my plants are dying!!


Active Member
i have 5 plants about 3-4 weeks old that were doing excellent, then a heat wave hit and wilted all of them. i nursed three back to health and the main leaves on the other two are dead or dying but the smaller leaves still show life. should i bother with the dying ones or is there a way to revive them quickly? im using fairly large pots with all the same medium of tomato soil and sand, a fair amount of water, with the temerature at about 25 celcius. any suggestions?


Cool down your roots and keep the soil moist. Check lighting and ventilation. It would be very good to raise the lamp to 15 inches It really sounds like the entire room needs a cool down. Put a moister hood over the plants and put them back into a kind of dormant healing stage. Keep them all alive. That is the only way you will learn and get close to your plants which makes all the difference.