my plants


Well-Known Member

The 3 in the middle look like they're suffering from some kind of nutrient burn or deficiency. The one on the far left is stretched like a sonofagun, probably because the lights are too far away and/or not enough light to begin with.


Active Member
I'm still working on my first grow so from exp i don't know much. I do read a lot and since no one else had made a post yet i'll throw my two cents in and say you need better lighting. what kind of strain is it? and what kind of light cycle you been using ?


Well-Known Member
You need a load more lights if you want a crop from them,simple as that,otherwise they look ok for what you have made available to them.
All the nutes in the world don't mean shit if they don't have the light to synthesise them:leaf:


Well-Known Member
yeh , lights a bit lacking . . though if they had a reflective veg room it would get to them a bit better . .
couple look droopy , could be due to stretchin, maybe a bit underwatered? lackin sum nutes on sum , but burns with others!? hmm
if u dont wanna go get a whole pile of more stuff , maybe just give a couple a go at a time , till u find the swing of things


Active Member
yeah they were dropping bc it was to hot in the room but i got that taken care of im planning on buying more lights but idk when lol will they bud with them lights if i get more? the cups do have holes at the bottom too.


Active Member
what do you mean what kind of strain is it? lol i know nothing about growing weed really i grew one plant over the summer outside but its easier outside cause it can just grow by its self. and my light cycle is 24 hours on all the time


Well-Known Member
dont grow with those lights use these and your electricity wont go up and you will get big fat buds but make sure you get both red and blue spectrums.

42 watt average $10.00 each

65 watts, = $23.99 average price

85 Watt, average $29.00 each

105 watt average $38.99 each

Or Look for Clamp Reflectors and Bulbs together:

buy these lights and you wont be dissappointed good luck on the grow:):):):):):):):)


Active Member
thanks i was planning on buying them lights but i gotta wait to get some more money lol i have one of them clamps too ill use that. my leafs are starting to turn in though what does that mean?


Active Member
ok i got one of them lamps that you siad and i have two of them lights now and the big flourecant light. does anyone know why there dieing though like the center leaves are so green but the outside leaves are turning yellow and dying. i think its like nitrogen deficiency but im not sure. how do i fix it?



Well-Known Member
ok i got one of them lamps that you siad and i have two of them lights now and the big flourecant light. does anyone know why there dieing though like the center leaves are so green but the outside leaves are turning yellow and dying. i think its like nitrogen deficiency but im not sure. how do i fix it?
Repot those immediately into bigger pots,when you do this make sure that you teasle out some of the root mass from the bottom of the ball:leaf:


Man those girls look like the need to smk a joint:eyesmoke: lol....(prob wont help ur girls, but itll make u feel better)

x2, Need re potted asap