my plants, My problem


Well-Known Member
wow great 2 b ere guys.

My plants,
I have 15 female knights templar from seed.
vegged for 3 week.
They have been flowering for 4 days

This pic taken yesterday

Here is my problem,

Thats only on 1 plant & 1 leaf ? Is it something to be worried about?

here is a video i made of my plants from seed to now please watch & tell me what you think?
I will keep updating the video from seed to smoke,

anyone guess my yield?


Well-Known Member
thats pretty a pretty high expectation man. i think you'd be better off hopin for an average of 2, but even that is really good.


Well-Known Member
same plant last grow i had 3 plants, cut in total when dry 11 1/2 oz under 1 600watt
so 15 under 2 600 watt hps sounds right. ????