My reaction to Crazy Heart


Active Member
I just got my first movie for netflix (free 1-month trial!) and rented Crazy Heart since I like Jeff Bridges. I think I have a very melodramatic opinion of things right now cause I broke up with my girlfriend of 2.5 years a few months ago (a mistake) and watching a poor, drunken country singer just made me realize how lucky I am to have my whole life ahead of me. I'm not even high right now, actually.. that's probably the only reason I'm typing this haha. Anyways I just wanted to start a thread so people can reflect on their lives, or to keep it simple, 2010. You can whine about Obama if you want but I'd rather talk about something else.. hear too much of that shit in the news anyways. Anyone have any revelations this year?!


Active Member
Pretty much summed up in this quote, "Don't take life too seriously, if you do, you won't get out alive"-Some kid I knew in high school

and yea I know you won't get out alive anyway lol but you get the point...the dude that said that was definitely a weed smoker