my purple white widow from


New Member
:joint::joint::joint: WELL HERE GOES....i have been thinking about doing a journal for a while now...i do one on paper but thought i could put up what i'm learning as i go for anyone who might need it. i first started with a cool cab from sunlight sheds and 2500 bucks later i was growing my white widow seeds i got from i followed the directions and grew pot. could it really be that easy? well yes and no. i quickly realised the downfall of dwc and knitting. since i was quickly falling in love with albfuct's thread of a 2 week s.o.g. i needed tables pumps...blablabla. so i spent about another 5000.00 and now 7 grand plus into it....i'm almost there. now if your dumb like me then you'll pay. now imma diy'er and just built my own aerocloner and bud dryer and framed out the mother and flower chambers and hung a ceiling in my 14'x8'x8' grow room.

anyway...i do a perpetual harvest every two weeks. i yield about a pound every 2 weeks usually more. by some strange chance i got purple white widow instead of the normal phenotype...wait til you see these buds.:twisted::hump::blsmoke::mrgreen:

so anyway i grew my first ten widow seeds in the cool cab then took 20 clones and continued to flower the 14 i had in the cab...then the males hit. took out all but 4 then 2 died cause i sucked and the other 2 went to harvest but there was no weed smell...beautiful purple buds covered in resin but the smell and tast were just not there...i posted often about this and by the time the second grow was ready to flower i only had 4 girls out of the 20 so i budded 2 and decided to make 2 my moms. the bud turned out wonderful and i killed the 2 moms in about a month. had to start all over. but by this time i had built the grow room and was ready enough to get started. so i germinated the other last hope. 7000 in debt and needing this to happen. customers waiting just needed to get it right about under the
well i germinated 10 fuckin lost one...dont ask. down to 9 ....and 2 didn't make it. so 7...that's a lucky number right? well yeeehaw 1 turned out to be a boy....6 left. girls thank god. i've got a chance i thought. i took 25 clones and did the cloning in rw method as perscribed by albfuct. much to my shigrin i cant do it...they all died except 4...meantime i was reading about ezcloners and found a link to another site about how to i did...but first , i almost forgot, i mad an ultrasonic fogger cloner...figured i already had one so might as well give it a shot....nope they all wilted. and they were the second set of clones. so i make the cloner plug em in to it and 4 hours later they stood straight up. i even took the last 4 of the other ones and put em in with these and now they are all starting to root. i have to say it takes no skill at all to clone with these things. just do it!
well that's where i'm at with it all 6 moms growin like crazy 29 clones a rootin about to go into flower on monday then i'll take another pass of cuttings and i'll do a pictorial about it and stick it on here for all of you guys.:peace:

boo rw cubes yay aerocloner 5 days no roots

moms moms to the left moms to the right
thank you jesus for the roots.
just a cool ass pic from underneath lookin up.
kitty likes the nuggs a lil too much...:twisted:
perlite and rw floc in 1 gallon pots rapid rooters are not used anymore. just plug em in to the perlite.:hump:

then over to the flower chamber under the mighty 1000w hps. tray 1 is used for weeks 1-4. weeks 5-6 is tray2 and weeks 7-8 is in tray 3. now im doubling the flower so i can get more bang for the buck...gonna add 2 more 2x4's and 2 more tubs so each table will hold 32 instead of 16. at least 2 lb's a harvest every 2 weeks for sale and plenty left over for 3500-4800 per lb.the op pays for itself and tne some. ya know it sucks that this is the only way for me to semi-safely vent and talk about this....people dont know the work time and money that goes into all of this and dammit i'm proud of what i do and yet i must hide my passion and my money. fuckin b.s. ...sorry preachy!!:joint::blsmoke::mrgreen:all better

here's the probe for temp and rh and the exhaust vent and a clean shot of the inside of my 20 gallon tubs with the 396gph pump and airhog stone.

then it's outta there in 8 weeks and into my bud dryer. the first one is inside...bud sits on the screen the lid goes on and the 2 fans kick on...1 intake 1 exhaust to create a cross breeze...smokin in 3-4 days

and then it's on to the aside from my personal. bud is the best thing that ever happened to my family...we enjoy a standard of living and financial security the rest of the sheople can only dream of.....thank you pot.:peace:

hope you enjoyed...i'll be updating with plenty of pics and info.feel free to post.


Well-Known Member
nice set up. I've got a few questions for you. how big is your res for those tables? in your cloner, do you just stuff rockwool around the steams? I've been trying to come up with an idea for building a cloner. maybe some kind of rubber plugs or something, but haven't found what I'm looking for in stores yet. but rockwool would probably work well. how many pots do you fit into a 2x4 table?


New Member
nice set up. I've got a few questions for you. how big is your res for those tables? in your cloner, do you just stuff rockwool around the steams? I've been trying to come up with an idea for building a cloner. maybe some kind of rubber plugs or something, but haven't found what I'm looking for in stores yet. but rockwool would probably work well. how many pots do you fit into a 2x4 table?
thanks for stopping in. the res's are all 20 gallons each.
no rockwool in the cloner. i used rapid rooters that i cut in half then split them down the side. i didnt have the money at the time to buy more but you can also use a pool noodle float thingy and cut pac-man shaped circles and tadaa permanent collar. i say no to the rockwool. but that's just my opinion.
i grow 4 plants per square foot...yep you read it right. i just lolipop them and they are in 5.5inch square 32 in a 2x4 and 16 in the 2x2's:mrgreen:


New Member
there is a diy in the faq i built mine from another site cant find the link...but a few fitting and a piece of pvc and your in bizz.


Active Member
Thanks for starting a journal Bugs, a harvest of 2lbs every two weeks is a beautiful flow of cash, especially if you live out here in cali. I am building a hydro setup to attain a similar perpetual yield to yours. The only real problem i have run into is a high percentage cloning process. I have heard many good things about the aero cloning system you are using. Can you explain more about everything you used to put yours together. Am i missing something, or is it as simple as putting the clones in some cloning gel, pushing them through a neoprene collar, and letting the aero system water the stem of the clone until it bears roots? How often are you running the aero system to water the clones? What % solution if any? Thanks for any info you can give me. Again, great informative journal and i look forward to great things in the future. Thanks for posting.


Well-Known Member
wow nice grow!
Hope i can get where your at, I also put alot of money into my op. Maybe around 6-7grand as well. Good luck on the 2lbs =)


New Member
Thanks for starting a journal Bugs,
thanks for reading it
a harvest of 2lbs every two weeks is a beautiful flow of cash, especially if you live out here in cali.
florida does pretty well in the market as well
I am building a hydro setup to attain a similar perpetual yield to yours.
good luck
The only real problem i have run into is a high percentage cloning process.
I have heard many good things about the aero cloning system you are using.
ya it's just taking over as the fastest most reliable and me-proof method out there:mrgreen:
Can you explain more about everything you used to put yours together.
1 8 foot piece of 1/2 inch pvc 4.00
4 elbows @ .39 a piece
3 T's at .40 a piece
1 threaded end to screw into the pump 1.29
1 396gph sub pump 25.00
1 10 pack of rain bird mister heads...screw in 180 degree or 360...3 bucks
ph down five gallons of any water on the plantet to 5.8 and dont bother it unless it creeps up to 6.3
a 36 gallon rubbermade tub from home depot...about 12 bucks with the lid
an air pump and stone of any size you want
and 35%h2o2 at 1.7ml/l of h2o
Am i missing something, or is it as simple as putting the clones in some cloning gel, pushing them through a neoprene collar, and letting the aero system water the stem of the clone until it bears roots?
that is exactly got it perfect!
How often are you running the aero system to water the clones?
What % solution if any?
Thanks for any info you can give me.
your welcome
Again, great informative journal and i look forward to great things in the future. Thanks for posting.
your welcome again and thank you again.

wow nice grow!
thank you that means a lot to me coming from another student of the skool of fuct
Hope i can get where your at,
you already know you will...your grow is fanfuckintastic
I also put alot of money into my op. Maybe around 6-7grand as well.
worth every penny huh?
Good luck on the 2lbs =)
ya we'll see and thanks.

by the way monday i am putting a pictorial on taking cuttings for the aerocloner just like al did for rw until then:joint:


New Member
:mrgreen: Greeting all, sorry for the delay but here goes...i tried albfuct rw cloning and failed horribly and i kept hearing about i made one as you all know. now here's how i do it. if i leave anything out just post away...

but first let me quickly cover transplanting them into the flowering chamber.
when you see roots like these or better let's go!!!
i start with a 6'' square pot
then i fill it with about an inch and a half of granulated rockwool.
hold it like so,
and place it gently into the floc in a swirling motion.
then pour in the chunky perlite all the way up until the stem is covered enough to support the cutting.
then throw that bad girl in the flower hole and let er rip.
and then cry and curse the heavens as they begin to wilt over the next day or so.
i pour about a liter of nute solution from the res into the pots to wash the perlite and wet the medium. then let nature take it's course...well, man made nature anyway.

ok so now that that's over....we get there thusly...

i start with these big ass monster mommas!!!
cut her like crazy...i know your thinkin shit i could get a bunch of clones off that!!!
then i cut that bitch in half...she's been a bad girl outgrowing her mom chamber...we gotta teach her a lesson!
now i trim her up...look at the size of that thing...that's a huge bitch!!!
let's cut those fan leaves in half now!!!
there she is ready for her bath in ph'd water to 5.8 with 1.7 ml/l h2o2 with her sisters.
all the girls chillin in the pool. i get 5 per plant could do more but that's what i need for my op.
here's the same mom after the attack!!!
here she is again getting made fun of by all the other girls, little do they know .....they're next!
here are my home made neoprene collars...i cut a rapid rooter in half and split them...they work great and can be re-used!
grab the first victim then give her a gentle scrape of the old exactoknife just enuff to get some skin off!
then get your olivias cloing gel in a spoon and rub the stem in it up to where you scraped...not clump it on, just a light coat!
it should look something like this!

then grab you collar, open it up and put the stem in the slot leaving about an inch hanging below the rooter plug.
then stick it in the hole and....viola your a weed baron

i hope this helps someone out there.:peace: :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I too am running 2x4 tubs Al B Fuct style I really want to see how they look so close toghther. I am using 9'' pots for a total of 10 plants per tub. Nice grow looking forward to more.



Well-Known Member
i've heard that i should use 1/2 strength of what they suggest to prevent nute burn...anyone know if this is accurate?

I've heard start off with 1/4 strength for the first week or 2, then bring it up higher as the plant gets used to it, to 1/2 or 3/4 strength. unfortunately, I haven't seen many tips from the pro's regarding nute strength. maybe we need to read more books?


New Member
i was reading about the lucas formula where they only use micro and grow.
once i get used to it it will be like everything else in my op....almost perfect. jk


Well-Known Member
i was reading about the lucas formula where they only use micro and grow.
once i get used to it it will be like everything else in my op....almost perfect. jk

I've been using that method for flowering some hot pepper plants. about 3/4 strength right now. vegies are getting big pretty fast for only using 4 cfl's. I recommend the lucas formula. seems pretty solid


New Member
I've been using that method for flowering some hot pepper plants. about 3/4 strength right now. vegies are getting big pretty fast for only using 4 cfl's. I recommend the lucas formula. seems pretty solid
well i found the lucas thread and it confused me pretty quick so i'll leave it to better folks and just follow directions and use my meters to figure it out!

Sweet set up man.
thank you for checkin it out. a lot of hard work and cash go into these ops and it's nice when people like them....thanks for posting:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well i found the lucas thread and it confused me pretty quick so i'll leave it to better folks and just follow directions and use my meters to figure it out!

ask questions. that's what everyone's here for :)

basically, you leave out the floragro and add extra floramicro in it's place.