My pot movie

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Well-Known Member
It can't be too bad I guess if he's paying Tommy Chong $1000 a minute to be on the video. Also all that is seen isn't necessarily how it was exactly in the one season. The video represents all that HAS happened to him in the years of growing. It obviously cost a lot of money to put out a DVD. Anyways, to each their own I guess. Hehe. Good we're all different. :mrgreen: I have hundreds of DVDs but none exactly like this one (anymore). Like someone said earlier, it will be good to have in my collection. Love him or hate him theres no denying it's a well put together documentary minus the poor quality on youtube.


Well-Known Member
all the little kiddies will be soooo excited they will want to share it with their friends. should take about 2 days after the release date to find it.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
ima go find that shit secret agent man.
I think this is what he is reffering too:
"oh, don't worry, life goes on WAY beyond rollitup. In fact, I'm just getting going here with this. I understand why some don't want a guy around steeling the show. It's pathetic, but I understand it. one day soon they (and I mean the mods not the fans)will come to regret it. They are just exercising what little power they have in their little world"


"ROLLITUP has wrapped it up, I'm afraid. They banned me. Said I'm a spammer. Oh well. I came, I saw, I kicked some serious butt..."
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Weed Guy

Master Roller
Nah, Its if you go into settings you can choose how many posts load per page. If set mine to 40. Fdd has his set to 30 posts per page.
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