My plants are unhealthy, help


Active Member
My plants are outdoors, about 2 1/2 weeks old and are doing poorly. Looks like I might have some kind of bugs although I can't see them. The leaves are "light" green, very slow growing, stunted. The leaves have white and brown spots and places where the leaves are being eaten. Can I spray them and with what?

I planted germinated seeds in Miracle Grow Garden Soil with some sand and compost, watered every other day. I have some in a vegetable garden where the veges are doing great but the weed isn't.

Thanks, The Dude



Well-Known Member
hiya the_dude,
Well firstly, its normally not a good idea to plant were u have had previously growing vegtables. They take certain nutrients (NPK) from the soil and depreieve it totally of one nutrient, also disrupts the PH value. Ever wonder why a farmer never has the same plants in his fields year to year? My grandfather rotates his crops every second year, depending on what hes growing.
Also ur plant will be susceptable to fungis/disease from any plants from before, insects lying eggs in soil etc etc. If u do plant outside (i can be wrong here), use good fresh soil, cos the soil in ur garden will be fairly hard stuff. Ive never grew outside, but if i did i think id dig a hole and get acouple of grow bags, for the soil.

Cant say if ur plants are diseased or infested with bugs???


neem oil

works wonderfully, gets rid of all sorts of things....

also you could introduce predator bugs into your garden... they would protect everything you got growing in there (i.e. ladybugs for aphids, praying mantis, predator mights - they eat spider mites... just to name a few)


Active Member
So, this could be insects or fungus?

Are the plants too young to spray?

I have six plants in three different places, different light, same soil, same condition.


no, the neem oil won't hurt em... but when you spray make sure to cover the tops and bottoms of them leaves...


Well-Known Member
I have had a minor problem with pests of some kind, the only thing I
can see with my eyes are little black gnat looking things with clear wings
hanging out on a couple of my plants. I used neem/soap about 5 days ago-
dosen't seem to have made a dent- they are still there ( or have come right