my purple white widow from


New Member


sorry about the side view but i couldn't get far enough back to get a normal shot.

gettin rid of the panda film, goin' with the flat white instead. i get tired of ripping it down and buying more when it curls up. look at those pitifull it's my inner weed baron coming out again.:mrgreen:

these are out next, but still have a good 3 weeks to go. i'll keep you updated on the size increase.

a close up of one of the girls above. and a nice shot of my white fly farm. i figure if the weed thing doesnt work i'm sellin bugs.:lol:
i gotta get those in check soon.:dunce:

dont worry i wont leave the power strip on the floor. no more fires for bugs:roll:

looks far hugh? brand new babies, just went in tonight. taking cuttings tomorrow.

so there it is in most of it's "glory"......bugs and all. (it happens)


New Member

newly updated pics. still havent painted yet but the new system is bangin.
thanks for all the support and help guys. i am smoking again. and will be caught soon enough at work. so i have taken the plunge into full time growing :shock::spew:.......hope i'm ready.:shock:

that new system will be at 9 weeks on the 3rd of september. should be one hell of a harvest. perhaps my best of all time. (weight per plant wise)
so payin the bills should be doable. if it blows me away the trays are gone.


Sector 5 Moderator
Man, we must be brothers from another mother or something. I'm using the same system and have a very similar situation but not with the family blackmailing me. That totally sucks. Hope you come out of this ok; I really do.


Sector 5 Moderator
Flirting? No, you're just a cartoon character, LOL. Besides, ever since Kenny died cartoon sex just hasn't been the same. My system is the Stinkbud system.