My plant's fan leaves dried up n died overnight.

trash or rescue her?

  • Trash it...

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So I set up a fan in my grow room, but evidently it was too strong for my mid-grade plant. Overnight she's shriveled and dried up. (Pic below) should I trim all the dead leaves and try and rescue her? Or trash her? Notice that the Kush (Jack Herer) plant, in the back, didnt mind the fan too much.. opinions?IMG_20140625_131647_0.jpg


Well-Known Member
Avoid cutting off any leaves, better for you to find the correct cause or suffer further embarrassment, in future grows, best I can add is keep a temp gauge in there, and find the cause, which on face value appears as as heat exhaustion ...!
But it GOT TOO COLD bc of the fan. It got down to 65 I'm thinking. So It wasn't quite heat exhaustion. I know jute burn is occurring but at the moment I can't fix that tho..
Im thinking of getting a timer for my fan. Alternating on and off every hour or half hour? That'd keep the air circulating enough but not too cold. What do u think? I can't control of my lights pretty well manually.
It's really easy to over water my plants since theyre in a small pot, so I may have. But I've done it before and the leaves didn't completely dry up n look like they have now. So I'm confused again. I feel like Kelso from 70's Show trying to grow chronic...
Idk if it was cold, hot, dehydrated, or wtf man.. I got like 280 Watts total CFL them. Watering just a little each day the soil is dry.. added ventilation. Bought a timer for fan. Ugh..


Well-Known Member
It didn't have enough water. Leaves only shrivel/wilt like that when there is no water pressure.

The one on the left is basically dead and will probably not recover. If it does, it will still likely be faster to just start a new seed or clone.

It's also likely you have a potassium deficiency, as potassium is mostly responsible for regulating osmotic pressure. Sufficient levels of potassium makes plants a lot more resilient to water stress