My pot movie

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Well-Known Member
i feel like im waiting for a sack!!!!but i already have one!!!!!!not bitching waiting for the minute,you may be right about the great u tube stoner crash of 2008


Active Member
lol, thats fuckin awesome!! he proly iz smokin a dutch sports right now like " fuck bdw ur killin me"!! He hasnt went to work for the past week because of the movie. His wife is mad because of the "financial uncertanties, not knowing when the police r gonna bust his door down" all because of bdw's movie> lol!! fucking hoff.


Well-Known Member
lol, thats fuckin awesome!! he proly iz smokin a dutch sports right now like " fuck bdw ur killin me"!! He hasnt went to work for the past week because of the movie. His wife is mad because of the "financial uncertanties, not knowing when the police r gonna bust his door down" all because of bdw's movie> lol!! fucking hoff.
someone needs to save this paragraph forever. hahaha, the funniest shit ever.bongsmiliebongsmilie

"yeah im shtoned, are you shtoned?"
I click because I love.
I link, therefore I am.

Boys, I fried a drive and had to recapture the episode from the native DV. I was having resource issues and deleted a bunch of files from my hard drive, only to fry my backup with a power surge when I hot swapped it to retieve the data. I had to recapture all the shots and name all the files to match the Premiere project -- then polish the edit all over. I'm still doing that now.

and resolve my backup issues before moving forward. It put me back two days. I'm back at it now putting the finishing touches on it.


Well-Known Member
Slappyboy aka fithy fletch?
BDW ain't technology wonderful!! I deal with digital shit all day at work if we loose power everyone runs around like a chicken with their head cut off haha. Data loss sucks ass even more so when you got all that work involved.
Much love BDW your loyal army of minions awaits patiently (well some of us).
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