. The CofPS have control over the doctor's licences not the CMA.
I have no doubt at all if the Colleges were to provide the information and give a green light to the doctors there would be no need for any specialty clinics. It would become a non issue. I suggest over half the doctors would be willingly signing without any additional fees.
We are still waiting to hear from the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons on this issue....They are way overdue on releasing their guideline.
It sounds to me like the doc is trying to fit mmj patients into his normal medical model. First they gotta run some blood/urine tests for their file. If you get blood pressure medicine or cholesterol, or any other kind of things they plan to keep you on forever they always give you three months worth and then have you come back to for a visit to make sure it's working and you're having no side-effects, and maybe another test of some kind. Once they've had you back a couple times, and everything seems to be working then they'll write you a prescription for the year and kick you loose.

If you asked anyone in the healthcare field, they would tell you this doc is just doing his due diligence, and making sure his files are complete enough to withstand any scrutiny from the medical association. Which is good, because the last thing folks like us need is to have another mmj-friendly doc get shut down.

I do understand the due diligence, but the renewal every three months... no I don't buy it, especially if lab work is involved. Unless the lab work is to monitor another condition. The prescription can be given for the max 12 months and the patient can relax and not have to stress about having to jump hoops all the time. They can concentrate upon their healing journey rather than having to justify it.
He was my doctor. He got paid hundreds of dollars for the intial visit and fifty dollars or so for the follow ups. He is working with an LP trying to make a bunch of money now; he wanted to know exactly what strains i was growing and where i purchased the seeds. If he is no longer charging patients (i chose not to continue paying) then he is making good money getting paid by an LP. The constant visits were nothing but a cash grab and so is this. He would not let me sign up to renew my ppl before the april 1st deadline because he was forcing me into the mmpr. That was my last visit with that guy.
Drug test...come back every three splitting for you......sorry but this guy is a dick. Speaking of dicks he should whip his out and test his own piss. Sorry but this guy DOES NOT PASS GO imo.
Seeing if you have other drugs in you....outragous!!!!
He can sniff this.121.jpg
....fucking goof...this whole thing annoyed me with his little rules....fucking nazi bastard
He was my doctor. He got paid hundreds of dollars for the intial visit and fifty dollars or so for the follow ups. He is working with an LP trying to make a bunch of money now; he wanted to know exactly what strains i was growing and where i purchased the seeds. If he is no longer charging patients (i chose not to continue paying) then he is making good money getting paid by an LP. The constant visits were nothing but a cash grab and so is this. He would not let me sign up to renew my ppl before the april 1st deadline because he was forcing me into the mmpr. That was my last visit with that guy.

Bingo...Thank you for posting this.
He was my doctor. He got paid hundreds of dollars for the intial visit and fifty dollars or so for the follow ups. He is working with an LP trying to make a bunch of money now; he wanted to know exactly what strains i was growing and where i purchased the seeds. If he is no longer charging patients (i chose not to continue paying) then he is making good money getting paid by an LP. The constant visits were nothing but a cash grab and so is this. He would not let me sign up to renew my ppl before the april 1st deadline because he was forcing me into the mmpr. That was my last visit with that guy.

That's because he could not legitimately say you were sick and the MMPR would have been your saviour and his.

The man is a CROOK! A Liar and makes all doctors look like idiots!
going to the doctor kinda normal procedure for lots of people....
and plenty of doctors use the frequent appointment a cash generator...
anyone on going to the doctor every two to three months....just to get refills...
so this is no different...
I get pee tested and blood work done every 3 months...for diabetes and a few other ailments...\
then have specialist appointments usually every 6,months....and sometimes spin off appointments to other
(not my usual Dr.) specialists too.
and so far the only one I see once a year is my mmj Dr.
I'm kinda tired of Dr. Appointments....
Cash Cow
going to the doctor kinda normal procedure for lots of people....
and plenty of doctors use the frequent appointment a cash generator...
anyone on going to the doctor every two to three months....just to get refills...
so this is no different...
I get pee tested and blood work done every 3 months...for diabetes and a few other ailments...\
then have specialist appointments usually every 6,months....and sometimes spin off appointments to other
(not my usual Dr.) specialists too.
and so far the only one I see once a year is my mmj Dr.
I'm kinda tired of Dr. Appointments....
Cash Cow
They really need all that edumacation to look up symptoms and find what closely resembles it in a book (now they can do it on their iphones) pretty much after every Dr. apt I have I look back and go "fuck you don't need to know anything to write scripts, hell you don't have to ask the patient any questions about how the meds feel or even answer any questions the patient has at all, misdirection when being questioned on anything." I only have respect for 1 type of doctor now, the ones that care and are not afraid to do what is right for their patients! also has to have a NO "god complex" too!!! fucking hard to find but they are out there, my family doc used to be one of those but somewhere between her 4 kids she changed! LOL
I can remember going to emerg after already gobbling down pain meds and I mean plenty.....and waiting a long time to see the doctor,,,
and I he asked me If I was looking for pain meds first which I answered No and pulled a huge bottle of pills from my pocket...and I said I already have plenty and they are not even touching my pain....
I said to him... I just couldn't take it any more and came here as a last resort, hoping someone would give me manual
traction or an epidural or knock me out....or something hands on...
He told me that they don't do those kind of things in emerg..and scribbled across his presciption pad....a script for Lyrica. handed it to me and walked out the door.....
So its pretty hard to get someone (meaning Doctors) to do any actual pulling on your neck to relieve the pressure from your vertibrae...a procedure that take 15 mins and will usually help....
I guess their a magic wand that dispenses all the hands off
I can remember going to emerg after already gobbling down pain meds and I mean plenty.....and waiting a long time to see the doctor,,,
and I he asked me If I was looking for pain meds first which I answered No and pulled a huge bottle of pills from my pocket...and I said I already have plenty and they are not even touching my pain....
I said to him... I just couldn't take it any more and came here as a last resort, hoping someone would give me manual
traction or an epidural or knock me out....or something hands on...
He told me that they don't do those kind of things in emerg..and scribbled across his presciption pad....a script for Lyrica. handed it to me and walked out the door.....
So its pretty hard to get someone (meaning Doctors) to do any actual pulling on your neck to relieve the pressure from your vertibrae...a procedure that take 15 mins and will usually help....
I guess their a magic wand that dispenses all the hands off
That is funny you mention the hands off cures. I have been going to this clinic for 2 years now and not once have I had my back, reflexes, anything really to do with my pain, checked out. They'll check my blood pressure, temp, but I've often thought how easy someone could fake shit and get away with it given the pill pushing nature of medicine these days.
Hey Cannadan. Once you're part of the system, they do everything in their power, including telling out right lies, to keep you there!
You are their "make work" project after all.
Just like Oncologists when they use Chemo. They know 99% of the time it doesn't work. But they do it anyway because that's what they are told to do. AND IT MAKES THEM MONEY!! THATS RIGHT!!! LOTS OF IT TOO. Its the Only drug perscribed that gives KICK BACKS!!!!

Now....Would you take you car to a shop that only fixes it 1% of the time?
Same shit the way I see it.

People go looking for a "fix", they get prescribed "shitty addictive mind altering drugs" and get stuck being part of the system.

Awesome business.... isn't it! :hump:
I can remember going to emerg after already gobbling down pain meds and I mean plenty.....and waiting a long time to see the doctor,,,
and I he asked me If I was looking for pain meds first which I answered No and pulled a huge bottle of pills from my pocket...and I said I already have plenty and they are not even touching my pain....
I said to him... I just couldn't take it any more and came here as a last resort, hoping someone would give me manual
traction or an epidural or knock me out....or something hands on...
He told me that they don't do those kind of things in emerg..and scribbled across his presciption pad....a script for Lyrica. handed it to me and walked out the door.....
So its pretty hard to get someone (meaning Doctors) to do any actual pulling on your neck to relieve the pressure from your vertibrae...a procedure that take 15 mins and will usually help....
I guess their a magic wand that dispenses all the hands off

That sucks. To be fair, any manual traction I've seen, help set up or over see was always done in a physiotherapy clinic. I doubt an MD would even know much beyond what it offers. One of the most honest Doctors I ever met was at a walk in clinic. He told me that GP's have general knowledge on a wide range of subjects, but it's impossible to have an answer for everyone or even the knowledge to recommend things to them. Hence the piles of medical reference books Doctors keep in their offices to double check on their findings for reassurance. Otherwise, unfortunately most of us are left to bounce around from specialist to specialist.
Ya It was just the one time I really could have used some hands on doctoring....
but all I got was more pills......and very expensive pills.....(for those without Insurance)
and I realized they don't do manual the emerg....but in a closed physio room a few feet down the hall
they had this traction machine...that would have made all the difference in my day...
I knew the machine was there....but they were not about to open a locked physio door....
to ensure I could get some instant relief,,,,without drugs....I was just hoping that day this doctor would do some doctoring....
you don't have a physio guy? I would get one for those types emergencies, I stopped using my physio guy because I no longer require it for pain control but he would see me fast if I hobbled into the office. Don't know if a hospital would have a 24/7physio guy or they maybe 9-5? the doctor would have stretched ya too far on a machine he wouldn't know how to "operate" anyways. Sucks though I used to have to get valium drips when I got way fucked up to sort me out, talk about wasted!
I did have a physio girl.....for a while....and they had a traction machine....when I was only dealing with my back...
but this was before I crushed C5 C6,C7 in my Neck with a 22 foot long wood I joist that fell from a 12 foot wall and hammered me on top of the head just like I was a actually embedded the little button on the top of a ball cap..right into my melon...
However my spine is so messed up now, It has become dangerous to manipulate it in any way....
so I can no longer physio no manipulation....
so says my Dr...