my plants got ripped fuckkkkkkkkk


Well-Known Member
Wait for some asshole on here to start a thread bragging on how he took plants from his Someone expecting us all to say wow your cool and then instead we all rip him a new asshole for being a pot thief. I love those threads. Thieving fucking bastards anyways. Oh and the smoking and eating shrooms and doing the pills and beer, What the hell do it just don't "over do it" and here is the lesson in my post NEVER TELL OR SHOW ANYONE YOUR GROW EVER!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
A good CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) System has cameras with motion detection. Plus a DVR (Digital Video Recorder) that can be setup to capture 24/7 video footage for a month at a time. Not to mention PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom) cameras that can be setup to move to certain areas and then move to another area, basically creating a self driven security tour of all the areas you want to look at, it can zoom in and out, move up and down and 360 degrees around and the good ones have special IR (Infrared) capture lenses and IR emitting LED's that the human eye cannot see, but to the camera it turns night into day.

You 'll pay out the ass for one of theses systems though $5000-$7000. The Outdoor cameras are also housed in vandal resistant housings and can be upgraded to ballistic resistant quality. Not something the average joe can completely setup, but any intelligent person can read the manuals and get the basics working.


Well-Known Member
Like i said........ Pot theives should be castrated. I mean we grow are babies from seed and give em what they want for 3-5 months and then someone takes it. All that hard work and attention down the drain. I know i become attached. Maybe im just being dramatic. But i know it's wrong to take something that isn't yours.



Active Member
guess what guys i went back to my site to grab a shovel that i left behind (was my wife's shovel and i told her that a friend was borrowing it hahaha). on the way back i thought i heard a deer. i looked to my rear and saw 2 middle aged guys wandering.... in my mind i thought who would be wandering in a forest at 11:30 at night...fucking theives. i walked toward them with my handy winchester blade(wife bought it). as i approached them i could smell a stench of refeer.. BAM in my mind i thought fuck its gonna be a fight..... they flashed a flash light at me as i got to them, i asked them normal questions, they seemed to be nervous, so i knew for sure they were the thieves. i pulled out my blade and said if u still have my plants give all of it back or better pay up to the price of my two plants or your throat gets this time both were about to shit in their of them said as he reached for his pocket take my wallet he said i have about 1200 dollars in thier is that enough.....i took the wallet and got all of the money... i let both of them go.. i as walked back they called for me so i came back to them i apolized with thier hearts out and everything, gave me their numbers so that we can smoke sometimes and will give back my girls back which are now drying they said..........bad situation but i guess this one turned out okay....

this shows the danger of desperality :fire:and positive socialality:weed:of the holy herb.:peace:


Well-Known Member
how the hell wowwwww man u just got lucky ass hell thats unbelievable the two dudes were sitting at the scene of the crime


Well-Known Member
LMAO...Dude you dont need to impress ur self on here...That was the the lamest STORY ive ever heard no offense man...


Active Member
u know what i was so fucken happy and anxious to tell the rollitup comunity but i guess trust and belief in each other doesnt exist so called STORY does sound fakeass hell but i just fucken people who can predict the future and know if someone is lying.....i fucken miss


Well-Known Member
Then go back?

Sorry bro but not really believable is all im sayin...Why would the guy have 1200 bucks in his wallet at 1130 at night anyways?


Active Member
fuck it guys just imagined i never told any of this to you guys okay. btw overgrow was shutdown....btw those 2 guys were some spoiled ass white guys and also smelled like sinsimilla (probaly trying to look for more plants to steal and sell).when i confronted them they were scared as shit they knew i was the farmer. if a knife was pulled on ur guys throat u wouldve tried to bribe...

smokeablunt did u ever tell somebody something unbelievable or anything and that person didnt believe you,, did that kill ur mood that u were in before u told the person...

i shouldve never posted this shit up,,, fucked up my buzz.


Well-Known Member
I believe it to some extent..just think some things were a little pushed outta proportion...calm down bro..But yes i do agree i wouldve bribed as well but not 1200 bucks...

N yea i get wut ur sayin about ppl not believin ya when u tell them somethin crazy..


Active Member
like i said everybody jux pretend i never told this story okay, i guess i know what and what not to post up anymore...
smokablunt16 thanks for understanding for some extent, how about we jux chill and spark a fattie...

keep it green everybody


Well-Known Member
of course, ive done that many a times, and also one night, the night i got expelled from high school before grad with an 83 average? i was quite pissed,(dont worry i got my diploma and have university plans now, just fucked up) i popped 12.3 of dried shrooms smoked 3 grams of hash in botle tokes and blazed down 26 grams with me and my one buddy, wow i was fucked, the shrooms lasted 16 hours it was fucked up
*leans to the left and coughs 'bullshit'*


Well-Known Member
Then go back?

Sorry bro but not really believable is all im sayin...Why would the guy have 1200 bucks in his wallet at 1130 at night anyways?
that's it right pull a knife on me, on my way to jack your weed spot....and i'd fuckin shoot you. period. im not a theif, but im not stupid either.