My pot movie

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Well-Known Member
nice story bdw, good to see this thread is still goin. so the helicopter didnt see you. or when you got sucked into that log did it put you in cover? peace


New Member
I wonder what the next installment is going to be like... come on BDW, you must be back from Afghanistan by now.

tell us how you defeated osamah bin-laden's troops and grew the green in the tyrants own back yard... or what about the time you and the A Team built that grow system to escape from colombia?


Sector 5 Moderator
There is only one place that a helicopter can't see you and that's directly in front/below you. They look way off in the distance and to the sides; if they fly right over you you're usually safe.


Well-Known Member
BDW why dont you post episode9??? Where is some harvest time? Recently you got a little (too much ) aggravated by innocent comment from a little girl. I guess it was frustration from things not going too well?


Too many brownies
BDW why dont you post episode9??? Where is some harvest time? Recently you got a little (too much ) aggravated by innocent comment from a little girl. I guess it was frustration from things not going too well?
why dont you get out of here with the degrading remarks...they were erased for a reason.

and calling her a "LITTLE GIRL" and highlighting it in red is definitely degrading.....
Why dont you grow up...little boy


Well-Known Member
NSW you are being oversensitive. what do you consider degrading remark? And what caused "little girl" appear in red I have not idea. Maybe some mod could tell us? If you want call me a little boy thats OK with me.
Hope I did not insult your God?? LOL


Well-Known Member
And I think BDW is just trying to make a few $$ by selling us DVD with ep9(harvest) included.


Well-Known Member
brown dirt is working on the new episodes, if youve followed this thread you'de kno that. there not all done he does them one at a time and when he finishes them he posts em. and he said the dvd aint gonna be out for a while so dont worry about buying that to see the rest. youll definetely see the rest of the episodes before the video comes out.


Well-Known Member
BDW why dont you post episode9??? Where is some harvest time? Recently you got a little (too much ) aggravated by innocent comment from a little girl. I guess it was frustration from things not going too well?
Im not a little girl! and don't start this shit in this thread again.
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