My plants lost their smell second week into bloom. Any ideas why?

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
Genetics. Be thankful. I had a strain I could smell long before I could see it. If I could smell it, others could smell it. The strains I'm growing now are faint, but have a nice scent after cure. One doesn't really have a smell after cure.

I guess you could throw some aromatic buds in with your less stank dank for "bag appeal".
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Well-Known Member
I just researched all the reasons for bone meal. It's the phosphorus also in flower. I'm using a boost so I think I should stop the bone meal? The boost is 2-45-28. And my bulking agent is 0-10-0. That's high enough right? I just started the 2-45-28 today. That's why in the back of my mind I was thinking I no longer need the bone meal?


Well-Known Member
I just researched all the reasons for bone meal. It's the phosphorus also in flower. I'm using a boost so I think I should stop the bone meal? The boost is 2-45-28. And my bulking agent is 0-10-0. That's high enough right? I just started the 2-45-28 today. That's why in the back of my mind I was thinking I no longer need the bone meal?
Yes you can stop using the boost. You should be fine with have you have going on now as well as the earlier application of your bone meal.
What does the term "chemical buds " mean?
I believe that it's a term that is used when you add a shit ton of synthetics into your plants and don't flush them at the end of the grow. Non flushed chem weed tastes like crap for the most part.


Well-Known Member
I just started the boost yesterday. It's the bone meal I'm considering stopping, its a pain in the ass!


Well-Known Member
Are all bottled nutes considered synthetics? I'm using the Botanicare line.
Not all bottled nutes are considered synthetic but it's one of those pissing match type conversations though. Some swear by synthetics and others by organic. Then there is veganic...... I say use what you know and can afford and what works for you. :)


Well-Known Member
Hi, I noticed 2 leaves today that look funky! I don't know if they're just naturally dying or there's a problem. Here's pics of them, Any ideas? Thanks


Well-Known Member
The dark spots look like some little bug bites, I don't know if it's really anything to worry about though as long as it's not like an infestation. It's outdoors!

The lighter spots I'm not sure about. Could be where water splashed on there and dried, leaving a little residue or it could be a mildew or something. I'm mostly an indoor grower so I can't diagnose that one as well from the pic

If it were me I'd probably just take that one leaf off it won't hurt anything


Well-Known Member
I didn't. Just abiut 5 per plant to get better sun on little ones and air flow. I didn't scres them up did I?


Well-Known Member
Spots look like they are from overfeeding or a possible deficiencies. There is a chart floating around on the internet that will display deficiencies in MMJ leaves.

Here you go.

Removing those leaves aren't going to do anything if you don't sort out the issue. Think that you have a little too many nutes going in with you using the bloom booster and liquid bone meal. I would recommend hitting them with straight water for a week and go back to your usual feeding schedule.

About defoliating. You can pull those leaves and you should be good to go. I just try to make sure that I don't take any leaves that are directly supporting buds. You should see more and more yellowing kicking in now that we are hitting the end of flowering and you will be fine to remove those leaves as they die off. I usually give them a little tug and they come off. If they don't I leave them there to die off in a few days and come back to pull them.


Well-Known Member
Wow, thank you soon much. I only found 3 leaves like that on 1 plant and 1 on another. and it wasnt really noticeable except for the fact that I'm anal as hell! I actually stopped the bone meal and wondered if that might be it. On the 2 I stopped are the ones that had the funky leaves. But they're quite a bit smaller and possibly the boost was too much. I'm just terrified at this point to have come so far and lose them now. Do u think trimming a few leaves will have hurt anything? There's still ALOT on there, just fan leaves to get better light and airflow


Well-Known Member
Wow, thank you soon much. I only found 3 leaves like that on 1 plant and 1 on another. and it wasnt really noticeable except for the fact that I'm anal as hell! I actually stopped the bone meal and wondered if that might be it. On the 2 I stopped are the ones that had the funky leaves. But they're quite a bit smaller and possibly the boost was too much. I'm just terrified at this point to have come so far and lose them now. Do u think trimming a few leaves will have hurt anything? There's still ALOT on there, just fan leaves to get better light and airflow
I wouldn't trim unless the leaf is damaged or it's not going to support any buds but you can do what you like. It's all about figuring out what you can and can't do. :)