My pot movie

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Well-Known Member
yea thats some sexy shit...hey wait a minute, something aint right here,its all wrong i said the opposite of that.
just kiddin
dude you fucking rock. i may even be somewhat in love. that may not sit too well with your wife, or you for that matter, seeing how i'm a man and all.
ha ha
oh well, i live all the way down in los angeles, so no worries.

seriously though, i loved your movie. i hated that it ended. i could watch for hours. hope that there are many more episodes to come.

may God bless you and keep you safe as you continue to do his/her work. (i personally feel that weed is an amazing gift from God).

take care pot stud!

so how are you going to include RIU? this should be interesting. exciting haha
Well, the year is over as you know. I'm just putting the show together. But you guys have been so good to me, I thought I'd show a debt of gratitude by including you in the movie. The idea was to do a throw away scene (a scene that fits but is not necessarily relevant). In it, I'll log on with the camera rolling -- just before harvest -- and read you guys cheering me on. I'll pick two or three individual posts and zoom in on them. Plus I'll zoom in on the rollitup logo. I'll make a comment about you guys being so supportive.


Well-Known Member
Thats Awsome Are The Man.....just Let Me Know When Its Ready Ill Get You Your Quarter Problem To Move It Here..


Active Member
Dam Man, I've Finish watching ur vidz just now.
man ur working hard to get ur life str8 and half
the thing u say on the vidz cracked me up.
"FUCK IT, Just Move On"
that a heart of a true G

i know i'm a lil late with this post but i hope u got that
fucking bank of ur back. the guy that left u a message on the 2nd vid i think?
need to light up a fuckin blunt and chill out.

Great Work, Keep It Up And Be Safe. There's "EYES" everywhere.
Can't Wait For The Next Vid :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Cant wait to get the dvd. BDW will you inform us of when your going to record us or is it gonna be a surprise sort of thing?:blsmoke:
Cant wait to get the dvd. BDW will you inform us of when your going to record us or is it gonna be a surprise sort of thing?:blsmoke:
I'll let you know with a couple of days advance. You can start posting your comments after that. I'll pick two or three when i'm ready to shoot. Don't expect it until sometime in the new year.


New Member
I've been thinking... that if you were to call someone a brown dirt warrior in my country, you'd most likely get a snapped jaw.

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