My plants leave turned Black and crumpled overnight!?! Whyyyy !?

Can these recover

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I was having issues with my plants getting eaten with bugs and I had some signs of spider mites. I went to my local hydro shop and they recommended organicide 3in1 bee safe spray. It said to French the leaves in them. I used this about a month ago and it worked well to repel the pest issues. I used it again 2 night ago and today I came out to ALL of my plant pretty much dead but in a way I ha e never seen before. All the leave have turned BLACK and crumpled. I will post pics but I have never seen this before and dont know if it's from the organicide since nothing like this happened the first time I used it. Anyone ever see anything like this before or have any idea why this happened and if these are even salvageable at this point. I have put a lot of money and time Into this grow so to see if all plant die overnight is a bad hit. I'll just say I'm reallllly bumming rn.20190817_075156.jpg 20190817_075156.jpg 20190817_075135.jpg 20190817_075141.jpg 20190817_075050.jpg
Have you tried spraying with a couple drops of dawn in a spray bottle? I'd be flushing the leaves STAT! Beats watching them die.
No the yellowing was starting a little before. I was using organic roots for soil all in 10 gallon pots. I was using uprising grow and bloom for nutrients. But it was as soon as I sprayed them with this organicide 3 in 1 bee safe shit my hydro shop told me to use that this happened. The yellowing wasnt bad before idk if that was a ph issue in the soil or some kinda of deficiency but idk why it would be that bc I been feeding them nutrients consistently
This is how they looked about a month and a half ago before I got them all in 10 gallons. I'm guna go spray them down with water now to try and rinse this shit off and give them a possible chance to bounce back but judging from how they look right now idk if they will make it.


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Wow so I just realized that this 2nd bottle i got of it is concentrated and needs to be diluted. The first stuff I bought, same stuff, just came in a spray bottle must have been already pre diluted. I had used this product 2 times b4 so I didnt think it even came in a concentrate so i just went and used it as i had in the past when i didnt have any problems. Well now atleast i know why it happened. I tried to rinse with the flat mode on my house. Tons of leaves fell off and 1 of the ones I had topped actually split at the point where the branches split off. Had to use twist wire to hold it back together hopefully it will come back but I dont have much faith. From how they look I think I'll be lucky if 2 of the 7 make it but wont be surprised if they all die. Damn man I cant believe I didnt pay more attention to the bottle. Fuckin rookie mistake. Hard to get past this one after all the money and time I put into these but I guess I just gotta take it as a learning experience and move foward in life cant let this bring me down to much.
I'm guna let em sit and see what happens. If these thing end up bouncing back I'm going to be in disbelief at how resilient this plant can be. I'm just afraid it's too late now and too much damage has been done. 600 dollars later and at least 50 hours man work single handed makes this one rough. Especially since I was depending on this harvest going well to help me financially since I been outa work from a horrible car crash for almost a year now and I just found out my insurance is guna be taking a 14k lean out on whatever my settlement comes too. So I was expecting 2 big payouts commin in the near future and now I'm lookin at 1 small one which will be spent before I get it on medical Bill's..whoopie. I gotta go smoke a joint before I spray myself down with the fuckin concentrate outa pure life frustration haha