My poor seedlings


Well-Known Member
Wow what have you been reading? lol Sounds like you're over complicating things a bit? Your plants just needed a feed as there were no nutrients in the soil, now you've fed them they are looking very healthy now!! You might still lose those bottom leaves because of the nitrogen deficiency, but they are really coming back!

Just use normal tap water, you can let it stand for 24 hours first if you want. Add your nutrients, PH it and you're away.

Glad they are coming back to life!! :weed:


Thanks Neo, I think I've been reading too much. I had a difficult start, so now I'm paranoid that I'm going to screw things up again. lol I'm learning to leave them alone and just keeping an eye on them. I told myself to be patient and let them speak to me. lol


Heyall, my seedlings have been struggling to grow and you all helped me determine a nutrient deficiency was probably to blame, along with my impatience.

I'm growing in promix hp and feeding earth juice grow, catalyst, and microblast. I'm also using Humbolts Roots.

My tap water TDS is 252 and ph is 9.2 out of the tap. At last feeding I used 1Tbsp Grow, 1tsp Catalyst, 1tsp Microblast, and 2ml Roots per gallon of water. I aerated the solution for 24 hours and the ph was 4.5 and the tds was 443 (tap water/nutrients combined). I used GH ph up to bring the ph up to 5.8. I fed my plants and see growth, but they still seem to be nutrient deficient.

After reading the earth juice faqs I don't think I should have raised the ph of the nutrient solution. I tested a soil slurry and the root zone ph was 6.7.

I just mixed up another batch of nutrients and I increased the earth juice grow by 1Tbsp. The tds is still under 500 ppm combined and the ph is 4.4. I'm aerating it until they need fed.

I'm following the recommended amounts on the bottles for medium strength. Shouldn't the ppm be higher? If my tap water is 250 ppm, then there is less than 200 ppm of nutrients in solution.

Anyone have experience with earth juice products,or growing in promix hp?



No, I sure didn't pick the easiest growing method. lol Sorry for getting long winded in my post. I'm using tbsp. and tsp. measurements with liquid nutrients. I've added them at medium strength according to what's on the bottle.

After reading the tutorial you so kindly shared and the following post, I'm only going to feed with ph'd water next.

Still confused about my tds readings. What do you think the easiest growing method is? I like promix a lot but there is definitely a learning curve. lol


Well-Known Member
It just seems that if you look up pro-mix all people have to say is that they are having PH problems, and it's the same with Earth Juice!! Add in your dodgy water and you're on a hiding to nothing!

Have you got any pics of as they are now?


Yea, fortunately these seeds were given to me. I want to get this right so I don't screw up anything on my next grow. Just read the following paragraph on another site. I've been using the GH pH kit so I've actually been killing beneficial bacteria in the nutes. Geeze....should have read a whole lot more before I started this grow lol

Using an inorganic pH adjuster (like the pH Up and Down that come with most pH adjustment kits, for example the General Hydroponics pH kit) will actually damage your microherd (beneficial bacteria) and can set your plants back as far as nutrient breakdown / absorption is concerned.
