My Quest for Michigan Fat Buds


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I decided to start a grow journal, so I can get some input (constructive) on my grows. No grammar Nazis please.

My very first grow was a disaster, but a great learning experience. I tore out my old grow room after realizing how flawed it was and slapped some boards and gorilla tape together and made a grow box in the back room. Got another light, lined it with Mylar, and will have my second harvest from it in late December.

The new cooker is below. Put the last batch in on the 27th of October. Created with 10$ worth of gorilla tape and 30$ worth of wood and screws. Has 2 doors for the bud box and 1 for the veg. The bud box doors are Mylar lined. I put the blanked up to stop any possible light leaks because I am a terrible carpenter.
Veg box is below. 10 plants between 2x10 gallon buckets. They will go to 2x15 gals once they go into bud. Purchased them at Home Depot and the lids fit both 10,15, and 25 gal buckets and there only 10 bucks. This little box is packed tight with green leaves by the time they pop into the bigger box.
My system has plants start from seed and they veg until the bud box harvests. So 2 months from germination to bud. Everyone tells me to do clone but I like seed and I can get fems for 5$-10 bucks a seed which is perfect for my budget. Started some cheese seed late (red bowl) but they are going straight to bud with the bigger girls once the last one pops anyway. No room for them in the little veg box. Well actually one of them is going to a fellow grower once it gets stable.
AMS from Greenhouse Seeds below. They seem to be doing better than the other babies.
The Church from Greenhouse Seeds below. They share a bucket with the AMS, they are also performing ahead of the others.
5 different strains in this bucket. Snowbud and Underdawg OG from THSeeds, The Doctor from Greenhouse Seeds, and 2 Skunks that I can never remember the name of. Doctor is not doing too bad. It seems all the Greenhouse Seed Co. seeds I acquired are doing the best. Which is odd because I hear a lot of people running them down; And hell $5 and something cents for a seed.
This is the bud box. 8 Strains in a 27 Gal bucket. This bucket will be gone after this harvest and the plants will be more spread out because they will be between 2 seperate buckets. Nonetheless they are doing alright right now. The biggest plants where topped during veg to make 2 main colas. The others where pruned for single colas. I am looking for bigger single cola trophy buds. Box is going to packed in a couple more weeks. The plant on the far left turned yellow from nitrogen shortage but I fixed that and he is bouncing back. The leaves that where yellow stayed yellow unfortunately but its 2 buds are still growing decent.
Here are pics of every bud. 16th night of bud so far. You can see my distorted face in the Mylar on some of the pics, I am not worried so no reason to tell me. Unfortunately I do not know the names of 7/8 strains. They are random skunk seeds I ordered and mixed together and a couple are from friends. The middle plant of the bucket is the biggest even after topping it, that is a strain called "Power Skunk". Grew it last season also, Gave a nice heavy bud just a couple weeks of veg so I cannot wait to see this baby finish. That bud is the first pic below (that is right after trimming it before shrinking from curing). Bubba Cola is a registered trademark of Save-A-Lot food stores. Find one in a ghetto near you.
Below is the power skunk. Both buds are from same plant. They have about 2 foot until they hit the ceiling and I can guarantee they will. They have had a huge stretch already. I will worry about that when it gets to it.
Here are the roots and stalks. 2 inch net pots getting tore up this is going to take a lot of gorilla tape lol.

I will try to update this weekly so you guys can follow me on my path to marijuana enlightenment, for better or worse.



Active Member

None of my attachments worked??

Nevermind I can't take them directly from the camera is why


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Going to take some pics of the buds now that they have had fresh nutrients for a couple days. Be back in 10 min.


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Going to take some pics of the buds not that they have had fresh nutrients for a couple days. Be back in 10 min.

Son of a bitch the camera batteries died while I was taking pics. Need to charge them but I will be at work before they do so I will post some fresh pics tomorrow. These are the ones I got pics of before camera died.


The last pic is the plant that seems to need a lot more nitrogen than the others. Still doing good though. They are all fattening up I can't wait to see them when I harvest around Christmas.


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After I change the water tomorrow I am going to take some new pics. Said I was going to today but after 12 hours at work I just want to smoke a joint and go to bed. Not to mention the light is off. There has been a lot of bud growth in the last few days, they are thickening up. I am going to have to move one of the fans that is hanging off the ceiling because my middle girls is about 5 inches away from bumping into it. Plants got a slight nutrient burn but they are bouncing back, and it doesn't seem to have slowed any growth. I have to get the nutrient levels right with this new bud formula.


Active Member
Here is what the bud box looks like as of today:

Bud growth is going well. These pics where taken before I switched he water out. I did some plant re-arranging to give them each some more personal space. Still upset about the nutrient burn but everything seems to be moving along nicely.

I am going to give the plants in veg a visit tomorrow and take some pics. They are doing good. Gave them some stump tea and a really light nutrients. I want to get even bigger roots than the ones I already have in bud.


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This is the bud box as of 11/23. Girls are fattening up nicely. The biggest problem I am having is with nutrient levels. With so many strains in a different reservoir its hard to figure out. This will be fixed in future grows though. I project a harvest around December 20th. I have not checked the crystals on them, I will start monitoring them in December. Hairs are starting to turn yellow and still pushing outward.


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Was going to change the reservoir tonight but the water is too cold. Going to let it heat up to room temp and switch it tomorrow. Here are some shots of the girls. Put a 20oz pop bottle up for comparison. Everything seems to be growing at a decent rate, even with some of the leaves turning purple from the cold.


Have til around Christmas before I can harvest, a few weeks away still. Hoping they pack on some more weight. A few of them I won't be able to fit into 1/2 gallon jars lol I love it.


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Heavy 16 Bud A&B. Very light, about 1/4th of what the bottle says. Going to lower part A because the girls got a little nitro burn. Raising part B it has more nutes for bud. Its been a rough road but I am keeping them going.


Active Member
Just get 2-3 gallons for each plant you will be alright. My girls vegged 1.5-2 months with root enhancer still a lot of room. Tomorrow I will get a new root pic. Going to two separate totes next harvest so they are all not fighting for the middle ground.